Hey, let me start out by saying this is NOT a trade post. I'm merely trying to figure out what a fair price is for Cities: Skylines - Snowfall. As far as I know it's the only Cities: Skylines DLC beside Cities: Skylines - After Dark that was ever bundled. Cities: Skylines - Snowfall was in the "Yogscast Jingle Jam 2017" bundle which cost 31,14€. The cheapest price I could find on grey market places is around 4 to 5€, which is basically almost the same as the discounted price when it's on sale. Would love to hear from some people that bought it or sold it and for how much, or how much you believe it's worth if you're a regular trader. Since traders seem to prefer to snub their noses, instead of trying to counter the offer I make them, or just ignore me.

Also is there a better place to trade than Steam Trades because most traders there are extremely greedy, with a poor sense of reality. I tried barter but their User Interface is beyond painful and you only seem to be able to trade games for games. Because I rarely buy bundles and therefor don't have many games to trade, I just want to use PayPal.

If you prefer to discus this with me on Steam chat you can add me. Would really appreciate any advice since I'm playing Cities: Skylines at the moment and really enjoying it. In any case I'd like to thank you for your time reading this.

Some GA's for your time:

Lost Chronicles of Zerzura
Alter Ego
Mata Hari

5 years ago*

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i want tell you 1 thing , sometime in my life i give to people game 1€ and they give to me game 29€ or 60€ , other time i do vice versa i give game 60€ and they give me game 1€ , this happen (at least for my side) especially when for example i have a sport\racing\fighting\jrpg game (that for me is 0 value also if the price is 60€ because is not my taste and i never will play them but maybe i get them with bundles) but some other have an adventure\fps game that for me is big value coz i like (also if maybe the game is 1€)
So what i mean is,i think not always things have same value for all people and we not always can base our life in value price of things so consider also to do just 1:1 trade without to check price.

5 years ago

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Sure that makes sense when trading one game for another, but I rarely buy bundles and only use PayPal to buy games. So it doesn't make sense for me to pay the trader more than what the game costs on sale, because I will simply buy the game on sale. I appreciate your comment though.

5 years ago

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thank u! yes i understand you

5 years ago

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Bundle price was 35$ for 60 games / DLCs. So fairest price would be something like 0,50$ Anything around 1$ seems fair.
You could also have got it for free as many buyers gave this DLC (CS steam forum or here)
If you think price is too high, you can also just wait... Steam's workshop has enough assets & mods for eating all your RAM.

5 years ago

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Oh cool you found the thread, I just posted the price from ITAD to be honest :D Around 0,50~1€ seemed like a fair price to me too. The Cities Skylines forums is a good idea I forgot about those. I have no problem waiting.

5 years ago

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Some traders tend to get back the max from some games they evaluate highly to compensate the loss from bundle games that have no value. So if this dlc comes from yogcast bundle 2017 (maybe there is not much stock from this 2 years old bundle), probably the trader registered from bundle what interested him much, then evaluated what remained and thought "oh these ones have no value, this dlc of cities skylines has some value, will try to get back some more from this one to compensate" (and the more time passes, the more trader tends to compensate the time he kept it without selling : he sells his patience and some evaluate highly their time)

I trade very rarely and just to buy not sell, but in my eyes, it's reasonable if price doesn't exceed price of game on steam sale, because there isn't a most legit source than steam store. But actually we are "in the long harsh time between winter sales and summer sales", so games tend to have high value the most far you're from big steam sales. So... 4€ for this dlc seems a max if there is a good demand (it's still a relatively old dlc), otherwise 2€ if nobody else cares.

I don't know if this dlc itself is searched a lot actually (i bought it long time ago from gamesplanet on sale) but as it's a dlc of a very good game, probably there is still some constant demand. But if you don't buy from grey stores, as it's a "famous game", dlc is regularly on sale too, isthereanydeal says 5x/year on sale on steam store.

5 years ago*

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Many traders have a tendency not to be able to let go off that fixed price in their head, even if there's virtually no demand for it anymore and they've had the game for years. I would say it's a low demand, low supply DLC since it's from more than a year ago and most people would have gotten it then, while most sensible traders would have sold it around that time. Holding on for too long will yield him nothing though, as time goes on the game becomes less relevant and the DLC will go on higher discount. Holding on to something that isn't rare will never increase in value, hence where the disillusion comes in. Made only worse by not replying or countering the offer.

The DLC is currently on sale for 3,25€ on their official website (which I didn't realize they had until I saw the C:S forums earlier today). So that's the maximum price for me. Also seems like the DLC for this game goes on sale quite a lot, so it's not that big of a deal to me. Like I said this particular DLC isn't in big demand and the game isn't brand new either (from 2015).

Worst case scenario I'll get it from a 75% off (or more) sale, and traders can sit on their precious key forever :D

5 years ago

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Well i agree with you because i'm a buyer/player not a seller ! XD
Of course there is more chance dlc worths nothing in the end after years than it becomes as rare as fable 3 removed.
But hey it's the concept of trade itself to try to maximize profits, and some of them try to partly live from that so costs nothing to try ! (And they know many people don't have paypal, so they can try to get more vs keys or a better value game, etc.)

