Focus Home Interactive 2 Bundle!


"The "increase your order amount" feature has been disabled for this bundle. If you would like to ask for a refund and re-purchase the bundle at a higher price to receive more content or simply to further support the bundle, please contact our customer support team here. "

     All you need is Focus. What's the key to avoiding distractions? Focus. What's the key to getting distracted by fun video games? Focus Home  Interactive! You see, you could focus on getting work done, or you can simply focus on buying this Focus bundle with games from, you guessed it, Focus!

Tier 1: Pay $1 or more for Mars: War Logs, Space Run, Pix The Cat, Yesterday, and Final Exam.

Tier 2: Pay more than the average price to also receive Wargame: European Escalation, Contrast: Collector's Edition, Game of Thrones, Cities XL Platinum, Bound by Flame, Etherium, and a coupon for 33% off Blood Bowl 2 in the Humble Store.

Tier 3: Pay $15 for all of that plus Farming Simulator 2013 Titanium Edition, Of Orcs and Men, Cities XXL, Blood Bowl: Chaos Edition, Styx: Master of Shadows, and coupons for 33% off Act Of Aggression and 50% off Farming Simulator 15.

Tier 4: Pay $40 or more for the full Focus Selection Pack!

there is no region locking for this bundle :) Each game has separate keys (But, tier 4 has one key for the Focus pack and 2 additional keys for Wargame EU Escalation and Cities XL Platinum)


Mars: War Logs 73% 0 $14.99
Space Run 89% 0 $14.99
Pix The Cat 84% 1 $9.99
Yesterday 85% - 0 $9.99
Final Exam 91% 0 $9.99


Wargame: European Escalation 80% - 1 $9.99
Contrast: Collector's Edition 90% 0 $19.99
Game of Thrones 71% - 1 $19.99
Cities XL Platinum 61% - 1 $19.99
Bound by Flame 66% 0 $29.99
Etherium 41% 0 $19.99


Farming Simulator 2013 Titanium Edition 92% 0 $19.99
Of Orcs and Men 71% - 1 $29.99
Cities XXL 25% 0 $29.99
Blood Bowl: Chaos Edition 84% - 0 $29.99
Styx: Master of Shadows 83% 0 $29.99


Focus Selection Pack 77% 0 $129.99

Focus Selection Pack Details:

Discover an eclectic world of unique and varied gaming experiences for all tastes!

• Another World – 20th Anniversary Edition
• Blood Bowl: Chaos Edition
• Bound By Flame
• Cities XXL
• Contrast Collector's Edition
• Etherium
• Faery - Legends of Avalon
• Farming Simulator 2013 – Classics
• Farming Simulator 2013 - Official Expansion (Titanium)
• Farming Simulator 2013 Titanium Edition
• Final Exam
• Game of Thrones
• Mars: War Logs
• Of Orcs And Men
• Pix the Cat
• Pro Cycling Manager 2015
• R.A.W. Realms of Ancient War
• Runaway: A Road Adventure
• Runaway: The Dream of The Turtle
• Runaway: A Twist of Fate
• Space Run
• Styx: Master of Shadows
• Yesterday

NOTE: The Focus Selection Pack includes many games that are also in the bundle; those games will be provided as part of a single Focus Selection Pack key. The only games that you will receive individual keys for will be Wargame EU Escalation and Cities XL Platinum.

Retail value: $324

CV: ...

A: A Parking Meter

8 years ago*

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What tier will you buy?

View Results
Tier 1: $1
Tier 2: BTA
Tier 3: $15
Tier 4: $40!!!!
Riddle: I live off of a busy street. If you want you can stay for an hour or two, but if you don't pay rent, I'll tell on you. What am I?

I'm not sure whether to go BTA or tier 3. I'm interested in styx and bloodbowl but i'm not sure if they are worth the difference

8 years ago

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Blood Bowl is currently $7.50 on steam

8 years ago

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Nice, willl get tier 2 tho tier 3 is REALLY tempting, may get that

8 years ago

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isn't the answer to the riddle "a whore"?
If you don't pay, I'm sure she'll tell her pimp...

