See Edits at the bottom

Ive had some good times and some bad times.

I want to think all the MODS they may.. lol or MAY not have helped me the past year.
The odds of winning seem so long now and honestly everyone on here uses a bot to enter to win.
But if you "break" a rule its the end of the world and your a mooch or a terrible person and should be beaten and chastised.

AAA titles when they are rarely listed seem to all go to the same group of people (mod interference) maybe? I mean no one wold police it. Absolute power is absolute corruption.

I digress...

The threads im sure thrive but the site itself is just a bunch of bots crunching numbers and too many at that.

Thank you to everyone who Ive spoken to and everyone who has send me a win.

Im not sure if anyone will ever even read this or care but this site could be so much more and it saddens me that it isn't.

Thank you everyone and have a great night/day.

**Edits: This post was an attempt to feel out the community to see if I would just get flamed or if people honestly would try to help with constructive comments or suggestions. I am surprised at the relative respectful comments and to be honest that level of positivity wasn't what i expected.

I apologize if anyone was offended but I wanted to make sure before I start gifting again that it would at least be appreciated at some level.

Awesome responses and good to see the community could be worth giving back to.

8 years ago*

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err, reserved

yep i read it all.... wall of text incoming:

so, we all have good and bad times, same in life (less trolls in real life, but maybe they are hiding beneath the bridge)

as for the mods, they work too hard. and don't get paid. say no more.

and the main thing, winning. oh well, statistics. well, first of all, people give AAA games to other people who give AAA games. usually inside groups that are dedicated for that. what is the point? ask them...
i have given some AAA (or non-bundle but AAAAA in my opinion) games, but for groups/whitelist. cause i wanted to share it with people i "know" and like. if you think that is wrong, i'm sorry.
you have given an impressive number of games, you should be happy with the giving. if you did that for lvl, i'm sorry. i think that system is misleading. yes, there are fewer users at higher levels and hence fewer entries, thus more chance of winning. however, even lvl10 might lose a AAA GA. there is no hidden stuff. really just numbers.
i give games for two main reasons: 1. i don't want them. 2. i want to share them. as i could have traded them for games i do want, but meh (plus i'm lazy, yet, i find your sadness from the site overwhelming, and decided to reply in a lengthy form. the human mind those weird things)

as for bots, i know there are some around. maybe a few, probably a lot more.
i couldn't care less. this site is filled with computer science people so that would only make sense some bots would appear.
why i don't care? i'm not sure. i used to like the thanks in the GA, but that stops cause some people complained about it (i digress). most of those thanks were made by bots.
i always took the time to write something relevant for the game given, or the user. just for the fun of it. you know, a small smile cause someone wrote a stupid thing can make the day for some people.

ok, this turned out longer then i though, have a great day even if you decide to leave us.

8 years ago*

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Thank you, I half expected to see insults and flames when I saw wall of Text incoming. I appreciate your constructiveness and not taking the ample opportunity to just bash everything I felt or said.

8 years ago

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people are too quick to bash. even me when the right buttons are pressed.
doesn't help anyone is it....

8 years ago

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And some people given a VVVVV game.

8 years ago

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actually, that one is nice (for 30 minutes)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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LOL, thank you I think. Cant make a post without a few flamers. At least you were classy about it :)

8 years ago

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I want to say a huge thanks to the person that blacklisted me for this comment. You really made my day :)

8 years ago

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we all elitists after all

8 years ago

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Fair enough.

8 years ago

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I'm not a big fan of this

8 years ago

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Me either, just an attempt to feel out the community. :D

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Honestly very good points, I will look into it. I also honestly appreciate your constructive comments. I've only really glanced at the forums in the past.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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err, reserved

8 years ago

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err, stupid SG posted it twice ;)

8 years ago

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it happens :) no worries

8 years ago

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Life is full of frustration.

But you can't really complain here because after all the giveaways are for free.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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**Edits: This post was an attempt to feel out the community to see if I would just get flamed or if people honestly would try to help with constructive comments or suggestions. I am surprised at the relative respectful comments and to be honest that level of positivity wasn't what i expected.

I apologize if anyone was offended but I wanted to make sure before I start gifting again that it would at least be appreciated at some level.

Awesome responses and good to see the community could be worth giving back to.

