JAN 25th 2 Trains added: 1 under 5 phase solvers and another under 6 phase (or full event) solvers!! by EinAnderer! From a fellow solver of the event!
Hints for picture match of CW09- what is unique about these animals? Caterpillar has many what? Crocodile has many what? Lion is known for,what around head? Camel known for having what? Armadillo has what and it's compared to what? What is the top part of the sweater called where you stick your head out?
CW12 Fixed totally... PHEW! (had a wrong letter before in crossword)
CW10 Fixed totally... ! PHEW! (had a wrong letter before in crossword)
CW06 fixed Q1 to be googleable and spelling of “spines”
Crossword 9- all coordinates fixed
Crossword 7 first coordinate fixed
Hog #5 the second shape is turned from what’s in the picture.
Hog #3 the 3rd shape is in a really dark area, use zoom and process of elimination
You need to match each picture you get after solving each HOG ITH to a picture on the metapuzzle ITH.
Put the word(passcode) that is with the HOG ITH picture in the matching place on the meta puzzle ITH.
All the matches follow the same theme to make the match and the words fit with it too.
To discover the theme google some of the words that are unique... like DICKORY
That word will lead to the theme of how to match pics.
If you're not from America then making matches might take more googling.
With all the matches correct you solve the meta ITH and get access to a GA.
Last you can solve the passcode keys since all the words you put in the right places.
The keys refer to the 4 words you put in as answers to make the matches.
Figure out how to decipher the keys applying them to the words.
The goal is to find two hidden ITH codes.
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I'm the opposite, HOG08 was really easy for me, yet I've been struggling to find one last object in HOG07. ; A ;
Ended up getting it, but from purely guessing the numbers/letters in order. I still can't visualize how that hint matches up with the one in the picture. x.x
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There are two things to crack in metapuzzle... picture matching and passcode-key deciphering.
You can get all the questions right in metapuzzle and solve that ITH and get a reward...
Then you can crack the passcode-keys! And get more rewards.
You won’t need the numbers later... just used to crack at that time.
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You can forget the numbers and just crack first part for a GA...
Look at all pictures and try to find a common theme that will match the hog pic you got to the pics on ITH. To show you got the match you put the word that goes with the matching picture on correct place and question on ITH.
The passcode keys are an extra puzzle you don’t have to do either unless you want to continue the challenge.
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Wait, what are the passcodes used for? Do we need to keep them?
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Put each HOG passcode word into the PC-ITH-Phase 1 for 1-8 and receive a phase passcode you need to access trains found listed at end of above.
If you choose to try the metapuzzle you will need them again to solve that puzzle.
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Bump for HOGs <3
Edit: too stupid to solve HOG8 Q3 T.T even looked up full lists of possible words and cross referenced them with animals and nothing works :/
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Yea I understood what I am supposed to do, the problem is just that there are so many options. So I got a full list of words that end with the last 3 letters of the first line and a list of every animal that is 8 letters long and checked for any matches. There were some but none of them actually worked.
I know exactly what the first word is now and it was on the list I found as well, but I must have missed something somewhere. I shall take another look again tomorrow when I am at my PC. Knowing the first word helps a lot, so thank you very much for the help!
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Well that was extremely helpful :D I know what it is, will solve it tomorrow, thanks again!
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Phase 1 & 2 done. Will need more time for the meta though. Bump!
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Bump for a nice event I hope I'll have time to do!
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Bump for phases 1 and 2 solved! Looking forward to phase 3 and 4 :)
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Wow, that is some dedication! I can't wait to start solving them :)
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I did not save the links to the ITHs nor do I really understand the instructions (my English isn't all that great) so I am happy with just solving the main part of the event. But have a bump instead! I am still very much looking forward to the next phase :)
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Thank you for putting them together! It was a while since I had so much fun solving SG puzzles I kinda love HOGs <3
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You probably already own them, but just in case, I have just put up a bunch of them as whitelist GAs if interested :), otherwise ...
...this is just a bump!
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Yes I enter the passcodes in each ITH slot (I only have the 5 first ones) and every time it's a wrong guess according to ITH.
ITH is not case sensitive so it can't be this kind of error and I'm sure that I found the right objects/letters.
edit: ooops I didn't understand that these HOGs codes were ITH codes themselves......sorry.
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Our first summer event was a great success with over 250 people completing 2 phases and over 150 people conquering all phases!!! Lets see if our WINTER event can reach even higher stats! Come join in on the fun!
NOTE:Just for clicking on any puzzle in Phase 5 & 6 and viewing the puzzle you get free GAs... you don't even have to solve them!!
Puzzle Notes: We are releasing Phase 1&2 NOW till Jan 15!
Phases 3&4 Dec 23rd, ACTIVE NOW! Till Jan 22!
Phase 5 Dec 30th ACTIVE NOW till Jan 29!
Phase 6 Jan 6th ACTIVE NOW till Feb 5th!
Trains filled with prizes bundled and unbundled will be continuously added during the event!!
About Bundlelicious: For those that don't know, we were one of the first bundle giveaway groups on Steamgifts.
We have had 10's of thousands of successful bundle giveaways by our members, which is our specialty!
We also organize dozens of gaming events & challenges every year, and feature monthly puzzle events!
With this Winter Puzzle Event we are now bringing the puzzle events to you, even if you are not a member!
These puzzles are open to everyone on Steamgifts who is a Level 1+ on SG!
If you are not level 1 on SG yet, don't worry, getting to level 1 is EASY, simply make 1 succesful giveaway on Steamgifts
to earn a boarding pass to this event!
Our puzzle master has created a series of Interlocking puzzles! Solve them and you will get access to giveaway trains!
There are 6 phases of this puzzle event. After solving each phase of this event you will get a passcode-- thus if you finish all 6 phases you will get 6 passcodes.
Submitting two passcodes of the 6 will get you on trains for those that have conquered one phase and those that have solved 2 phases and likewise for 3 solved, 4 solve, 5 solved and 6 solved for a total of 6 potential list of trains to win access to GAs!
Note: Reward trains will be continually be added throughout the complete event so keep checking back for announcements on new trains added. If you want to add a train to the event and are a Bundlelicious member then contact 1000mgGinseng. All others non-BL members can contact jeffhowe or simply reply in main thread below expressing interest in donating a train.
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