Well... I used to enjoy the earlier parts. Haven't played neither of the two Assassin's Souls parts yet so I suppose I could chime in.
I'm not optimistic. Afterall the Assassin's Creed movie was one of the worst videogame adaptations I've ever seen.
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Yeah the movie was rubbish. Lets hope they don't try and use that as the basis for the series, or it will suck.
I have played all the games, and I have mostly enjoyed them, but more for the action than the deep plot, the modern day stuff is especially stupid. But I'd be satisfied if all they did is a live action version of the Ezio story. But maybe with netflix's penchant for strange casting they would mess up the characters and ruin that memory for everyone who enjoyed AC II.
EDIT: By the way you should give odyssey a try one day. I had a bit of burn out on the series but odyssey has really clicked for me. It helps that the ship combat is as good as it was in Black flag.
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By the way you should give odyssey a try one day.
I intend to. I've been keeping an eye on the PSN prices for Origins and Odyssey but what seems a bit odd to me is while Odyssey gets decent discounts regularly, Origins only has sales every 3rd or 4th time Odyssey does. Maybe Origins perfomed better than Odyssey or what's up with that?
Only the PS4 versions are relevant to me since my PC can't handle a game like Assassin's Creed.
I'm also not particularly thrilled Ubisoft is still asking 100€ base price for the Gold edition of a game that was published in late 2017. But Assassin's Creed is a very popular franchise so I suppose they won't drop the price as long as still enough people are willing to pay what they are asking.
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Yeah I don't get their pricing model either. And while they seem happy to include the base game in good deals, they know that people will want the DLC as well so they keep the 'gold edition' price up. I got odyssey in the summer steam sale, but only because I had birthday money, and with my regional pricing it worked out alright. But it's still one of the more expensive games I've bought in recent years.
There's actually quite a few Ubisoft games I want to try such as a Far cry 5, and ghost recon wildlands, but the prices never seem to go down enough to match what I'd be willing to pay. AC ranks higher in the equation, so I am willing to pay a bit more.
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Yeah, with ~ 35 - 37 € for Origins (Gold Edition) in the latest sales (I noticed) they're not very far off my sweet spot but I think they can still do a little better.
Basically Ubisoft and I are playing Don't Flinch! and I won't be the one to buckle first. So many other great games to play 😅
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I got a completly different opinion: The last two games don't have anything to do with Assassins Creed anymore. They are pretty much "Generic Action RPG Game" Part 1 and Part 2.
Not to say that Syndicate and Unity were all that great games but they still were Assassins Creed games.
It all went downhill after the Ezio trilogy, with a short high for Black Flag but mainly for the setting and the ship combat.
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Well, I must admit. Black Flag was het 1st AC game I really played from A to Z.
After that odyssey and origins. I have no special AC feeling or about how it should be. Nor do I care about any AC lore. They are just games I enjoyed immensely. And at the end of the day, that matters most to me.
Generic? That would be too harsch imo but I get your point. But thats how I like it
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I am at the point in Odyssey now where I need to wrap it up and finish it, but I don't really want to, because there will be that sadness that comes after beating a game you've enjoyed.
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I put around 140h in that game (which is an enormous amount for me) and I'm really done with it.
Maingame was awesome. Blade dlc was OK. Atlantis dlc was meh. I really rushed the last 5 hours of Atlantis to get it over with.
So no sadness for me ;), just glad it was done. And it had to be done.
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I hear you! With my big games I tend to 'pace' myself, so I don't get burned out on them. Because I also find by the end of a long game where I've spent over a hundred hours on it, I can just want to get it out the way eventually. So I'll play it spread over many months, go back to it after some breaks and I find I enjoy it a lot more that way. It took me about a year to beat hitman 2 and I was still enjoying it by the end, despite spending 160 hours playing it.
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Yeah it is. They bring out 10 games a year on every platform you can imagine. I already pre-ordered the tamagotchi version this month, and was going to play the smart fridge version in a bit when I make myself some coffee. They ran out of historical time frames so the new ones are set in space and you play as an alien assassin, tasked with killing the main bad guy, Varth Dader. Exciting stuff!
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I did enjoy the Witcher series so I will remain optimistic.
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Hard to judge now...could be great, could be awful but I'm probably going to watch it either way.
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I guess the trailers will be the starting point to know and if they are only looking to start the project now, it could be a few years before we see anything.
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I have liked all Assassin Creed games so far, even if they are "generic action RPG" games .. The story is pretty cool, characters usually are awesome as well, the open world setting is brilliant and trying to bring in some historic events as well is usually nice touch.
I did like how they made Witcher so I hope they will stay true to the original story and wont change much in it. I actually liked gameplay from modern times in the first games quit a lot so I would love to see episodes of that as well.
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i am giving them the benefit of the doubt. but i am afraid they will be overly political correct trying to include all races genders and whatever they come up with tring not to 'exclude' anyone.
I like things to be a bit autentic and historically correct. like if a show has germans in WW2 i want them to speak german. if its about medieval scotland or the viking age i would like the characters to look the part. if its about ancient slavery from afrika i expect the same...
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It's Ubisoft so I'm afraid your concerns are justified.
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Well, they managed to totally screw up the movie with a big budget so I'm not holding much hope for that one. Knowing it comes from Netflix makes it even more of a dicey proposition, as they are now into the business of making headlines with shows but not putting much into it and then tossing them on the cancelation pile as soon as they're done reaping the benefits of the hype.
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I will give them benefit of the doubt seeing that they managed to make a somewhat decent adaption of the witcher altough I would not get my hopes up.
Anyway you might want to check out the steam sale if I am not mistaken Far Cry 5 is currently 80% off.
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Movie was awful. I think, that series will be same. Like Witcher
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i didn't played any Ac game after AC rogue because of poor story. Lets hope they got better story than last 3 or 4 AC games:)
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So apparently Netflix is looking to develop a TV series based on the Assassin's Creed world in conjunction with Ubisoft.
I think I'll reserve judgement until I've seen some trailers, but netflix did manage to make a witcher series that didn't suck, so maybe this will also be ok. Of course the lore of the AC universe is a bit of a mess, and they seem intent on shoving the modern day plot mcguffin down our throats so I guess how good it is will depend a lot on how much 'Abstergo' is in the plot.
I wonder which time setting they will focus on, and if we'll have any recognisable characters from the series. The advantage they have is that the series moves between time frames, so if they played it clever they could keep the series fresh across multiple seasons.
Anyway, I know not everyone is a fan of the series or ubisoft in general, but for those who enjoy the series, I thought this might be of interest. Thoughts?
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