8 years ago

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in that case, it's early.
the big trolls are still asleep

try the same thing 8 hours from now, see what happens ;)

8 years ago

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cool kids clubs - elitism - self-masturbatory threads abound.
smug humble-brags of "i never blacklist anyone" comin' from people that make giveaways in such a way as to make such a tool unnecessary to them; that, or they truly don't care that they're further rewarding leeches/bots, which... um.
ingrates left and right.
don't get confused: idgaf what people do, they'll do as they do and it's not my place to judge. but i have every right to decide i don't want to reward them if i see something i deem wrong. those members who've been here for years with <100 comments, zero or a paltry number of giveaways - th'only reason this is a problem is because, considering how inundated the market is and how easy it is to get cheap or even free keys to give, if they can't even put themselves out even that LITTLE bit, then smh - i will blacklist because i find they're not "good" members of the community, not because "i can't win something from them, they won't from me either." early on i was corrected in blacklisting every member that has sent zero gibs - yes, in such cases of zero given and tons of comments or high trade feedback, these do contribute to the community in their own way, at least. it is not necessarily fair to blacklist those who only give region-locked gibs either, because it's not their fault where they live, but i will admit i can't help myself sometimes, still (always in the face of another reason, i.e. terrible ratio or insignificant amount of comments).
speaking of which, the tactlessness and gaucheness some members exhibit always appalls me (which, i'm sure will be said of me by those who read this so shrug).
when i first came here, i was staunchly opposed to thanking giveaway creators whenever i won because, in my eyes, it wasn't them that directly gave me the game - they didn't choose to, it was Space Cat / RNG that decided, why thank them when they gave the game to the ether and it was only (")by luck(") that i came out the (")victor(")? of course, this is a terrible mindset and now i thank for every giveaway i win (and a lot that i simply enter).
indeed, this is supposed to be a community, so even those people that have demonstrated that they are people and not bots/leeches by giving games or commenting in the forums - if they just give (i suspect half-hearted (if even that much)) thanks when there's an actual description, without acknowledging it. just. wtf? are you really that busy? or just that inconsiderate? either way...
of course, there is always the possibility that they abide by logic in doing what they do: giveaway creator asks for (at the very least) a bump to the thread; the thread is still clearly visible - there is no need to bump. one must be careful in how much trust they give, though. just as there is always the possibility that rule-breakers do so out of ignorance and not malice; their actions (or lack thereof) usually clear it up, though - so stubborn, and for what?!
lots of self-congratulation herein: "this such a good community," yet lots of examples persist showing just how true the contrary is - mind, the bad will always shine brighter in a sea of good, i bring this up because criticism can only lead to improvement, if people let it.
i've never personally witnessed an abuse of power excepting threat of blacklist among users, which i've done myself in trying to make a point in which i knew i was correct.
100+ wins in a year is damn lucky, especially considering they were apparently all public...
most of the rules here, i agree with (at least on paper); sure, there are countless ways in which they could be improved - whenever such a possibility is posited, it is either agreed with and is (at least apparently worked towards being) implemented, or reasons for why it's (")impossible(") are given.
this place is SteamGifts. one would think people come here to give for the sake of giving (or to receive, in which case, i would argue not people per se, but leeches/bots, nodnod). the way the system is set up (regardless of whether you agree with it or not - think it's necessary/correct or not) - quite often, can make people forget this, to only see the meta aspect - how one rises is just as (if not more) important than the fact that they've "risen."
-- it's such a struggle tryna reckon all of the factors and facets - quite often, it seems the best conclusion would be to say fuckit and just give directly. but how to decide to whom? what's the point if no one besides the recipient knows? points? stats? /sarcasm --
i myself have tried walking away a few times, but for one reason or another (outside of myself) find myself staying. why lately is because i've been unemployed for a while and, with no other social media presence - i've meant it when i've said SG is my home (literally too, in my browser). i comment things of (")actual substance(")(mind, it's gibberish, but it at least makes an attempt to connect with th'other) and have had countless pleasant exchanges, have been snubbed countless more. oh well, it is the way of things, i persist still.
just, seeing this post made me want to vent my own shit, thanks for reading.
i'm by no means perfect and i'm certain there are past examples of my writing that would color me a hypocrite. we are all only human, and i acknowledge that; i hope people are able to recognize the truth in what i've said, if, indeed, there is any - all just my opinion and whatnot.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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you made me read a wall of text... but it was a nice wall ;_;

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8 years ago

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edited previous comment*

8 years ago

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Tynon. I enjoyed reading that.

8 years ago

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thank jeffosoft and lack of sleep for spurring it; quite the spigot of bullshit what was opened eh? ahaha
afaik, i haven't gotten any BL for it yet, which i've found amazing - then again, having buried it in someone else's thread... yeah xD

8 years ago

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But if you "break" a rule its the end of the world and your a mooch or a terrible person and should be beaten and chastised.