The deal found by Caligu1a is amazing, 3,25€ is a super price ! (You're right, in snowfall dlc, there are some specific snow maps, it doesn't snow randomly on regular maps.)

5 years ago*

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It's still a bad business practice to hold onto something for a long time unless it's in high demand or a rare item. Some money is still better than no money. Even as a seller I realize this. Getting no money because he asks too much will not give him anything to live on. There's always the small change it will get removed from Steam which would increase the value, but that's mostly for licensed games or games made by big publishers who've gone off to create their own stores. There's a tiny chance they'll exclusively go over to the "Epic Games Store" I guess. I only look for traders who specifically say they accept PayPal offers, I hate to bother people. Thanks for the input.

5 years ago

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I cant agree more with you. Actually thats a basic law of economics, less demand means that you will have to lower your price anytime soon as if you dont you will end up with a lot of excessive stock.
Considering how old the dlc is and how many times it had a great discount asking for more than 1 or 2 bucks is stupid and there is no chance you are going to sell it. Sometimes you will have to accept your loses and move on, the longer you hold it the greater your losses as the price will keep degrading.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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bump again :)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Yes, I noticed it when I saw the C:S forums, while most DLC still seem expensive, probably will buy Natural Disasters since it's a good deal. The only reason I'm not motivated to pay that much for Snowfall is because from what I've read there isn't much content in the DLC except for the trams.

5 years ago

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Don't take this too seriously, I'm mainly posting to keep your thread current...
Well, strictly speaking, keys are not transferrable under Steam's terms, so it's either worth the Steam store cost or it's not worth anything. Unhelpful as it is, other than that, something is worth whatever somebody will trade it for, and the person that "wins" an item at auction pays more than everybody else thought it was worth.

5 years ago

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I appreciate anything that keeps my topic active to be honest :D But Steam does allows other stores to sell their keys, so it's basically how low the developer/publisher is willing to go that counts surely? Also I'm not "transferring" keys, a friend is merely gifting me their spare key and being a good friend I just happen to give them some money around the same time. Gifting is perfectly acceptable by Steam.

At least the person from the auction is willing to part with the item for whatever value is offered. Most sellers tend to have a reserve and prefer to hold on to the item forever then to part with it for a realistic price. Also it helps greatly to know the approximate value before bidding so that you do not overpay for an item on auction.

5 years ago

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Okay, that's fair enough. I guess a similar gift is the easiest way for something difficult to value like that, or to just accept that friendship transcends accounting and that there will be uneven transactions.

Plenty of items are also passed at auction due to not meeting reserve. I just think it's a good reality check (since people easily get excited about the bargains they think they have found at auctions) to remember that you only go home with something by paying more than literally everyone else there thinks it's worth. Maybe something is worth more to you, but if you only intend to resell it at a profit, it's a bit of a cold bucket of water to the face to realise that nobody else that looked at it thinks it's worth what you paid, let alone more. Even if you have some sort of specialist knowledge to be able to identify some item of rare collectable value that nobody else recognised, you still have to figure out how to convince buyers of this when selling it if you want the sale price to change.

5 years ago

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Depends on what kind of auction, but most people are absolutely clueless about the value of many items. There are people who make a living from bidding on auctions and reselling. So paying more for something than anyone else is not a big deal if the rest of the people don't know what they're doing (and most of the time they don't). The only way you end up losing is when you get into a bidding war with one or more people.That's why gathering information is the best thing to do if you're going for a specific item. But as you said if the seller isn't realistic about the price this whole thing doesn't mean a damn thing, but I had some good conversations in this thread which is always nice.

5 years ago

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I don't know. It's not wise to assume that everyone else is clueless. In poker, they say that if you can't tell who is the patsy at the table that is about to get fleeced, then it's you.

5 years ago

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Also is there a better place to trade than Steam Trades because most traders there are extremely greedy, with a poor sense of reality. I tried barter but their User Interface is beyond painful and you only seem to be able to trade games for games. Because I rarely buy bundles and therefor don't have many games to trade, I just want to use PayPal.

Yes indeed there is. Group Buys https://steamcommunity.com/groups/groupbuys is a Steam group dedicated to splitting bundles at fair prices.
If you rarely trade games and prefer to buy bundle leftovers with Paypal this is the place to try first as it's a not for profit group, so you wont come across profiteers like you do on Steam Trades.
I think it was calculated that the games from Yogscast Jingle Jam 2017 would be valued at around 92% off their retail price so Cities: Skylines Snowfall would have sold for about US$1.04 (0.93 Euro). Though as that bundle is fairly old now I'd say 2-3 Euro is a fair price to pay.
This won't necessarily help you now as I don't know if anyone has any Snowfall keys left (though if not you can always post in the "want to buy" section) but it will help you for future bundle splits.

