May 2020 Humble Choice

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📅 Important dates

  • 💳 May 29th, 2020: AUTOCHARGE DATE (for subscribers only)

  • 📆 June 5th 2020: Next Choice Bundle release date (first Friday of every month)

⚠️ Region lock ⚠️


XCOM 2: Reinforcement Pack

XCOM 2: Resistance Warrior Pack - no region locks.

Rise of Industry



  1. Jurassic World Evolution + Jurassic World Evolution - Deluxe Dinosaur Pack constitute one choice (2 keys).
  2. XCOM 2 + XCOM 2: Reinforcement Pack + XCOM 2: Resistance Warrior Pack constitute one choice (3 separate keys).
  3. If you bought Yogscast Jingle Jam 2018 and didn't have the base game until now, you can activate Jurassic World Evolution - JingleJam.

Free DLCs to claim:

🌟 At some point in 2022: Rise of Industry out of stock.
🌟 NEW 2023-10-04: Rise of Industry back in stock (source)

🎮 Games:

Game Ratings Cards Cheevos Details Platforms Bundled Retail Price
Jurassic World Evolution 80% of 24459 🏆 6.75 CV app/648350 W 0 $44.99
Jurassic World Evolution - Deluxe DLC (DLC) 78% of 309 - - 1.65 CV app/817550 W 0 $10.99
XCOM 2 85% of 35247 🏆 9.00 CV app/268500 W M L 1 $59.99
XCOM 2: Reinforcement Pack (DLC) 60% of 294 (Base game has cards) - 3.00 CV app/426321 W M L 0 $19.99
XCOM 2: Resistance Warrior Pack (DLC) 37% of 115 (Base game has cards) - 0.75 CV app/399620 W M L 0 $4.99
Rise of Industry 80% of 2090 🏆 4.50 CV app/671440 W M L 0 $29.99
Niche - a genetics survival game 88% of 2609 🏆 2.70 CV app/440650 W M L 2 $17.99
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War 77% of 1986 🏆 6.00 CV app/489630 W L 0 $39.99
The Swords of Ditto: Mormo's Curse 58% of 1394 - 🏆 2.25 CV app/619780 W M L 1 $14.99
WARSAW 75% of 248 🏆 3.60 CV app/1026420 W 0 $23.99
Heave Ho 95% of 698 🏆 1.50 CV app/905340 W M 0 $9.99
MO:Astray 95% of 1707 🏆 2.25 CV app/1104660 W 0 $14.99
NEOVERSE 84% of 1995 - 🏆 3.00 CV app/994220 W M 0 $19.99
Chess Ultra 75% of 376 🏆 1.95 CV app/518060 W 0 $12.99
Horace 91% of 187 - 🏆 2.25 CV app/629090 W 0 $14.99


  • $340.85

Humble Original:

  • Rainy Season
  • Fae Tactics - Sneak Peek

💸 Subscription + Bonuses

  Lite Basic Premium Classic
Per month $4.99 $14.99 $19.99 -
Per year $44.99 $134.99 $179.99 $132.00
Games to keep 0 3 9 10
Choice No Yes Yes Yes
Humble Trove Yes Yes Yes Yes
Humble Store discount 10% 10% 20% 20%
Originals Limited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

In some regions, a sale tax is applied (example)

Note: There has been recent quiet changes to the non-Classic subscription costs for non-USD regions: regional pricing is now a fixed amount for each region set by Humble. More info here.

📝 Note about referrals

SteamGifts by default modifies all,, links from all threads, adding the SteamGifts referral code. Whenever a user click or shares a link to one of the sites listed above, SteamGifts will earn a commission.
By using these reflinks, SteamGifts will receive $10 for new subscribers, 5% of Humble Store sales, 15% for bundles via the Humble Partner Program.
If you prefer, you can disable referral links from your settings panel.

📖 Informative links

Humble Choice FAQ
Official HB FAQ
Master thread of ongoing bundles!

🐰 Thanks to luckz for helping with the poll!

4 years ago*

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Is this an aMAYzing bundle or a futile gold sink?

View Results
[Recurring subscription] Good games this month, just enough for me to MAYntain my subscription.
[New subscription] I am MAYnly interested in Jurassic World Evolution / XCOM 2 / Rise of Industry, but I won’t say no to the others either; great deal this time!
[Maybe subscribe] Not sure about throwing my money at these games; I’ll think about it later and MAYbe subscribe before the end of the month.
[Pause] Sorry IGN, I’ll have to pause this month; a lot of these games are outside my domMAYn of interest.
[Cancelling] None of these MAYke me keep my subscription.
[Non-subscriber, will not buy] I will reMAYn unsubscribed for the time being, until I see something I really really want to have.

Well I just bought Xcom 2 collection bundle on steam for $34 now it show up on HB Choice.

4 years ago

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How long ago? You could try and get a refund.

4 years ago

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Less than a week ago, have not played it. just sent in the request to refund.

4 years ago

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You should be fine then. Good luck!

4 years ago

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it doesnt seem to have the two better dlcs though

4 years ago

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What's the second one? It's missing WotC but Shen is included in the renforcement pack i believe.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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No HB Choice does not include the better DLC.
My plan is to activate the key from here and re-buy the bundle collection next sell.

