Nope, it doesn't matter!
It only needed to be public when you signed up.
Edit: Oh, I forgot about the whole sync thing.
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You'll need to set it to public once a week to sync it, but otherwise no.
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Why would you want to have your profile set to "private" anyways?? I mean Steam kind of works like a social thing, what's the point of even having a Steam account if you don't want to be social?? In that case better buy DRM-free games on GOG, I dunno but for me there's only two kind of people who have their Steam profile set to private:
1 - Scammers
2 - Assholes with a massive ego, like "my profile is too important to let anyone see it" fuck off.
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I never said my profile is set to Private; I said I set it on Steam Users Only. cough
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Or people who value their privacy and just want to play games, not socialize with every holier than thou jackwagon who gets upset at private profiles. ;P
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Oh you don't have to worry about that actually, I would never add you without a reason, in the same fashion I never accept anyone on Steam (or facebook or anywhere) unless is someone that I know or I have a reason, and that's exactly why it bothers me, because why can't you people just do that?? Nobody is forcing you to directly socialize with anybody so why you have to set your profile to private like you think you are so special or something, and also privacy?? Privacy of what exactly?? Do you have family pictures on Steam?? Maybe your ATM machine number?? You posted the list of your favorite meals on Steam?? Favorite movies?? Please... Privacy yeah sure, for all that "private" information that probably you have in there.
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"because why can't you people just do that?? "
you know what bothers me? why the hell do you even care? why can't you accept other people's opinions? why does it make you so angry, if someone decides to keep his steam profile private?
you say "Nobody is forcing you to directly socialize with anybody" bla bla. but you seem to want to force people into making their profiles public. i mean, wtf? learn to accept other opinions.
and one more question: did you ever in your life end a sentence with only one question mark?? xD
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I accept other opinions, and I'm not trying to force anybody to do nothing, I'm just giving my own opinion which consist of this:
That's it, if you or anyone else want to set their profiles to private of course you can do it, it's your profile, you can do whatever you want BUT I would find it stupid because that's my opinion on the subject, you have your opinion and point of view and I have mine, it's really that simple, I don't wanna change anything I just wanna say what I think.
About the question mark thing, I don't know I guess I like how it looks maybe? I like to put special emphasis on the questions, and by the way: Why aren't you using capital letters at the begining of the sentence that opens the paragraph? Why aren't you using capital letters after a question mark? :)
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look at these 2 statements:
do you notice the difference? being of another opinion is no problem. not respecting other's opinions at all and even insulting people is what you do here.
and btw, 2 question marks after every sentence doesn't put a special emphasis on your questions. it just looks dumb and childish. and that's not just my opinion, lol.
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But why are you so mad girl? Are you seriously accusing me of "it looks dumb and childish" with that "badass" avatar that you have?? That's the kind of thing that a 13 old year kiddo would use to look "bad and dark" You got some nerve xD Also you didn't answer my questions about capital letters :)
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ON MY OPNION the only one mad here is you, who can't leave people do whatever they want without accusing of being scammer, stupid, pathetic etc... The option is there to be chosen, right? =P
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yeah, thought so. you dont really have any more arguments. so you just ignore what i wrote (because you know i am right, but just can't admit that now) and try to get me in a defensive position instead by attacking me personally. would be a brilliant plan, if i was indeed 13. lol.
my question still stands. don't you see the difference between the 2 statements i posted? and do you realize that what you do is clearly number 2, and that this is quite the opposite of accepting others opinions?
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I seriously can't believe this, you were the one who began with crap without arguments, the question mark stuff, accusing me of looking "dumb and childish" and now you are like "oh I won you don't have any more arguments" Are you for real? The nerve of you, and as for your "unanswered" question I have answered that kind of crap SO MANY TIMES here already it's not my fault that you can't understand what you read, you will never be right because this is not a matter of being right or wrong it's a matter of opinion and NOTHING that you can say will change my opinion, I'm sorry but that's how it is, the problem here is that you are confusing Accept an opinion with Respect an opinion, I said I accept those opinions (doing other way would be dumb since there's nothing I could do about it and as I said you can do whatever you want with your Steam profile, so I accept that fact) but I never said that I respected those opinions, because I don't, how could I respect something that I think is dumb and unnecesary? Now, that's it, not only I won't reply anymore to you or anyone else on this topic, but also I won't even read any more answers, I'm wasting too much time here (In case you didn't notice you are not the only one who I replied to) and nothing's changing I still have my opinion intact, you people have yours and that's fine, so I guess there's no point in going any further, good day sir.