You can fix Multi-Wins by contacting the giveaway creator and site staff, and offering to replace the game in question. In your case, it's simply a non-activation, not a multi-win, so you don't even have to do that: Just get a copy of the game at some point and activate it. It's not even remotely an expensive game to get a hold of.

Even if you couldn't fix rule-breaking, you simply discuss that with any GA creator you want to get a filter bypass on, and many users will make exceptions if you can explain reasonable circumstances.
Rather than being an issue of having made a mistake, the problem is with the entitlement and disrespect that is presented by someone not even attempting to fix their mistakes- that is, the things they, and they alone are responsible for- or even communicate about such matters.

It's not about vilification, it's about expecting people to be able to present themselves with a bare minimum of grace. Filters aren't necessarily intended to punish (much less do so universally), they're just the only way of cutting out legitimately bad elements [while redeemable ones can still make their case for bypass].

Do some people have a disdain for rule-breakers? Sure. And y'know? That's their right. We always suffer consequences for our actions, even when we're not responsible for them. For rule-breaking on this site, we clearly are responsible, and it's our obligation to own up to such things.
Past that basic expectation of people needing to conduct themselves respectably, by facing their circumstances head-on (rather than deflecting responsibility onto others), it's not a matter of the community disdaining rule-breakers, but of everyone in the community having different expectations on what is and isn't acceptable behavior for a respectable person to be behaving in.

If someone is openly harassing you, sure, they're way out of line, and you go ahead and make a fuss over that. But if it's down to being excluded- well, there's no inherent right to anyone's attentions or possessions on this site, and noone is inherently obligated to give anyone anything [except as far as they agreed to as part of the contractual obligations of utilizing this site]. There's no need to add any emphasis to this truth, but if a user's exclusion is derived from us having engaged in behavior that is commonly understood to be negative in nature, then that certainly acts as such regardless.

Picking at the beliefs of a select number of people because they're engaging in basic freedoms that you yourself benefit equally from, is just entitlement and disdainful.

You seem to be giving the replies in this thread some consideration, so please, allow yourself to keep doing that.
Starting off a discussion like this by bringing up accusations and seeming sentiments of hostility, paranoia, ungratefulness, and entitlement..
If someone flames you, it isn't necessarily because of a flaw of that user or the community, but at least in part because you're inviting that response.

While you're correct in that public giveaways are an ever-disappointing cesspool of despair, the staff isn't out to get anyone or engaging in unfair play (though I'll agree they can be exasperating to deal with at times), nor is most of the active social community. 100 games is something to be grateful for, not to snub your GA granters over because they're not AAA games [which aren't even inherently better, so it just comes across as base greed to imply they are]. Your mistakes are your responsibility- own up to them, and others will respect you for that. Criticize others for the outcomes of your actions, and you're just trying to put the blame on someone other than yourself. [Which isn't to say you can't criticize a flawed rule or social expectation, but the 'Sure, I did bad, how dare anyone act like I did something bad!' routine isn't really a respect-garnering approach.]

8 years ago*

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Could have at least said I was blacklisted so I could do the same, entering my giveaways but not allowing me to enter yours.. not cool.

8 years ago

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Thanks for calling me a bot, I guess........!

8 years ago

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to many walls of text, too early in the morning for me, will return later and read.. -reserving this slot for possible future comment.

updated: mmk, read all..

sorry, just looks like whining to me. not really much i can say beyond that.
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8 years ago*

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here's a reminder, 'cause i know you've got some shit to say :3

8 years ago*

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thnx 4 reminder
read and update (•‿•)

8 years ago

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strike was my own update, pardon for whining

8 years ago

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walls of text are killing sg, it's worse than rule breakers

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8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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so true.. i tried adding the category "Biggest user of Text Walls" in the annual sg award thing revilheart's doing cause it's just that bad..

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8 years ago

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But... but... but... Walls of Text are one of the best cards in the game. Can't blame folks for using them!

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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...hehe looks like Sindel from the Annihilation movie...

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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i don't get why you blame sg support.

because people don't want to give an expensive game to a complete stranger, and instead share it with a group of online friends?
you think the site is rigged so the same users wins?
or because sg has rules to prevent abuse and people get suspended when they break them?

