Hello, I was just thinking about some of games that weren't really popular but still great and I thought that maybe we can make kind of list of titles of games which should we check.

My propositions:

Evil Island - one of the first crpg 3d titles I was avaible to play with huge pleasure. I may be wrong but it is russian game with really interesting plot and so amazing mechanic system.

Dispel - hack'n'slash, that you can hate and love at the same time. It was so bugged that you couldn't finish game until few month later they release patches fixing that. But still gameplay was so great and dark world so interesting that it was pleasure to play it again and explore world EDIT: Now when I think about that's probably the RAREST game I've ever played :D If someone will find place when it can be bought or downloaded I'll be grateful

Edit: Short description to each one would be great :D

8 years ago*

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Binary Domain is one of them, awesome gameplay and great story.

8 years ago

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I second to that, this game is made of gold and win.

8 years ago

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try Unepic!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Atlantis: The Lost Empire - Seems like a run-on-the-mill 3D action adventure platform... whatever, but it's just so great. Has all the clichΓ©s from the book for a generic game, but it's done so well, it's still among my favourites. Don't expect it to follow the film too closely though, but surprisingly, it's just great. Wish there was a PC port.

Bad Mojo - Hard to sum up, but here goes. You're a man turned into a cockroach due to a cursed medal, and you have to embark on gaming's biggest fetch quest to regain your true form. Its FMV cutscenes are delightfully over-acted, and the game is just so gross. I mean, it's an apartment up real close, what would you expect? Otherwise, you'll never play anything like this anywhere.

Giants: Citizen Kabuto - TPS/RTS hybrid that works. And it has jetpacks, and sometimes its jokes are actually funny.

Viriax - One of the best free indie titles out there. It's hard as nails, and there's nothing quite like it out there. Completely original, I love it.

Flywrench - One of the best free indie titles out there. It's hard as nails, and the... waitaminute. Yeah, it's another indie darling out there, also free. This one's among my all time favourites too.

Okay I got bored, take these and enjoy.

8 years ago

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I've always wondered if Giants was any good, or if it was just because I was a squishy-brained youngin' when it came out. I remember that I really loved how there are the three different factions that play so differently.

8 years ago

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Only one way to find out in these cases: play the games again now and see how they hold up. This is where Atlantis surprised me the most from this list, but Kabuto prevails as well.

8 years ago

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Have played Alien rage for a bit. MP is Kal drogo dead, but its quite good. Frustrating as hell, but i think its decent.

8 years ago

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Deception 3: Dark Delusion

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Trapt was actually the fourth game from Deception series.
And i didn't liked it as much i like Deception 3 :P

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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Super Panda Adventures, really good metroidvania. Panda needs more love.

8 years ago

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I've really enjoyed what I've played of it!

8 years ago

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I recently made giveaways for these and would recommend them:

Caves of Qud
Dungeon Souls

8 years ago

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Darkest Hour
Very good 1ww-early cold war grand strategy.It's a bit old but still very good

8 years ago

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UnderRail : a really great post-apocalyptic isometric RPG.
Also you can choose between two systems of experience gain : a classic system and one that rewards exploration rather than combat

8 years ago

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Heavy breathing

8 years ago

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same here:-P

8 years ago

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Based on your profile pic, I'd say you would enjoy this game :D

8 years ago

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It'll be a long time until I get there :D Started Inquisitor last week, forgot about it, started Baldur's Gate today... I have to catch up with the DnD stuff :D

8 years ago

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My list:
Agarest: Generations of War - HUGE tactic jrpg, involves dating and then playing as your offspring.
Ballpoint Universe: Infinite - solid horizontal shooter with really nice aesthetics.
Consortium - RPG/Adventure/FPS. You have to talk to your crewmates and try to prevent an international crysis.
Cloudbuilt - nice looking run n gun. More run less gun.
Double Dragon Neon - DUH.
Strider - Double DUH.
Whole Endless series - Awesome 2 4x games and one interesting roguelike/tower defence. Known but not well enough, since Legend hasn't topped Civilization Beyond yet.
Inquisitor - oldschool rpg from Czech company. You can torture people and spend over 100 hours following the story and fighting enemies.
Karmaflow: Rock Opera Videogame - title says it all.
Merchants of Kaidan - Merchant sim.
Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae - hawt babe slashes demons with katana, you can't go wrong with this one.

8 years ago

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"You can torture people ' - my dreams just come true :D

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thanks for mentioning Inquisitor. I really like this one.
Great game from Czech devs is Original War. RTS / survival, where every man (or woman) counts. With very well implemented rpg system and good branching story.

8 years ago

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Fight The Dragon-

Awesome Mix of Player Created Database of over 1000+ hours and Randomly generated dungeons and levels to grab the best loot, check it out! its well fun.

8 years ago

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It get's kinda boring after a while.

