I need to...
8 months, having sex with another dudes, 8 months of lies and more lies, she left her work to pay his phone, make up and another things with my money, i know her from school
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Well, in Dante's case it was more like petty revenge fantasies written into a poem because he had to leave his home city state. Many of Inferno is just him huffing and puffing about all the small and large grievances he had in his life. You can consider him the Renaissance version of an emo boy writing poems about how school sucks, only he was a middle-aged man and he could actually write pretty damn well. :D
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In Florence we still regret to this day "letting" him go... And yep, Dante and (in my opinion) Leopardi can be both considered precursors of the emo genre, but when it comes to Hell I find the description of the lower circles to be spot on.
There is little I despise more than betrayal, often because a traitor is guilty of more than breaking one's trust, there are deep moral implications.
In many nations high treason is (or was) the most serious possible crime and to me it's funny, we humans are so eager to condemn treachery and yet "everyday betrayal" is so common in many situations that is somewhat accepted as a natural occurrence.
This is one of the reasons I have trust issues and generally can't cope well with people. Oh well, I managed to write another rant post, my bad.
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I'm sorry to hear that, but please don't do anything to yourself because of this. I'm sure you'll find someone who will appreciate you one day. :)
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ohhh my friend pls dont fk with me, there's 4 dudes with her
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That's not fucking with you. It's true. Maybe it will be.
But then maybe you should think about what all these girls have in common and try to avoid that kind of person. You deserve to be treated right. Also, maybe try to think about yourself more.
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Maybe try men instead, your luck there can't be any worse.
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Amazing advice...
And after a year or two you'll suggest to try an animal?
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as he falls down the slippery slope, eventually he'll have a rock solid relationship with a mineral.
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Consentual? Where you saw this? EggShen didn't say to agree with men, he just suggested to try them =)
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I shouldn't have to imply consent. OP isn't having much luck when it comes to relationship with women so I suggested trying a relationship with a man. Regardless if it's legality in some areas I'd never suggest beastiality precisely because an animal can't consent.
Just because unlike you some people are open to the idea of same sex relationships it doesn't mean they'll automagically consider a relationship with anything.
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I think they were trying to say telling a straight person to suddenly turn gay is as ludicrous as telling them to try other species, not that being gay is ludicrous or something malicious like that, idioms don't translate well to the linearity of the english language \o/ I could be wrong though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Unfortunately, this happens to most of us. No doubt there is someone out there that is right for you, but it can take a long time to find them. For now, all you can is hang out with your friends, grab a few beers and play some games. Forget about her, she's not worth wasting your time or feeling over any longer.
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you could give MGTOW a try. or even go to the extreme with the red pill
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because, as others suggested as well, it wouldn't be that bad to focus on yourself and on your own interests/career. take some personal time for self-improvement and self-rewarding, rather than giving it away on a silver platter to people who may or may not be worth it. try not relying on the approval of others, begin with yourself. Those who acknowledge themselves, will be acknowledged by others as well.
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^ I second this.
I came out of high school pretty much wanting to get rid of the bad memories of a girl cheating on me, being constantly compared to two other guys who looked like me in my class, and not standing out. College came and I just did everything that I wanted to do. Joined clubs, exercised, and focused on my studies (failed on this part but not enough to drop out. Made me a little wiser and made me appreciate my course more). Either way, I didn't come looking for love this time. It's true when some people say that love just finds its way to you, that's how I found my girl friend and I've been happy ever since.
Love yourself more, man and love will find its way to you sooner or later.
Edit: Also, you can add on me Steam if you want to talk :) Always willing to listen :D
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I was afraid I was the only one thinking this
Nope, same!
wanted to WL, well you're already in XD
And same! About Khazadson I mean. I guess I'll add you instead :)
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Just relax and take it easy.) If she leave - then she wasn't yours and never love you.
All this crap what femails saying "men must that...", "men must this..." - is complete bullshit. I do everything what they wanted, everything what they are saying in their shitty-fantasy posts and guess what? - they leaving, It is womans nature - then less we love them - then more we attract them.
But that is only for "o t h e r" femails. Wise woman, if she love - rarely leave you, with any reason.
So don't trust anyone, don't believein all that crap femails said, leave this shit behind and be yourself. You deserve for better.
And it will come, sooner or later.
My recephy for you - go deep in gaming of your favorite game for hours or even days. You can even start new game - it allways satisfaing.)
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Before you're about to kill urself, think about ur family 1st, why do u want to commit suicide ? Because of a fucking stranger ? an unfaithful person, what will happen to ur parents and family when u die ? Is it even worth it.... If my son want to kill himself just because his girlfriend breakup with him ,I'll let the bastard die because he doesnt even care about his family, then I can have another son.
Jesus christ, I'm so mad at people that want to kill themselves just because of some stupid fucks that break their hearts
GO FUCKYOURSELF fucking idiot!