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8 years ago

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that first bit is - frankly speaking - a load of tosh - and insulting - I have never used a bot to enter giveaways - sigh ! - Someone pass me the coarse grained salt please - giggle - FLAME WARS - WOOOOOOOOOOH !! :P

8 years ago*

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I was in a small group giveaway, level 4, an actually bad game, only one hour. I entered, and I was the only one, for 53 minutes. Then at the last second, somebody entered, the giveaway ended, only two people, and that person got the game ;)

Don't worry. It's not rigged against you. It's just the numbers. Sometimes you win, sometimes you don't

8 years ago

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$3 could have fixed your "mistake", and you haven't bothered to do so in the last year. You can't really blame people for holding you responsible for a problem you could have fixed for three dollars . -_-

You've won 109 games in a year. That's pretty good if you ask me. Have you even played them all? If you haven't, you probably shouldn't be complaining about wanting to win more ...

93% of the games you've given away are bundled games, and you expect to win AAA games? -_-

I mean come on .... /facepalm

8 years ago

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wow - didn't even bother to look at their won games - wayyyyyyy more than me :)

8 years ago

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I've learned there are a few types of people on SG

  • Those who give away and don't care about winning.
  • Those who only care about winning.
  • Those who are a bit of both, but always lean in one direction or the other.
  • and finally, those who only give away so they can win more.

I suspect you fit into the first category, and despite not winning much, it's a respectable place to be. :3

8 years ago

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yes and Ive sent 131 and 99% of all the games on here are bundle games; so I figure im above average. Please go back and read the edits.

Gifts Won
109 ($961.43)
Gifts Sent
131 ($1,422.17)

8 years ago

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I did read the "edits" and like I said, $3 could fix your problem if you actually cared to.
Instead you would rather appeal to people to "forgive you", and then remark you're not winning enough AAA games.

Sorry, but I don't have sympathy for those who break the rules, know they can easily fix the problem, and don't bother. ;)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I am not a bot. D:

8 years ago

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liar liar pants on fire :P

8 years ago

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Okay, did I sleep through some strange epidemic that somehow wiped punctuation, capitalisation, and sentence structures from the English language?

8 years ago

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minions language on/off - ON - sorry - having a annoying day working today, so trying to blow of a bit of meh

8 years ago

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Huh? o.0

8 years ago

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after reading half of it, the minions language kicked in in my head as it was soooo jumbly and loooong :)

8 years ago

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Okay, now at least Google helped me to find out what you meant by minions. I think. If we are talking about those yellow creatures from some animated movie or whatnot.

8 years ago

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yep - sorry - guess without context it did sound a bit odd - like the southpark episode where they want to give everyone aids - they meant Aides :-P

8 years ago

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Yes, it happened in December '92, I think.

8 years ago

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SG, besides being a giveaway site, is a huge online community. And for a community to exist in a somewhat stable state it needs to have specific rules that have to be enforced on the members of the community. People here care about the community aspect of this website and because of that they also care about the problem of rule-breakers. Because yes, it actually is a problem and if it escalates even more it could potentially cause severe damage to SG. Pointing out (in a civilized manner) that certain behaviours aren't going to be tolerated here is kinda a necessity seeing how laughable the "punishments" in the form of suspensions are.
Also, I don't think I've ever seen a situation where someone who broke a rule and later actually made an attempt to fix it (which, I'm sorry, but you haven't) kept getting flamed by the regulars here, so I'm not sure where did the "your a mooch or a terrible person and should be beaten and chastised" part come from.

Absolute power is absolute corruption.

I'm sorry, but do you think that throwing a party for a few of one's close friends instead of doing a Project X for the entire town is a form of "absolute corruption"?
This "point" just kinda seems like pure whining.

Also, I really don't like how you've written this post. Nothing in the OP suggests that you're looking for any sort of discussion regarding the topics you've listed. Instead you're just throwing around accusations (some of them rather groundless) in a honestly not-so-much respectful manner. You wanted to see if people will bite and jump at you and such provocations are rarely thought highly of.

8 years ago

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I try to fade out those rants and keep just the title, since that's making you sympathic.

Bot? Well ..

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8 years ago

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Its amazing how many people didn't see the edits section; it was a fake rant to make a point if I wanted to peruse adding higher dollar games on the site.. Its amazing how this blew over so many posters head, even though its posted twice; once in a message and once on my ORIGINAL message. I mean I used the term I Digress; should have been a flag there :D but thanks for eveyones feedback.

8 years ago*

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I have one spare key to fix that little mistake add me if you want fix it

8 years ago

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The amazing thing is that you somehow think this looks less douchey than your original post.

8 years ago

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It was a pleasure to amaze you my friend.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by jeffosoft.