8 years ago

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Good answear i thought the same but after googling it, it was much morefamily appropriate

8 years ago

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Went for the $15 tier because I have no self-control.

View attached image.
8 years ago*

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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BTA or $15? Giveaways or not? :D

8 years ago

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The "increase your order amount" feature has been disabled for this bundle. If you would like to ask for a refund and re-purchase the bundle at a higher price to receive more content or simply to further support the bundle, please contact our customer support team here.

8 years ago

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why should they disable it while offering to refund it to rebuy with a higher price? O.o
that makes no sense!

8 years ago

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Most likely publisher demanded it to be disabled. The refund thing is sort of a workaround but it's not entirely the same thing. The "increase your order amount" is useful because once you pay $1, the BTA price is locked in at whenever you purchased it. So if you purchased tier 1 ($1) when BTA was at $5 for example, you'd only have to add an extra $4 later if you change your mind later and want BTA; and at a later time, the current BTA price may be higher, at like $10, but you'd still only have to pay $4 extra in order to get BTA because your BTA price was locked in at $5 at your time of purchase of tier 1. So you can see that this refund thing isn't really ideal. For this bundle, if you change your mind later and want to get tier 2, you would have to ask a refund for that $1 you paid earlier, and then rebuy at whatever the BTA price is then. In the case of my example, you'd have to pay $10. If you bought tier 2 at the time you paid $1, you would have only had to pay $5. So ya. It makes sense on the side of Humble Bundle/Publisher's intentions; no, it obviously does not benefit the buyer.

8 years ago

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contrast is a great game
i got it for my playstation prolly about a year ago
i enjoyed it very much.
still just getting tier 1 :)
ty rachel :)

8 years ago

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I was torn between tier 1 or tier 3 as the only game I may be interested in is Mars: War Logs. After some CV calculation, went for tier 3 in the end.

8 years ago

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Just went to increase my amount to tier 2 since I changed my mind... only to find out I have to contact support to do it. Enough of a hassle for me not to bother at all and I don't want to reward them for removing choice.

Hopefully, that's not a permanent thing. :(

8 years ago

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It's most likely the publisher's choice, so Humble doesn't really have any control over it. Either do that, or no bundle probably. I do hope next bundle we can increase amount though.

8 years ago

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A good bundle actualy :| Tempted to get T3 as I don't own a single game from entire bundle was also thinking about getting Firaxis T3 :< Quite bad timing lol

8 years ago

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Are Game of thrones and Bound by flame worth the BTA?

8 years ago

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I liked the Game of Thrones game, but it has middling or poor reviews. I haven't played Bound by Flame, so I'm not qualified to guess at its value. If you want CV for the other games or any of the other games in the BTA tier I would say go for it.

8 years ago

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I've kept my tabs on Space Run for a while. I don't really care about puzzle platformers, but Contrast has always looked charming to me. The rest of the games I don't know or I already have them, so a little research is required on this one. It's definitely interesting.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Well, there goes my $30 in CV for Faery, and it's not even likely that most people will pay the $40 for the key.

I'm tempted by Space Run, Mars:War Logs, BBF and even the GoT rpg, since apparently most of the negative reviews are about technical aspects while the story is supposedly superb. I like that since I've felt like the railroaded subpar story from the Telltale Game is beneath my notice and I'm not even half way through.

I may splurge for the $15 tier because I need more Blood Bowl in my life and Styx looks interesting. Lots of games to give away, too.

8 years ago

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tier 3 looks damn awesome for sure. looks like everything in this bundle will be bundled, except tier 4.

8 years ago

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$1 Tier seems solid, wanted to try Mars anyways so why not.

8 years ago

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Why do so many blame Humble for the key setup when they have no control over this,it is all on the publisher to decide how keys are given,so now they are telling people to not give a cent to humble to punish them for something that is out of there control,All because they are butt hurt,nobody forces you to buy the bundles.