4 years ago

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Another pause, 3 months already

4 years ago

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RIP humble

4 years ago

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I'm actually more interested in this bundle than I was in April. Not for the two headliners, though DINOSAURS might make even simulators appealing and I've only heard good of X-COM 2. But MO: Astray seems the pixelish run-and-roll type I love, I've discovered I have a really weak spot for deck-building mechanics (Neoverse), and strange creatures always intrigue me (Niche). Not insta-buy, but it'll probably end up in my collection. I'll most probably skip Horace, since I have it on Epic, the Chess game, because I hate chess, or Warsaw, it doesn't appeal to me at all.

EDIT: which is the charity chosen for the month by the way? Where can I check that? Thanks!
EDIT/2: nvm I found it, I'm an idiot. Sorry^ ^.

4 years ago*

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If you end up liking Jurassic Park, try out Parkasaurus as well. It doesn't go on sale often, but it's really fun. My girlfriend and I loved playing through it together. Neoverse is quite fun, a nice change of pace and cards from Slay the Spire. I actually bought MO:Astray a week ago but I refunded it and am using this key instead.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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I wouldn't call it anime, butt they are along the same vein of appeal... I'm glad they didn't go over the top with proportions. Looks quite nice to me!

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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Thanks for the suggestion! It looks really colourful, which is a big plus for me, I'll try to remember it!

4 years ago

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Jurassic World Evolution had a DLC in Jingle Jam 2018 bundle in case anybody bought that and didn't have the base game until now.

4 years ago

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Thanks for reminding me!

4 years ago

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Three wishlisted games and only 1 owned. Much, much better than the last one.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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Had wishlisted:
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War

Looks good enough to keep:
Jurassic World Evolution

Might try or gift:
Heave Ho
Rise of Industry

Already owned, but nice gifts:

Pass candidates:
The Swords of Ditto: Mormo's Curse
Chess Ultra

Good enough deal for $12 to keep my sub running.

4 years ago

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In USA, Xcom 2 key is for

4 years ago

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Easy pass

4 years ago

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The "choice" becomes easier and easier every month. That pause button must be getting tired.
They really have a thing for turn based combat these days, don't they? And for games under 13 bucks.

Edit: check you get the mail saying your sub was paused. I'm positive I paused last month (3 or 4 clicks now?), never checked for the mail confirming it and surprise, I got my games at the end of the month.

4 years ago*

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Humble has been known for unpausing randomly for years now.

4 years ago

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3 games that interest me, and XCOM 2 DLCs I don't already have. Guess I'll unpause.

4 years ago

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Hate to be that guy, but that`s a no from me daug.

Edit: "Enjoy the month long break!"
Will do

4 years ago

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I was just playing XCOM during its "free on Steam" period - guess I'll get to finish my game after all :D

4 years ago

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Jurassic World Evolution
WH 40k Gladius

have no locks?
can someone confirm?

4 years ago

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No locks.

4 years ago

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$12.00 for two wish-listed games and some great stuff for giveaways. I'm in.
Thanks for the thread.

4 years ago

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Thanks for another great thread sensualshakti, much appreciated!

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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Ahh the nostalgia... I think Xcom 2 was the monthly headline the first time I know about Humblebundle and Steamgifts

4 years ago

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A simple skip for me without any second thought.
Decision was made within 1 minute.
None of them is in my wishlist. Disappointed continuously for 2 months.
Humble is getting worse but now it's near worst.

4 years ago

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Recurring subscription just keeps rolling.

I have to stop reading the comments on these threads.

Thanks for another informative chart Lilly, much appreciated!

4 years ago

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Depends on the kind of games you like, obviously. I generally don't like turn-based combat, deck builders or animated board games so this one is a hard pass for me but I'm sure there are a lot of people who will love it like I loved the racing bundle from a few months back.

4 years ago

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Yep, the appeal of the games is subjective; the value of the bundle is not.

But the comments in these threads are 90% complaints about how terrible every monthly bundle is, which is why I need to stop reading the comments.

4 years ago

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Yeah no point really. If you're happy with it, who cares what others are thinking?
I actually don't think there's been much of a change between Monthly and Choice in terms of quality but I do appreciate that I can pause (when it works) and that now I know the games in advance of pausing so that's an improvement.

4 years ago

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X-Com 2 (Flagship Title) – is not complete edition (without important DLC)
Rise of Industry – Mixed rating, Low production values
Niche – Rebundle of Tier 1
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius – Mediocre (Reviews) title in its niche genre, Tons of DLC
The Swords of Ditto: Mormo's Curse – Rebundle of Tier 2
WARSAW - Mediocre (Reviews) title in its niche genre
NEOVERSE – Chinese (?) card game with acid visuals

Every bundle people complain that’s its bad, but at least it usually full of good niche titles not bundled before, and now its really weak, already have 3 games which is rare thing for me with monthly, personally will save for steam sale this time

4 years ago

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YEAH another shitty bundle...

4 years ago

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For better or worse, this proves the prior 3 game leak from a few days ago was real.

I personally will be un-pausing this for:

  • XCOM2 +DLC - Sequel to the definitive turn based tactics game
  • Rise of Industry - Industry sim I've followed since being renamed from Project Automata in Beta
  • WARSAW - WWII Darkest Dungeon

I might keep:

  • Horace - 8 bit bot plays minigames and caught in a war with humans
  • NEOVERSE - Slay the Spire on sexy easy mode ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I only have JWE, which made me disappointed the bundle doesn't offer more DLC that I want. Thanks for the chart!

4 years ago

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Missed Horace from epic GA? :3

4 years ago

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I don't happen to use their store.

4 years ago

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Ah yes, figured that was the other possibility. I mentioned it in case you had a library there and forgot (like me) :)

4 years ago

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