5 years ago

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Yeah, I've discovered that group a few months ago, it's really great. Sadly the bundle is really old and I couldn't find anymore. I'm guessing I'll probably get it at a sale eventually. Yeah I think most people got rid of them by now :D Thanks for your reply :)

5 years ago

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Sorry to say that, but for me is to buy the complete edition is a better deal. Have seen this game as a complete editon between 10 to 15€. The dlc itselt is not oft under 3 €

5 years ago

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If I could buy the complete edition for that price I wouldn't be having this conversation friend :D In Europe, Belgium at least ITAD says the lowest price was 30€. Therefor it's cheaper to buy the expansion that I want separately on sale. And the complete edition doesn't include Cities: Skylines - Industries.

5 years ago

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its not allow to post the link to this site here. Check the kinguin(net) site for the complete edition it costs the 18,39€ you can also use the 8% discount code "MARCH8DE" so you are finally at 16,91€ (19% taxes is allready includet) or on instant-gaming it costs 13.60€

5 years ago

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Apparently it's this edition, which only contains the main game + "After Dark" & "Snowfall" + extra items pack. Which probably was the "complete" edition when it was released. So it's rather expensive actually. Which is not the same as this edition, which by now isn't complete anymore either. So yeah this game's DLC is kind of a mess :p

5 years ago

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You're right. People on Steam Trades are often extremely greedy. It's not really used by most as an end place to get games. There are way too many grey market traders on there to make it worth my while trying to trade any of my non-bundle games even. They try to get your game that cost you a good bit for really cheap, then sell them on the grey market. If you have a valuable game, it's probably better to either a) give it away to a good friend, or b) sell it yourself on the grey market. I haven't done option b. lol.

As for actually acquiring games, not everyone is a greedy so and so on there, so perhaps you should make a thread asking for what you want and the price that you're willing to pay for it. Someone might read your thread and make you an offer, so long as you're willing to bargain.

Good luck.

5 years ago

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I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling that way. Fortunately there are some good people there too, it's just that you have to go through a lot of greedy traders to find them. Making a WTB thread seems rather pointless I've done it in the past with no replies. Most people don't actively try to sell, they just wait for people to come to them.

5 years ago

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I have given up on trading for this dlc on both steam trades and barter a long time ago, there's just not enough stock that resellers overprice it, paradox doesn't go over 75% and there is no dlc bundle yet, snowfall doesn't add too much and by this time I was already done playing the game. I have a backlog and can wait the long game. So my advice would be to wait for an official sale if you really want it.

Paradox currently has a mostly 75% sale on skylines dlcs on their site right now

5 years ago*

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Have to agree with you, can't find many traders for it and those I find aren't very active or talkative. I'll probably just buy it on sale eventually. I find barter extremely painful to use, especially when trying to trade for PayPal instead of games (which I don't have).

5 years ago

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realistically, I think a fair price is 2.50. With some effort, you can find traders willing to sell it for that price.

5 years ago

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Eh 2,5€ is too much, I can't be bothered to put in the effort for the 0,75€ I'd get out of it and I don't want to the greedy traders to have that much profit. They want to hang on to their "precious" key so much they can have it :D Thanks for your reply and honest answer though.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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Making a thread to buy proved fruitless in the past, with no one replying. Most people don't actively try to sell, they just wait for people to come to them. Appreciate the thought though. Maybe I'll make one just in case, never hurts to try I guess.

5 years ago

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"Also is there a better place to trade than Steam Trades because most traders there are extremely greedy, with a poor sense of reality"

I've had some good luck with Indie Game Swap in the past.

5 years ago*

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Cool, never really used Reddit because it seems confusing and they have so many rules I'm bound to break one without knowing it. Interesting thread though, is it only for trading for games for games or do some also accept PayPal?

5 years ago

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Yea people sell for paypal often on there too, just have to tag the thread as 'selling' instead of 'trading'.

5 years ago

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According to my logic:

Cities: Skylines - Snowfall (citiesskylinessnowfall, https://store.steampowered.com/app/420610 ): 0.41€ / $0.46 / 2291 Gems | Yogscast Jingle Jam 2017 by Humble Bundle

This is what I consider fair, but that doesn't mean you can't sell for more. This is the price I'd pay myself if somebody wanted me to make an offer, and I'd be unwilling to pay much more, and definitely not above $1.

5 years ago*

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That does seem to be the fair non-profit price around 0,50~1€, it's and old bundle so I'm willing to pay a bit more, but otherwise I'll just get it on sale and give the money to those that actually deserve it.

5 years ago

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100% agree with JustArchi and Raufiolis. I've put all games from that bundle on my trade post at 0.5€ each, and that's the price I would have given to the DLC (but I redeemed it to my account). Possibly 0.75€ if I'd felt greedy.

5 years ago

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I'm not a trader so take this with a grain of salt, but when the Yogscast bundle was fresh I saw 3 people on here (across separate posts) saying they'd pay $1 for a key. I ended up just giving away my key to one of them who wanted to play it, but have since acquired Cities myself and was actually just looking up the "going rates" yesterday as well. Other people's responses have been helpful, so thank you. :D

5 years ago

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That does seem to be a reasonable price with maybe a little profit for the seller. Funny that you were looking for it as well. I wish you good luck in your search and let me know at what price you buy it if you do ^^

5 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by FallenKal.