Then you have the ones saying i wish Humble would do something about it,as if they can,i would think the only choice they have is sell it the way the publisher wants or have no bundles at all,which would you prefer??This reminds me of the whole trading thing and locks,so many butt hurt because they got locked out of cheap games.I get it,it sucks that this is happening for GA and such,but you can not tell me nobody saw this coming seeing how so many of these keys end up being resold and shit sites like G2A,so those who buy from them are part of the problem.

Anyhow i said it awhile back that this will be the way more bundles will be done,it fine to be upset but to boycott because you can not have your way,that is a bit over board.Humble only sells the bundles the publishers decides what and how the keys are done.

Even so the games i really want are to much for me as i could get them cheaper on i only really want Farming Sim and War Game,over all not a bad price if you want mos of the games.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I will tell you what my problem with this deal is. The top bundle, which is the reason for this debacle, should have been a separate purchase. They added it on the top to maximize profit. To try and milk as much as they can from unsuspecting people. Humble could have fought against this but it's obviously in their interest not to. They are making more money from this structure. To put the blame only on the publisher is disingenuous. Humble is certainly involved as well in the decision.

I will probably end up getting the $15 pack but I still think it's a bit of a low move from Humble and Focus.

8 years ago*

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They are not tiered keys,only if you buy the 40 dollar package,plenty of people have given bundle splits and ga for these games.Yes humble has a say,but my point was i doubt if humble says no we will not do it this way,that the publisher would say okay,here are the keys do as you see fit with them.So yeah why would you turn away a publisher and money just to spite them and tell them how to sell there product and then nobody gets anything,i see no way anyone wins in this situation,You have the right to not buy it.

In the end i can not see how they are making more money using 1key tier giving that they lose buyers who might own most of the games.People are more likely to buy a bundle if they can give away the extra games or trade them like me,i bought a lot of bundles giving or trading the left overs,the 1key tier stuff the only way i will buy them is if i am missing most of the games or one item i really want is cheaper then sale price.In fact i have skipped the last few bundles for that reason,as i more incline to buy a bundle for a couple games if i can make GA' s and such.

I will be damned if am going to buy the Fraxis one for almost 7 bucks BTA for 2 games,and i own most of the others.and even at that CIV V is not a great deal even with the one dlc,because at the least to get the other major dlc i would have to spend another 7.49 or shell out another 12 something for complete edition.If i could have done GA's on the other games i would bought it on that merit alone.I know i am not alone,so i know they lose business because of this.

In the end no matter what is done,there will always be ones that are not happy,you can not nor will not please the masses.

8 years ago

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They are making more money by selling lots of the $40 tiers which is a rip off as you can get it cheaper elsewhere. I didn't say that they were all tiers. The problem is the $40 tier because that one messed up the increase option. Without it there wouldn't have been a problem. That it's a rip off is pretty uncool. I think the problem for a lot of people is that both bundles that are up at the moment don't favor people. You have the one which is giving tiered keys and the second one which is preventing people from increasing their amount. It's not a nice trend. One of the great things about HB is that you have been able to give your keys away and that you can get in early and take your time deciding whether to get the rest. Both of those have taken a hit lately.

8 years ago

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Yeah i can agree they have and it is a shame,but again humble has no control over that,sure they could protest but it high unlikely that publisher would budge and just say screw it we will not do a bundle.

The issue at hand is to many people get use to it one way and if things change they are up in arms which i guess is fine never said nobody could but my point was some where putting all the blame on Humble when it not.

Also these bundle sites do not have to exist,but be damn if people demand how they should run them and think it some how a right to have single keys for every game and then tell them how to price them.

Well you know what i say about that,if they know so much and know how things should be done,then they go make there own bundle site and broker deals with the publishers.

