What the rule for SpaceChem here? cant add it in GA

9 years ago

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It was free some time ago, so it was removed from the list.

9 years ago

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okey. dumb rule

9 years ago

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How is that dumb?

9 years ago

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Because this site is about giving things away that someone else might want. Why restrict what can be given away?

If it's a problem of unfair CV accumulation then just make such GA's count as zero while still letting them happen. There must be people who missed the freebie who would be delighted by a chance to win it.

9 years ago

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I think that would bring up more problems, since all giveaways for the game would be 0P, meaning even the one's that were bought would loose value. (Maybe i dunno what i'm saying i'm tired)

9 years ago

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So what's the problem ? The ones that were bought cannot be given away either at the moment so what would be the difference if you could give them away for no CV ?

9 years ago

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or maybe you are saying that giveaways that were made before the games was given for free would lose CV ? A list similar to the bundle list could be made, and all giveaways made before the game was given for free would keep the CV

9 years ago

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I think he means that the giveaways that were made before the games was given for free would lose CV. It's how the current bundling system works (and also your CV is determined by the current price of the games that you have given away, even if the current price is lower than what you bought the game for). This is due to the fact that Steam servers are terrible, and sometimes Steamgifts' servers can't contact Steam's and so it's better to continuously update with the most recent version, or else we wouldn't be able to make giveaways every time Steam crapped out. And CV would really mess up with price errors...

9 years ago

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Yes this is that i meant, thanks for explaining it :).

9 years ago

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The rationale behind not allowing us to give away free games is that it leads to exploitation of the website giving away the keys. People easily accumulated 50 keys to give away in the past, and as there is a limited number of keys, it is unfair if the users of sg got a total of like 95% of the keys (probably an exaggeration...I hope). To nip key hoarding in the bud, no free games can be given away. Of course, if you still want to be generous, many people paste game keys in the forum.

9 years ago

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That makes a lot of sense. Thanks.

ninja edit: After a moments reflection, it seems that the incentive to accumulate a lot of keys disappears (or at least diminishes) as long as there is 0 CV gained here for once-free games.

9 years ago*

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How many Dragon Age you see on steamgifts.com and how many SpaceChem?

9 years ago

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Dragon Age was not given for free asaik

9 years ago

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Hi Dunther :-)

Seems to me his point is that giving away SpaceChem would increase the number of different choices available to people looking to enter a GA. Think he actually has a fair point even if not stated gracefully ;o)

9 years ago

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I'm not totally against having free games in the giveaway list, unless they provide CV, wich would pretty abusable; I was just underlining the difference between the two cases :P

9 years ago

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But Dragon Age was not free, you had to pay for it although it was a bundle.

9 years ago

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People were forced to pay for dragon Age, no matter how little. Free games are removed because everyone could go and use the site it was free on, they don't need giveaways. And after that, it stays removed for a significant amount of time in the hopes that most people won't have 50 free keys sitting around by the time it returns.

9 years ago

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oh my got. 1$ MUCH MORE THAN 0. okey. relax you all...
But rule still dumb. Gold in sea free too, but worth millions...

9 years ago

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Someone difficult to collect most of that. It isn't click, click, click, done.

9 years ago

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Try collect SpaceChem now.
+1 Key, who give more?

9 years ago

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With the number of bundles it has also been in, its quite easy. I got it from a recent bundle after the free offer.

Even without that, its significantly easier than your comparison.

9 years ago

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How easy and how many you find it on steamgifts.com or in other place for trade or GA?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Finally. i check it before only for thread names...

9 years ago

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I agree with Delta. Someone estimated that around 25% of Humble Indie Bundles are pirated...And those people could have just paid a penny for their games! Therefore, needing to pay a dollar is an extraordinary barrier.

9 years ago

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dumb are the ones trying to giveaway free stuff
dont worry bro, i have been there, we all been...

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

9 years ago*

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I was never there. I did make a thread about how to format though. That was pretty dumb from my part.

9 years ago

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9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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I want to give away SpaceChem also! Guess it'll just have to be a key:

9 years ago*

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to fast for "free" key

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by sanmal.