At least this isn't "Hey! Despite having Warner Brothers' support, we decided to kickstart our movie Veronica Mars! For only 35 dollars we give you, our faithful backers, the opportunity to watch the film other people can watch at theatres for 30 dollars less (I am speaking about avg. ticket prices in Poland)!"...
And this KS actually makes sense- it's not some mainstream type of videogame (MODERN PSEUDO REALISTIC SHOOTER 5!!!), which will sell bazillion of copies anyway, but a niche production- the developers need to see whether there will be some interest in the game and the whole creation won't be a fiasco ;)
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Noticed it this morning and pledged. Same guys that worked on Space Hulk, so they have the engine and quite a bit of the hardcoded stuff already done.
I loved the old JA games, and like this genre in general, but the new XCOM was a huge disappointment as it felt like an incomplete demo. The game was so stripped and dumbed down that there was no room for tactics.
I'm really hoping that these guys will be able to bring a modern turn based tactical game to the level of JA 1&2 and the old Fallout games.
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I never played XCOM, neither original nor reboot, but I've played the last Sid Meier's Pirates!, which was basically an average and terribly overrated pack of minigames, so I can understand how much Firaxis can dumb down a game ;)
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Original XCOM was great and fun... the reboot... yeah, unfinished point&click demo is the nicest I can call it. :p
Following the updates of the new JA so far, seems like this will be an actually challenging tactical game, so I hope it succeeds. :)
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oh cmon XCOM EU has really good turnbased system one of the best i played recently and what u are saying isnt true "point&click demo" cmon dude give game some credit if it deserves it but dont slander it if u dont need.
Just because some game is popular and approaches the new generation doesnt mean its for the dumb and stupid.
As for JA Flashback i really hope they succeed but right now its not looking that good so i stared it to check on it again when campaign will be coming to an end and mybe then i will consider pledging.
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I hope you will. Besides they now have a very cool front page: Oh wait that was Bear's Pit support page. Good work Shanga!
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i really hate when everything turns into "bash x company" topics (except ea or activision) it makes me feel, kinda bad for owning their game.
(civilization V was awesome as fuck)
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I stumbled across this on kickstarter and was going to post it here on the forum, but I noticed it had already been posted, so instead I'll just bump this thread! The Danish indie company looks like they know what they are doing, so it'll be interesting to see what comes out in the end if (hopefully when) they get pledged.
Something that might rouse an interest in pledging is the news that for $5 pledges and upwards, you will get the old Jagged Alliance games. So for $25 you'll get tremendous amount of value.
Here's a link for those that might be interested in this piece of news
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That's right :) For even as small amount as 5 dollars, you can get Jagged Alliance, JA: Deadly Games, JA2 and JA2,5: Unfinished Business- they cost 5,99 USD on Good Old Games EACH.
With their every update, I'm loving Full Control more and more. Now I just hope we can reach that 350k goal...
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Don't hope, help them suceed ;) Donate! Spread the word! Spam ALL THE FORUMS you visit ;P
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i heard about this when humble bundle recommended it, so as someone disappointed with what was done in back in action i was happy to get in at the $25 level. here's hoping they make it to their goal!
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Unfortunately, they are not even beyond 50% now... With two weeks to go, I honestly doubt that they can reach that 350k mark...
I think they should have waited with this kickstarter after releasing Space Hulk- if it had received positive reviews, more people would have been encouraged to back them on this project.
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They can still succeed. They are now past the 50% mark, the momentum has been increasing for the last couple of days and the last 2-3 days can easily bring it a lot of pledges if they do it right.
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Bump for <24 hours left and just a bit short of the goal.
I'll be honest though: I don't have a lot of faith in this; but I love JA2 and am backing at the $5 level just to get the Win7-compatible versions of all the old JA games if the Kickstarter is successful (otherwise the DOS ones are kind of a pain to find and get running).
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Yes we did :) Now we just have to wait a year and a half for the game (while playing JA Classics :P). And hopefully, they can get more funds from slacker backers and reach that 400k stretch goal (map editor! Yay :))
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It gets on my nerve how companies that can fund their own projects use Kickstarter, it irritates me beyond words.
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What the hell are you talking about?
If you're thinking that because it has the Jagged Alliance name, it has money already, you're very wrong.
The original creators of JA/JA2 went out of business. bitComposer ended up with the IP and did... things... with it (JA:BIA, etc). Full Control (who's Kickstarter this was) acquired a license to use the "Jagged Alliance" name from bitComposer. Imagine someone says to you, "here, you can make a Halo game. We'll allow it." That's what they got. Not money, not a publisher, just someone saying, "yeah, you have legal permission to make an officially-licensed game with the name."
If you're thinking they already have money because they've already published some games, the majority of those games are self-published (no extra money) and apparently you aren't aware of how expensive game development can be. Example: Defense Grid finally became profitable last year (source) -- it was released in 2008.
Yes, they could try to get a publisher to fund them, but instead, they brought this one to the fans, hoping to avoid the painful search, drama, and horrible flights of fancy that seeking, securing, and having a publisher often means.
(FWIW, I'll reiterate what I said in a prior post here about this project: I don't have a lot of faith in this. $350,000 sounds, to me, like way to small of a budget to create a Jagged Alliance game I'd be happy with, even after taking into consideration incoming money from their soon-to-be-released "Space Hulk". My bias is against Full Control until they prove otherwise, but I find absolutely nothing wrong with them creating a Kickstarter for the project.)
So yes, I agree with your statement. But why the hell are you posting it here?
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Yeah, I didn't actually made a background check about the company, so I just assumed things head on. Well at least I didn't say it about them directly, just said my opinion about kisckstarters in a kickstarter thread. :P
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Donate! Let's bring back the king of turn-based strategy ;)
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