8 years ago

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Judge Dredd: Dredd vs Death
Bet on Soldier

8 years ago

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Nihilumbra - I absolutely adored the story portion of the game, and for those who enjoy a real challenge, what comes AFTER the story is incredibly challenging!
Zafehouse Diaries - Oh my gosh, so good! _ Absolutely addictive turn-based strategy/survival game.
A Vampyre Story - The humor is a bit on the juvenile side, but I enjoyed the heck out of this point-and-click.
Sacra Terra: Angelic Night - I was surprised at how good this IHOG ended up being
(All of the above links to go my reviews -- scroll up one post to see where you can get the games)

(All of the below have reviews, too, but I'm too lazy to link them -- you can find the review links HERE.)
Nevertales: The Beauty Within - Voted the best IHOG of 2013, and for good reason!
Shiver 1: Vanishing Hitchhiker - Deeply environmental IHOG, truly shiver-worthy
Ghost in the Sheet - I don't know what it was about this game, but I enjoyed it SO MUCH! I don't know if it's available anymore.
Runespell Overture - Battle solitaire/RPG! Who'd a thunk it would work so well?
ENSLAVED: Odyssey to the West - This game really deserves more attention... I would've immediately started it over again if I hadn't had so many games in my backlog!
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood - I adored the gameplay in this platformer, and the graphics are outstanding!
Tormentum: Dark Sorrow - a casual adventure game that is both dark and fascinating to look at. Two possible endings!

I've reviewed WAY more IHOG's than anything else, but if you scroll down to the second post of my reviews, you'll find the most-recent games I've played, which are more mainstream for the Steam crowd.

8 years ago*

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I wanted to get Enslaved on the summer sale, but i was out of money ! the game looks really good and fun D: , i had to put it on my wishlist so be on touch to know when it goes on sale ! :P

8 years ago

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It'll go on sale for $5 again, and when it does, grab it! Definitely worth it!

8 years ago

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Yesh ! i will ! the game looks really interesting do :P

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'll show you a few steam games that have been released within the past year that i've been given the chance to review and have really enjoyed!
Contradiction Store Page My Review
Skyforce anniversary Store Page My Review
Color Guardians Store Page My Review

8 years ago

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"Hostile Waters" only one I can think of right now...a true gem

8 years ago

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Letter Quest
That game really surprised me. Didn't expect to enjoy it that much.

8 years ago

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As usual, nobody mentions poor Legend Entertainment and their whole pile of top games;-(

8 years ago

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Some games with pretty good story are
Ether One - You play as a Restorer and try to alter the memories of a patient with dementia in order to help him.
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy - You must uncover the man behind the mysterious murders done by strangers who don't remember anything about them.
Remember Me - You play as Nilin who must escape prison and regain her memory after it was erased by the Memorize corporation. There's a lot more to it and I might've explained it poorly.

8 years ago

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Oh yes Fahrenheit is great, but recently there were HD remake so it become a bit more popular :D And to be honest ending sucks

8 years ago

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I don't think they've improved anything. I mean the graphics look the same. There are 3 endings and if I remember correctly I think I got the good one because I wanted all THE POWAH but yeah it wasn't that memorable.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Septerra Core, still hands down one of my favorite RPGs. It's an older game but the story is decent and the combat is easy to get into, the graphics are a bit dated though.


8 years ago

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8 years ago

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It's not THAT grindy. But yeah, the maze area with the 3 boss fights under the palace sucked. I'd almost forgotten about that.

8 years ago

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Warhammer 40 000: Chaos Gate comes to mind since it came to GOG couple of days ago :) This rough and surprisingly less known gem just has it all (allthough it is a bit dated on visual side):
-Fighting against Chaos forces as underdog, especially if you lose precious battle brothers in earlier missions, is so rewarding!
-Manage your Space Marines: select different load outs, merge squads, change their names to suit your needs
-Epic music which would be good enough for the Emperor! Really!

Chaos Gate: http://www.gog.com/game/warhammer_40000_chaos_gate

You can also check Final Liberation, this games big brother since it offers you a war on bigger scale: http://www.gog.com/game/final_liberation_warhammer_epic_40000

8 years ago

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+1 for Chaos Gate. Don't understand why is it so unknown. Lots of fun.

8 years ago

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Severance: blade of darkness, Revenant, Cultures and Warlords Battlecry 3 from the old games that I wish they had sequels... Also Knights of Honor.

8 years ago*

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Cry Of Fear, a psychological horror game which started out as a mod for Half-Life 1, and became a standalone game. Even though the game is not too long and it's a little linear, it has a high replayability due to the multiple endings, the mindblowing story, the great soundtrack, which always fits the atmosphere and, of course, the unlockables. In my opinion it's great graphically, given that originally it was a Half-Life 1 mod and used it's engine.

And what's the best of all? It's FREE!

8 years ago

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Neat! I've bookmarked it so that I'll remember to check it out, thanks!

8 years ago

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Rise of Nations.. literally nobody I know is really still playing it. It's like it just faded back into old game graveyard of obscurity.

8 years ago

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