Look i do not like the 1 key for each tier myself,but it is what it is,i deal with it by not buying the bundles i do not want to support,but i do not blame Humble for it,nor the publisher as i am not one to tell someone how they should run there company.Though the internet seems to be full of people who want to tell people how to run there company,

I do think the prices could be better on some of the bundles.I do think the tier keys suck,I do think publishers could do better about it,but it is there company,so they can do how they want with the keys and bundles,Nobody is forcing anyone to buy it,yet so many complain like they are being forced or some how ripped off.It one thing to voice and share opinions on the matter,but to get so angry that you blame Humble and the Publisher for being greedy just because you can not have your way i think is a bit silly.

I do like it,but i do not blame anyone for it as it is there choice,and i have the choice to vote with my wallet by not buying these bundles.

8 years ago*

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So, does the T4 give the T3 keys and then an additional pack key or just the T4 key? Because if so, that's an awful deal.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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So basically it's pay $25 more to get... like, five more games?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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This is the best bundle ever!

It's a shame I already have half of the games, but I still got BTA.

Thank you Humble, and thank you rachellove for your bundle posts. :)

8 years ago

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It's great! Only got Contrast already. $15 for this bundle, but $0 for Humble Tip. lol

8 years ago

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Instabought Tier 2. I still need some from Tier 3 tho grrrr but not willing to spend alot of money into this.

I'll try trading later.

8 years ago

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I might get it for Contrast, that's the only thing I have wishlisted from there I think...and it's the collector's edition too, sweetness :D

8 years ago

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Do you get one key per game or per tier ?

8 years ago

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Each game has separate keys. Tier 4 has the focus selection pack that is one key, plus two games with their own key.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the confirmation. I had read your warning about the Focus pack but was not sure about the 3 lower tiers. :)
Still pondering whether I should buy TIer 3 or not...

8 years ago

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hmm i guess it depends if you really want the games ... most people seem to want the styx game and blood bowl ..
and cities XXL doesn't look too good and i've read the reviews saying just get Cities XL or Cities Skylines instead

But we are talking like a $9-$10 diff between the BTA and Tier 3 right now. So if those games in Tier 3 are worth your extra $10, you should go for it :)

8 years ago

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Well, during the Winter sales, I was thinking to take Styx and Of Orcs and Mens. I already own Bloodbowl and as you said, better go for Cities Skylines than any other city builders so I'm still thinking around.
Still, Farming Simulator can be fun to play with a bunch of friends. Decision, decision... :D

8 years ago

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with tier 4 do you still get the keys in the lower tiers

8 years ago

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yes, thank you.
i know that because I also bought the bundle ... i said that each game has separate keys . With tier 4 though, you only get 3 keys. 1 for the focus pack, and 2 for the other 2 games. with everything else in tier 1-3, you get sep keys

8 years ago*

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I think he mean if you go for tier 4, will you get all other keys for tier 1-3 seperately, an adition to focus pack key?

8 years ago

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not sure, but anyways, i've already clarified what I said so there shouldn't be any confusion. If each tier only had one key, i would have said that in the OP. I changed the wording in the OP to reflect this message :)

8 years ago*

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yeah that was my question cucoo

8 years ago

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So Humble has
-Cities XL Platinum
-Wargame: European Escalation (I wanta get Wargame Franchise Pack anyway so gifty wifty)
15USD to NZD = 23.05 NZD

Steam Collection has
-Another World – 20th Anniversary Edition
-Pro Cycling Manager 2015
-R.A.W. Realms of Ancient War
-Faery - Legends of Avalon
38 NZD

so if got the games which weren't in the package that the other one has @ lets say 80% off

humble 11.99 + 17.99 + 59.95 + 11.99 = 101.92 -80% = 20.39 + 23.05 = 43.44 NZD total + exchange fees(can do giveaways for Wargame: European Escalation & Pix the Cat)
steam 29.99 - 80% = 5.99 + 38 = 43.99 NZD total

hmmmm so at the end of the day these seem to work out pretty even hmm what to do

8 years ago*

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I want Contrast in tier 2, but I was too late. Damn you final assignment!

8 years ago

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too late?

8 years ago

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I could have bought it before BTA price increased yesterday. And recently there was a group buy thread and someone reserved Contrast 5 minutes earlier than me.

8 years ago

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