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my family rejects me, my mother hates me, my father's too
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im alone in USA, my parents rejected me cause i was supporting my bisexual sister, my parents are very homophobic and hates my sister too
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doesn't mean you can kill urself, no matter what ,they are still your parents, they raised you, and I bet if they heard you commit suicide they'd collapse. Believe me, they still love you somehow. Get a best friend, someone that can share things with you.
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Well if you kill yourself, who's gonna be there for your sister?
The people who is close to the person who committed suicide are affected the worst. Just imagine how your sister would feel.
Do you want her to be depressed for losing the only family who supported her?
Don't be selfish mate.
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Yeah, betrayal are a pain in the ass, trust me I know. Been there done that. But it's not worth losing everything over a bitch.
Make yourself feel good about other things in life.
Like you said, give yourself a break. Treat yourself. Learn to love yourself. Bless, mate.
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You're not alone, you have your sister at last, or not?
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Take you time and read this
I am with a girl for 17 years now and we have arguments (last one yesterday...everyting is solved this morning) but the important thing is self confidence not to much of course and giving her the feeling of doing your best for her protection.
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Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus - and fools and their money are soon parted :) - really, do people still read this pseudo scientific crap? - you do know that this stuff is just written to sell books (and make someone rich at your expense) don't you :P - like every self help book out there. Happy if this helps someone, but let's not make it out as a panacea to all the lovelorn of the world.
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Let me guess, you're 17 ? That book is retarded, generalizing women and men is retarded, self help books are retarded, people who read them are retarded.
Use your brain, learn and understand your loved one and you'll have a happy relationship. Until she cheats on you.
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I just finished this game and the (second) two lines popped in my head.
major spoilers
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It happened the same with me but I started focusing on career, gaming and tried to keep busy with myself! Let's say talking with new people with boost your mind in positive way and kills frustration and sadness. If you need a listener then you may add me. Hope for best and have a good day ahead!
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Read it at least you will think of something else.
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Music is always nice regardless of life situation ... it can save you from a lot of things :)
I usually walk back home from work , even tho its like an hour long walk ... and just listen to some nice music , have a beer and hit the bed once i get home ... its not perfect at all , but it does the trick :)
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I like this statement (same page)
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I know the feel man. Hopefully it gets better soon :)
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I know life sucks (most of the time) but don't just give up. From your responses to other people, your sister is THE reason.
Maybe what you need now is good friends who can be with you and cheer you up instead of getting involved in another relationship.
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I still fail to see what's wrong with my attitude. OP is whining about his lost girlfriend on a game giveaway forum, then asks the users to "give me a reason to be alive or to kll myslf". At this point you should reconsider who has the attitude.
Then I commented a three letter meme, a random guy told me he blacklisted me, I told him how much I did not care. But now you are telling me that I will be on many blacklists like I would care about blacklists. Give me one reason why should I care. Just give me one that convinces me about the importance of SG blacklists in my life.
Besides I don't believe in karma.
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You should wish you never come to the point where you consider of killing yourself. For whatever reason, serious or not.
With this out of the way, the three letter meme may be nothing to you, but another person could take it seriously. You probably have no idea what impact some internet "jokes" can have on another person's "AFK" life.
I don't care if you care either. Just pointed it out because you claimed that you don't care about this guy's blacklist. So I pointed out he'll not be the only one to do that. I posted something. This does not imply I ever believed you'd care about my post. You implied it and you ask for reasons. Well one I can think of is that you're on this site to win games, so the more blacklists you are on, the less your chances. You probably don't care about your chances either, though.
Karma comes in many forms besides its most popular "abstract romantic" definition.
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If anyone will kill himself just because a totally random person on internet said so then good riddance. Chances are lower than low though.
Killing himself just because a girlfriend was unfaithful for him is just ridiculous. I know people who have better reasons to kill themselves than stupid relationship problems, and they still don't do it. Want a few examples? I know a man who recently lost his 30 years old daughter due to terminal illness, a woman who's husband was spitting acid on her so her face is ruined forever, a couple who lost their kid because the 5 years old has somehow fell off a ship and the ship's gears and mechanics ripped him to pieces.
I personally had many suicide-worthy experiences in my life, I still never thought about killing myself though. Instead I started counseling people who needs advice, including suicidal ones. Believe me, no suicidal person would post to steamgifts and decide his life with a stupid poll. You are taking this shit more seriously than OP.
OP just wanted few pages of attention and he got it.
The problem is you are all taking teenage angst internet dramas way too seriously, while you don't know anything about how real suicide works.
On a side note yes you are right, over 1k games I don't care about my winning chances, that's why I don't care about blacklists.
So I drop the mike because I don't think it's worth arguing over attention whoring.
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You should talk to someone to make them feel better, if they think need that. If you think otherwise, you should waste your 20-30 seconds to post something else somewhere else, where it could be useful instead of adding to the negativity.