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no, i didnt begin with it. you began with basically calling people assholes and scammers (at least you implied it), and attacking their opinion about this topic.
oh, and it's super funny btw, that you repeatedly respond to my attack on you (childish bla bla). you seem to really not like that i wrote that. and now that you got attacked, it doesnt seem to matter if this is just my opinion or whatever. you obviously feel offended by that. imagine what all the others in here feel about what you called them.
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I run a public profile, but have considered setting it private many times.
Now see, when you have 1,500 games? You get annoying ass people who add you, thinking that you have games to spare, when in fact I really don't. Being private would stop that, as they wouldn't see how many games I had in the first place. There's one reason, Want any more reasons I can think of for a private profile?
The fact of the matter is, it is a system implemented into steam, and people have their reasons to use it, so it's not anyone's place to judge why we use it.
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Well, same as my previous answer, nobody is forcing you to accept every guy that adds you, in fact you can block em' pretty easily so still I don't see the point.
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Mine is private due to being a Dev. Prior to being a Dev I seldom had anyone add me and I had a public profile. When I became a Dev I was getting added constantly by beggars... oddly enough expecting games that I don't even own myself. "OMG You're a Dev you must be rich, buy me Saints Row 4 and all DLC please. You won't buy it for me? Are you cheap or something?" etc etc just easier to run Private.
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This is the first reason that actually kind of makes sense to me ("Kind of" because again, you can easily ignore the friend requests and in some cases if needed, block people) but we can't deny that it's a very "specific" and uncommon reason.
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jACK YOU'RE A #%#!%! MORON based from what i read you harassing others for private profile lewl.THE ONYL BAD THING YOU CAN GET WITH PRIVATE PROFILE IS ban,nowhere else required to have permanently public profile. HEARD OF SOMETHING CALLED "Friends-Only profile" ?????I had that for a long time,WHY? Beggars. Russian CryLyric fonts beggars/groups for trades or gaming dota etc,and i dun speak russian lol. Need more reasons for that?????????? But most people who have private profiles are scammers/impersonators/idk lol,most of them.
Good luck growing old asking why people add you and noticing their beggars & blockin them. Mr Jack. GOod luck wastin a looot of time that way :D :P
Oh 1 more reason btw ,some from trade sites, use bots with phishing links -.- and target you too if you have lots of games so...there's another reason for ya :)
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Wow... I didn't understand half of what you wrote, what a mess, I don't think I can give you a proper answer to that D: sorry.
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And phishing links aren't a threat of any kind unless you're a moron, yourself.
Also, for the love of christ, please learn to type and use English properly. Your sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation are always so all over the fukkin' place that 90% of what you post on the forums is a garbled mess that isn't only very annoying to look at and read, but hard to understand, also.
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And that's a very narrow and shortsighted view on your part. Some people value their privacy and don't want prying eyes on their profile, game activity, inventory, etc. Some people just want to play the games in their library (whether with their friends or alone) and don't want to be disturbed otherwise.
Edit: And now speaking from my own point of view, the reason why my profile is public is that I do some trading from time to time, and it also makes it more convenient for syncing purposes here. If not for that then it most likely would not be public. I've had random dudes poking into my inventory before and bugging me to trade cards and stuff, completely unsolicited. It's annoying and I just don't care to deal with that kind of stuff to be quite honest.
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Yes, I signed up to a game store, not a social platform. It's nobody's business what games I own or play. I understand that a lot of people these days like to advertise everything they do, but I'm sure that even for them there are things they keep private, and they would be bothered if someone told them it's stupid to care about that privacy.
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You can set your inv. to private, either entirely, or only hiding your gift items, specifically, even when the rest of your profile's public, you didn't know that? :)
It's right under "Inventory Privacy Settings" if you click the little arrow on the top right when viewing your inv. The wording Valve used to describe different settings is a little gobbledy-gook though :D
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First and foremost Steam is DRM system. While I would like to have all games DRM-free, sadly that is not possible.
The whole 'social' thing is a side show, not the core function of Steam. Valve added it on the back of various crap books popularity to entice more devs to use their DRM.
I have public profile atm, only beacuse its more convinient, and it will be back to private when the need for keeping it public ends. I see no reason to waste my time on checking and blocking all those beggars or ones with 'offers of the lifetime'.
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Only when you sync once in a while to make sure that you're not entering for games you already own
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As mentioned, you need to make only your profile public while syncing. Which, by the way, you should do in the middle of the week so that you're not forced to sync while there's a free weekend going on.
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Mine is set to Steam Users Only right now, but do I have to have it on Public in order to be able to win giveaways here? Or does it not matter?
..................Probably should have asked this before I entered giveaways.
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