Would you make a positive or informative review of our game?
It looks rather interesting; if I get the funds to pick it up, I can take a look.
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I think it's reasonable to ask for the review to be constructive or informative. Nobody gets anything of value from a blank review or a review that just says "1337" or "[insert character name] is best waifu". If he just wanted worthless "Recommended" reviews to manipulate the review rating, he could create fake accounts but he's trying to get honest feedback, which should be applauded.
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Well, of course a blank review is not worth it. I just think if you say "I'll give you a key for a positive review" definitely doesn't sound good but, as other user points out, probably he just doesn't know how to express himself correctly in English.
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Yeah, I think he is trying to behave honourably and it's just a translation issue. He uses "constructive or informative" in the body of the text - I didn't even notice that the question was worded as "positive or informative".
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Whoa. It looks really good. Wishlisting it for now. I might turn around, and buy it though later this week. I hope you find some curator's!
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The game looks good, I can give it my critique if you want. Just don't expect short reviews from me :p I tend to write a bit much. I look up to a lot of game reviewers.
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I would recommend having your game's Steam description be re-written by someone who is fluent in English and decent at writing.
Your screenshots appear like you put time and effort into the game, but the same cannot be said for your game description. The current description is very amateur, poorly translated, and forms a poor first impression.
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Also try to add some screenshots of the English version that showcase the translation quality.
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You're welcome. My view is that the Steam page is your first impression, thus you want to have a good, clear, professional quality description (even if it doesn't actually require a profession to write one) to present your game as a professional, quality product.
If your description is a confusing, poorly organized mess that looks like it was carelessly put through Google Translate, it makes me think that you would be similarly careless with your game. If you don't care about your description, what's to say that you care about your game?
If your description is clear, well presented, and seems professional, it raises my expectations of your game.
For example, don't just write "RTS+TD+ADV", write out what it means. I may not be familiar with the acronyms (what's ADV?). Better yet, write out a complete sentence, such as: "Huusuienbu is a role playing game that blends together real-time strategy and tower-defence combat." I'm assuming that's accurate, as I don't have the game.
Likewise, the whole "story1 / story2" thing is unnecessary, confusing, and shouldn't be in the description. That should be in a developer update post, the description should focus on just describing the game.
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Adv is the standard shorthand for Adventure. While I can't speak to the developer's intentions on this specific utilization, they do mention "adventure mode" and include "adv" as part of a list of various genres, so it's likely being used as per normal expectations. That said, it probably shouldn't be listed in all-caps, as it's a shorthand rather than an acronym. The only generally intuitive acronym that comes to mind for adv is "adverb", and I don't feel as though that quite fits. :P
I went to the page to try my hand at rewriting the description but.. yeah, without actually having played the game, I can't really make sense of a good portion of that description.
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Yeah, I figured it probably meant Adventure, but others might look at ADV and be confused. Advanced, Advertising, AD Vision, Average Daily Value, Acoustic Doppler Velocimetry, Acoustic Droplet Vaporization, Aleutian Disease Virus, Australian Defense Vessel, Adventure Visual novel... the possibility for confusion is there. There are better ways to describe a game than ADV. We have to remember that people are often easily confused. You wouldn't believe how many people I've run into in stores that didn't know if the Wii U was the Wii 2, or an add-on for the Wii, or a peripheral, or what it was - and this was a couple years after it came out, so it wasn't even release associated confusion.
Adventure Mode itself can be confusing. Is that the story / campaign mode, or is it a separate mode? And, if so, what is the default mode?
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I am interested in giving it a try, I'll for sure give a review if I enjoy it.
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I can probably put you in contact with several independant Steam reviewers and Curators. Rules on SG doesn't allow me to post a link here, so contact me on Steam if you want to know more.
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I'm not the best writer but I'd love to write a review for you!
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My steam group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/steamsurprisefr
Curator page: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/9930035/
Have a good day!!!
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I apologize for saying that the review had to be positive, what we are looking for is a review with a constructive or informative criticism, it does not have to be positive since that is against the rules, it was an error on my part since I do not know , I apologize
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I've checked a gameplay video on YT (unfortunately, your trailer does not show any real gameplay, you should include some gameplay video on your Steam store page). The game looks interesting for me (it's also recommended by one of the curators, that I follow), and Tower Defense is about the only kind of RTS games, that I enjoy.
I'm not a curator, yet, and it will still take me quite a while to become one, but if you like the way in which I write reviews, I will gladly write an honest review of Huusuienbu in a week or so (unless I find it right in the middle between Recommended and Not Recommended, in which case I will write my opinion in this thread).
P.S. I think, that you should edit your opening post, strike put "perform a positive or informative review about our game" and put something like "play out game shortly, and post on Steam an honest and thoughtful recommendation/review" in it's place.
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Hello, my name is tatsumi, I am part of a small team of independent video game developers from steam. Lately we are seeing that our first game Huusuienbu story1 does not have many reviews, we are currently looking for pages of steam healers who are willing to make a constructive or informative review about our game, if interested you can comment on this publication or contact me to talk about this topic .......!
Huusuienbu story1
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