For what it's worth:
I don't need examples, I do have personal experiences myself. No need to display them here. So much about causing drama... That's why I said "for whatever reason". I agree this one is ridiculous compared to others. But that's what stands for me and you. And it depends on each person's mindset, what feels serious to them and what does not.
Good for you to help others out. But since this indicates you're not a misanthrope, you should also overlook the reason someone wants to kill themselves. Isn't it a little hyprocitical that you choose to judge why someone feels this way? Choosing to help people only because of the reason they need help, instead of just helping? You could just remain silent if you believe it's a ridiculous reason. But this, posting some shitty meme, this comes against your supposed cause.
I don't think the OP will decide by this poll ultimately. I don't know (neither do you, I guess) if this is pure attention seeking. Thus I say let's keep it low and examine the worst case. Let's think that the OP just needs to talk to people. He chose SG. Does it matter why?
"Teenage anhst internet drama" is your interpretation of the current thread. I say you could be wrong. I could be wrong as well but I prefer to support someone than push the situation towards the worse outcome.
You base most of your arguments on your own view and you're quite dismissive of others' views and experiences, while not knowing of them too. Well, you're not the only one with real suicide experience here, Mr/Mrs know-it-all. As it seems to me you're not a psychologist or doctor either. Remember this is just your opinion and views, not the universal truth.
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let me explain, I suffer a lot of depression and apathy, I have been in these conditions for a long time, this was what most affected me and increased my desire for suicide
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ok, about the cheat achievements i have explained that in another post, it was an accident using SAM, yes i was stupid an reseted my achievements when i was trying to get 1, the youtube hat, you know that hat
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Welcome to the club pal.
My GF cheated on me while she was abroad, came back crying and saying how she was "never satisfied or even enjoyed sex" with someone other than me. I banged her, dumped her, now I'm having sex with her nemesis whom she constantly warned me about.
Get some weed, take a day off, play games all day long. You'll be fine, there are good women out there too. They just find you when you're not looking.
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I have a sad life. It wasn't self-praising. I don't suggest people to do that, revenge won't make you happy.
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You're not alone...
We have to accept the way that the majority of people on this planet think and behave: faulty. Egotistically. Maliciously.
The way I view it: Love is hard to find. True and meaningful love is a myth to most. Few people on this planet have managed to achieve it. And it was luck on the biggest part.
Stay strong, be there for your sister and keep your eyes open. Do what makes you feel good every day. Hope is all we have left. I am starting to accept the possibility of remaining single for the rest of my life. People are stupid, people are selfish, but I still hope I'll find an exception I can rely on (or at least have good times).
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Stop underestimating yourself. When someone walks out of your life, let them. They are just making more room for someone better to walk in.
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Don't get offended, but what the fuck? Are the only one with those problems? What if everyone starts to complain about his life here? And no, no reason to stay alive, there's only one girl in this world, go and kill yourself. Nothing personal, it's just that I get sick when I see a thread like this... Act like a grown man for fuck sake. Pick you shit up, that's not the only girl and please don't cry to the whole world like it doesn't have his own problems..
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so rude... but i like ur opinion, more better than stay alone 4 ever, thanks bro
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i know, when i was 15 i was stupid,now i cant see the difference, im 21 and still having bad relationships
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No one find the perfect relationship in his first try. But too many try (tries ?) is not good either if you keep doing the same mistake over and over. You have to understand each time what was the real problem.
You were interested in her ≠ you will live happily with her when you get to know her.
For exemple, I will take my case (you don't have to read, I would understand). I used to crush for people I barely met. I was doing anything for them to like me. Of course, we ended up together : i was dumped 3/4/5/6 months later (cheated on, or dumped because he still love his ex, or "i already have a girlfriend actually, that was fun now k bye")...
I was trying too hard ! If you have to bend yourself to please someone, that's a huge fucking mistake. And it took me 3 try to understand that. People are mostly stupid when it come to love. It doesn't come naturally, you have to learn
Maybe your problem is somewhere else, it's different for every people I guess. The thing is that you have to find it and no one will do it for you.
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i know my exgf since school, but she changed to be the worst woman ever... i dont know how could this happen
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I did not say it as each time your fault, everyone can encoutner a whiny dick/bitch, I was speaking about the fact that it was the 12th try and you seems to have give up.
Everyone change, some for the best, some for the worst. You said earlier you didn't felt like you changed, but I'm sure you do, even if you don't realize.
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There's no happiness without pain, you'll soon get over her and what she did, it may not seem like it at this moment but you will and you'll come out of it stronger for it. It's certainly not worth taking your own life over, especially when you've got most of it ahead of you. Life isn't easy and you'll have challenges all the way through it, this is just one of many. In between all the heart ache and the struggles of life, there are times which will make you forget about the things like this and be glad that you didn't do something stupid.
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Another girlfriend who is unfaithful to me... im so tired of this sh**, give me a reason to be alive or to kll myslf
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