First of all to my fellow german Steamgifters:
Massive Änderung im Steam-Store ab dem 15.11.2024!

"Ab dem 15. November 2024 werden Kunden in Deutschland auf Steam keine Spiele mehr angezeigt, für die kein gültiges Alterskennzeichen vorliegt."
Das wird hauptsächlich Indie-Spiele betreffen, die schlicht und einfach kein Geld haben, sich bei der USK eine Altersprüfung zu kaufen.
Valve spricht allerdings auch von "...oder durch den Steam-eigenen Bewertungsprozess". Eventuell reicht das aus und eventuell machen das dann auch die Indie-Entwickler.
Es ist aber davon auszugehen, dass viele Indie-Entwickler beides nicht machen und diese Spiele werden wir schon ab Mitte des nächsten Monats nicht mehr sehen. Da die meisten Spiele auf Steam Spiele von kleinen Indie-Entwicklern sind, kann es sein, dass wir tausende Spiele ab nächsten Monat nicht mehr sehen und auch nicht mehr kaufen können.

Hinweis: Ich möchte hier kein USK-Bashing sehen.
Ich finde es im Sinne des Jugendschutzes und Jugendschutzgesetzes absolut richtig, dass Spiele eine Altersprüfung haben müssen. Es muss sichergestellt sein, dass Jugendliche und Kinder keine Spiele in die Finger bekommen, die für ihr Alter nicht geeignet sind. Eltern übernehmen diese Aufgabe in den meisten Fällen nicht, da sie meistens von digitalen Plattformen keine Ahnung haben.

Ich sehe Valve in der Pflicht, Prozesse zu überarbeiten und zu aktualisieren. Mit einem vernünftigen Altersverfikationssystem wären auch alle Sex-Spiele wieder für uns Deutsche sichtbar (Hier ist es Valve, die das Problem sind).
Bei den Altersangaben könnten die Indie-Entwickler auch seitens Valve direkt verpflichtet werden, so ein Steam-eigenes Formular auszufüllen (siehe oben), damit ihr Spiel überhaupt auf Steam veröffentlicht werden darf. Das Problem wäre wahrscheinlich gelöst.

And now the english translation via DeepL and modified by me:
Massive change in the Steam store from November 15, 2024!

‘Starting on November 15, 2024, Steam will no longer display games to customers in Germany if the game is missing a valid age rating.’
This will mainly affect indie games that simply don't have the money to buy an age rating from the USK.
However, Valve also speaks of ‘...or it can have one issued by Valve through its own self-rating process’. Perhaps that will be enough and perhaps the indie developers will do this.
However, it can be assumed that many indie developers will not do either and we will no longer see these games from the middle of next month. Since most of the games on Steam are games from small indie developers, it's possible that we won't be able to see or buy thousands of games from next month.

Note: I don't want to see any USK bashing here.
I think it is absolutely right in terms of the protection of minors and youth protection laws that games must have an age rating. It must be ensured that young people and children do not get their hands on games that are not suitable for their age. In most cases, parents do not take on this task as they usually have no idea about digital platforms.

I believe Valve has a duty to revise and update its processes. With a sensible age verification system, all sex games would be visible to us Germans again (Valve is the problem here).
Valve could also directly force indie developers to fill out a Steam-specific form (see above) in order to be allowed to publish their game on Steam at all. The problem would be solved, I think.

2 hours ago*

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I believe Valve has a duty to revise and update its processes.

I'm confused. Valve has an automated questionnaire for age rating fro Brazil for 3 years now and Germany for a year already, and it warned all the developers multiple times to fill it in or the games won't show in Germany after some date in the future (I guess that's coming close). What do you expect them to do exactly if someone didn't fill that in a year? They even post a warning in your dashboard if you have urgent actions required...

It's another thing if Germany doesn't accept (but I assume Valve had some knowledge if that will be acceptable before they put it in) that level of self-regulation, nothing Valve or a random indie dev can do about that.

1 hour ago

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The problem with Germany is most of the time that the people do not understand the regulations regarding youth protection at all.

It is also basically since forever that every game without a rating be it from the USK or selflabeled should not be sold to anyone below the age of 18. For selflabeling you do not need to involve anybody at all as long as you do not sell physicall copies of your game.

And Valve takes the hammer approach and forces the consequences of a law, that only should affect the selling of games to people below the age of 18, to every german adult does not help at all.

1 hour ago

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Inactive developers/publishers are at fault themselves, but customers who wanted these games and can't get them anymore aren't to blame. In case of abandoned games that might be good, but what about finished ones? We'll also have to see if this means a returnal of all the adult only games Valve just made unavailable 2 years ago instead of offering a proper solution back then.
As a user you can still pick a birthday and configure to see everything you want in the store. This should require an one time age verification.

1 hour ago

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Are we just gonna see people do VPN and/or change their regional settings?
At least I think if the proverbial stuff hits the fan, I could see that happening.

1 hour ago

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You gonna risk your acc if you switch regions to much, besides good luck finding a VPN that steam does not detect.

It is better to find a more unknown VPN and make a whole new US account.

1 hour ago

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I was talking permanent switch. No point even being in German stores at all.

8 minutes ago

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Ahh, makes sense

5 minutes ago

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VPN + foreign country payment method to change it, yeah. Some already did that after Valve had made adult only games unavailable, probably more will do it then if they can't find some popular games anymore.
Key activation and gifting are workarounds, but not everything is available as key and you don't want to ask your international friends every time a desired game is at a good discount.

1 hour ago

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if the dev can simply selflabel without USK rating for it to show up, then I dont see the problem.

1 hour ago

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According to heise this will affect games like "Return of the Obra Dinn", "Papers, Please", "Pathologic", "Undertale", "Minit", "Cave Story", "FEZ" and "Slay the Spire" unless the devs will add either an usk rating or go through valve's self-rating process.

54 minutes ago

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Question to ask is do these games sell enough to be bothered to take the effort or pay the money needed to do this?

48 minutes ago

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It's 1200 € for a USK rating (for each game). Thus most indie devs will use Valve's form.

22 minutes ago

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