I was really looking forward to it since Bruce Campbell actually helped produce it but its pretty much garbage the only hope I have for it is the rumored cross over with the two universes after Army of Darkness 2 (which is said to be in the works)
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Actually it seems like he had a pretty good hand in it but sadly the director just wanted this to be gore porn and he had to stick with that. :/ Sam Rami/Ash's car is actually in this movie and Bruce appears after the credits. They just really needed better actors to sell it and less bad dialogue
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so have more people seen this yet and if so what are your thoughts?
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From all the reviews I read, the movie was actually hurt by its title. That said, your review was spot on with what I read.
I won't be seeing this. Ever.
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114 Comments - Last post 9 minutes ago by reigifts
146 Comments - Last post 22 minutes ago by trenggono
105 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Smectik
255 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by ThePaladin
1,209 Comments - Last post 12 hours ago by MeguminShiro
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17,421 Comments - Last post 14 minutes ago by Agaster
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49 Comments - Last post 22 minutes ago by Kingsajz
820 Comments - Last post 23 minutes ago by afa1425
So I enjoyed the original Evil Dead series and was even gonna wear my S-Mart shirt to the 10pm showing today however I couldn't find it after looking all day but about 10 minutes into this film I realized why because it was hiding. This film had no direction at times I was honestly trying to figure out where they were going with something like why they kept you guessing as to who would be this films "Ash" so to speak and why it turns out to be the person who is locked in the basement half of the movie and the only screen time we get of them is finding out they are a junky with an emotional past about their family and then the last 10 minutes of the film. All the other points and time this person is shown they are possessed by the demon and feel more like Linda's character from the original movie.This movie also felt like it wanted to be serious at times but other times it just felt very childish and for the 13 year old Call of Duty generation who can't enjoy something unless you have un-needed swearing and stupidity.
A good example of this is when Mia 'Our Hero Ladies and Gentlemen' is locked up in the basement because she's obviously been possessed by some kind of demon and she calls up to her own brother something along the lines of "Come down here brother and I'll suck your dick like that slut of yours!" in an over the top Exorcist kind of voice. Or her famous ending line "Swallow this motherfucker The gore did look good and was over the top and well done but really a movie with all gore or effects can't make up for a terrible cast (Aside from the person who plays Eric) who are just completely unlikable or you aren't given enough info on them to care. And another thing they tried too hard with all the cut to jump scares and they didn't even work well. [spoiler] This had one of the worst made jump scares I've even seen in my life. We pan in from the forest in the iconic Evil Dead fashion but once we get to Mia who is pacing around outside because she's starting to lose it from quitting her addiction cold turkey for about half a second we get a flash of the actual demon on screen (in a still frame fashion kind of like the jpegs you'd see in a Newgrounds flash game) with a scream then she begins puking blood.
I could go on and break down the whole film but instead I'll just list a few other things that irked me. The iconic chainsaw is used ONCE for about 5 minutes and 3 of those minutes of screen time is her trying to start it. The tree rape scene isn't brutal at all and you really see nothing. David is a fucking idiot who actually says the line "Maybe its just some kind of virus she got from the dead animals in the basement and it spread to the others. The shotgun is used very rarely in this film even though its readily available and even on screen. They don't play enough on the sanity aspect of Evil Dead or the cabin being alive they make the demon someone you actually see before they posses you who also has a backstory in the first 5 minutes of the film. This movie felt more like Hostel without all the sex and I was very disappointed did anyone else feel this way?
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