Update: cg replied below. The issue is temporary while some changes are being made to the site.

The navigation bar on the left side of the page that shows the search, "browse" buttons, and "my giveaways" buttons has recently started changing size depending on if there is an ad on the left side of the page. It happens on the list of giveaways and also in each individual giveaway page.

Every time this changes size, everything else on the page moves over to the right. This is annoying because the buttons keep moving position if you you are going through a bunch of pages. If you are clicking through a large train of giveaways kind of quickly, the enter button is changing size and the links in the giveaway description to move through the train keep moving around.

This isn't a big issue, but I do find it annoying. Maybe you can add a blank placeholder for the ad even if the site chooses not to display an ad so it keeps the layout of the site uniform.

Edit: What I said should be pretty clear, but I decided to add an image to show it better. My mouse wouldn't show in a screenshot, so I took a screenshot of each page layout and added an arrow where my mouse would be when I click the next button in the train. I added both arrows exactly 390 pixels from the left side of the image to make sure the mouse position didn't move.

Also, I just realized that I put 2 poll answers for no. I wanted a yes, no, and neutral, but that doesn't really make sense in this situation.

View attached image.
4 years ago*

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Do you find this issue annoying

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It doesn't bother me

Hi AllTracTurbo, I'm in the middle of A/B testing a number of changes to ad units across the site, so sometimes you'll see the advertisement in the sidebar and other times it'll be in the main column. This is only temporary until I can collect enough data to make a confident decision on the placement.

4 years ago

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Sounds good. Thanks for the info :)

4 years ago

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thank you tons for addressing this issue, i was going through a train yesterday and they were super kind enough to put the "next" button in same spot whole train, but it kept moving cuz of the sidebar expanding and it was killing my soul lol

4 years ago

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considering most of us use adblockers, it's almost as annoying as ads XD

4 years ago

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