i'm fine with them as long as they don't try to push it on me.
them: animals die when you eat meat.
me: living things die eventually. the reason why some of them survive is because we bred them to be eaten. news flash, plants have lives too and is more beneficial to the planet. so you're killing plants and hurting the environment. do you know how much pollution a cow makes in a day.
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What they don't understand as well is that we are part of the balance of our ecosystem and we need to keep some animals balanced in population.. Also what they don't realize is that these animals are being bred to be killed and eaten, just like the plants :P I eat plants and meat. What are they going to do next, kill bears because they are not touching enough vegetables?
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they are all almost extinct. look into the fishing problems.
let me just say i do eat meat but wen i see all the infected blisters on the pigs we eat, the fact "mad cow" is from cannibalism (eating other cows), and what chickens go threw in the confined, widow less breeding rooms ya you kinda don't want to eat much meat.
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Because you don't eat meat? awww you don't eat animals which were killed weeks if not months before you eat it :( but because you didn't eat it, you saved it's life :3 oh U So Clever
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I, somehow, appreciate that you want us to tell why we eat meat and why we SHOULD eat meat. And not enough people know, that eating no meat, even for a diet, is not healthy at all. but this site is not the right place. At least imo.
edit: I just hate it, when vegetarians want to convince me, that eating meat is a bad thing. Because they are people I know, I can't punsh them in the face and tell them to shut up. Animals die regardless. If you hate Fur coats, fine. But let me eat my horse. ;)
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I wouldn't say all vegetarians are evil. Hell, I wouldn't say that anyone is "evil" because they choose not to eat meat.
The only time when vegetarians go too far, is when they shove it in your face, and tell you, "you're evil/cruel for eating animals", etc. But the same works both ways. You are shoving it in their faces, telling them they are wrong for not eating meat, therefore you are just as "evil" as them.
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Not exactly the best place for this, also what's even the point of posting this? You just look immature, unable to use proper grammar, discriminatory (calling vegetarians evil is a pretty blanket statement) and extremely angry for no reason. Take your advice and "don't post your shite anywhere".
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People saying don't post this shit places? I'm basically telling you to have kids reproduce and be happy. Not kill yourself young. We are made to eat meat aswell as vegetables...
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No one needs you to tell them this. If you don't like extremist vegetarians who try to push their views in your face then don't be the exact counterpart to them and push your views in their face. I love meat too but disrespect won't get you anywhere with any group of people.
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I'm vegetarian, and honestly don't care about your opinion about my choices in life. And why should you care? You can view it as "unhealthy and unnatural", and continue your daily life. I'm quite healthy, and feel quite human thank you very much.
Have a nice, and hopefully more open-minded, day
PS you've been added to my blacklist, just to make sure you don't ever get anything from me
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Okay people of the internet. These so called... Vegetarians.. or whatever they are (wastes of space). You don't eat animals? awww diddums what a shame. Don't go making shit on people who do because we are literally supposed to eat meat, we have canines for a reason. If you want to not use them I have some pliers handy but no anesthetic, oh well you're not even human :P why you need that shit. Seriously, keep your greens to yourself because us as a species are Omnivores, we are supposed to eat meat. If you want to have an unhealthy diet go ahead but don't post your shite anywhere.. (Vegetarians are evil)
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