If theyre just gonna replace them all regardless of source and with no proof required other than a key itself why bother wasting everyone's time. Just leave the keys active and move on.
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If it were that simple they probably would. I don't think they really wanted to spend their morning or whatever sending out tons of emails with new keys.
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If that was the case they could have just had unused keys deactivated. It's been done before.
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If you get your key revoked, you may also ask for a refund to the store who sold it, so they learn something.
Doing so, the developers teach a lesson to thieves without making buyers lose anything.
It's the company that will lose potential money and time, instead. And the unauthorized reseller will lose (hopefully) either the money they made (= they refund) or the potential for future recurring customers (= they don't refund). They may even lose both money and customers if they refund, due to their new acquired status as "shady reseller".
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The game wasn't sold it was given away free. Anyone who "purchased" the game from IGS and then subsequently sold it on was perfectly within their rights to do so. Unauthorised resale doesn't really apply in this situation and not because the keys weren't sold initially but because any sellers were individuals.
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I found it:
Of particular note:
^^ the question is whether this means that you had to have made a purchase to qualify?
edit: judging from people's comments it does not matter
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It says developer, but it's the publisher's account.
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Maybe there were more "stolen" keys that hadn't been given out yet, and this way they can save those who already got a key from disappointment, but stop any further stolen keys from making the rounds?
Really though I don't know, I didn't know about this whole thing until today
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Nope, they could have just had unused keys deactivated.
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The public probably won't know this unless their publisher or one of the devs makes a public statement. If it's something that will be handled legally there's a good chance it won't happen... at least for awhile.
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They could have been stolen from IGS (fraud or hack) or stolen from the publisher after they had supplied IGS with them.
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The OP says: "According to Publisher, Alawar Entertainment It turns out that the keys that were given out at IndieGameStand and possibly other places "
That to me would point to the keys being stolen from the publisher rather than IGS.
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It looks fair for end user as long they provide whatever source they got the key from.
Just a move to track back fraudulent resellers I guess.
They wouldn't need to blindly revoke keys if they were logging where they distribute their batches of keys, though.
Unless IndieGameStand were the leaked/robbed source.
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There's a lot of situations that could of happened. You could have a pissed off staff member from the dev team or publishing team give out a tons of keys. Someone from IndieGameStand could of gotten pissed and just gave away all the keys they could. A member of a legit retailer could of gotten pissed and sold keys to Indiegamestand and other sites.. those are just 3 that I thought of off the top of my head..There's a lot more situations that could of happened.
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Well, I guess IGS account creation is easy to do multiple times.
There must be a captcha I think, so bots aren't doing it.
But whole gaming community of users doing it manually once (or more) still hurts them... and took down there servers in facts. Not even counting shaddy resellers doing it multiple times...
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I got a copy of this game from the IGS giveaway. The game is still in my library so it seems that the developers either knew what keys to revoke and mine wasn't a part of this issue or are they doing it in waves and they haven't got to mine yet?
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So far i still have mine from IGS but i had to wait about a week for my key.So maybe during the wait i got the right key or i just have not been revoked yet.. I hope i do not i really want to play and keep the game but we will see.
I still think its kind of weird how they are ding it,knowing a lot got them free but then ask for proof of payment.The only thing i can think of was they wanted proof you ordered it.Still some report getting keys without proof.
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Check you IGS wallet. Some people see the game still there, some don't for some reason.
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Thanks for the heads up about this. My key was revoked when I signed on and I wasn't sure why. Sent them an email and hopefully will be getting a new key soon.
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3 hours ago
People, we have stopped the key mailing just for now. We'll continue in 10 hrs aprox. Keep sending us your revoked keys and soon you'll get the game back. Sorry for any inconvenience.
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for revoked keys make this:
Due to unexpected key issues we have to revoke and replace a number of Steam keys.
If you have a problem with accessing the game, send us an email to keys@beholder-game.com and include the following details:
1) The key that you used to activate the game.
2) The source where you got the key.
3) If you purchased the key, then provide the payment confirmation.
All revoked keys will be replaced! We read each letter and check each old key sent by you. We hope for your honesty.
We appreciate your understanding and will do our best to solve your issue.
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I'm not a developer or publisher for the game, I'm not making some formal address for them lol. I simply am letting people on SG know and posting the links where it was mentioned.
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This might be just another marketing technique like many others previously applied by other publishers/devs in order to grab people's attention to their product.
It's pretty common nowadays to claim keys as being stolen just to create a fuss around a game that might go under the radar otherwise.
I'm not necessarily saying this is the case here, but this practice is getting more and more frequently used to create free publicity.
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So for those who may have had their Beholder key revoked this morning, they devs are replacing them with new keys. According to Publisher, Alawar Entertainment It turns out that the keys that were given out at IndieGameStand and possibly other places were stolen. So if your key was revoked today please do the following:
If your key was free from IndieGameStand or you got it free from somewhere simply send them the key that was revoked in an email and they will send you a new one.
If you purchased a key from somewhere then send them an email and provide the payment confirmation.
The email to write them is below.
Here's a post from either one of the devs or their publisher.
In this discussion thread the Publisher's steam account responded.
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