I was honestly thinking about that. Pretty lame to admit, but it would be amusing to leave it there.
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I comment when I have something to say. Anything more would just be commenting for the sake of commenting. The forums are pretty active already without me anyway.
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Try and hit 1337 comments as well. Without entering anything, so you have 1337 entries, 0 wins, 1337 commenting. General 1337-ness all round.
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Whups. I didn't even see your comment. Kinda already blew it. lol
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I am, believe it or not. There are bound to be very few other people who've got a record like mine, and even if it's a bad one, a streak like this is still pretty impressive.
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Actually I've decided to celebrate by doing a couple of giveaways! Now to figure out how to set those up.
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You have been member for 10 months how did you not win faerie solitaire?
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I think I got it through a Reddit giveaway or something.
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That'd be cheating! :p Thanks for the offer though. I just wanna win something randomly. That's why I haven't applied for SG Losers or anything.
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Yeah, last night I was just going to stop entering giveaways, but today I decided I wouldn't enter any more until I'd done at least one giveaway of my own. Now that I have one set up & I'm working on the next one, I entered some more.
Or is the disappointface about my number of comments?
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Like I've said before, I say something when I have something to say & that's all. I've never been fond of forums, and throwing yet another generic "thanks! :D" into every giveaway I enter seems insincere. I'm on SG for the same reason some people buy lottery tickets. I don't necessarily expect to win, but it's interesting to see what might happen.
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Except lottery tickets aren't free, and those tickets aren't sold to you out of generosity.
I get what you're saying and I don't entirely disagree, but it's not really a valid comparison.
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Maybe there's a better comparison, but people telling me I should comment more, or your nitpicking at the comparison I've made is getting annoying pretty fast. You say you understand, so why couldn't you have let it go at simply getting the idea of what I was conveying? How do the people above saying I'm not commenting enough think they have some say in what I'm supposed to do here? Especially when I explained that I've actively avoided doing anything to tilt the odds in my favour (I turned down someone's kind offer to make a giveaway just for me and I haven't applied for SG Losers), and now I'm giving away games just for the heck of it. Seriously, if my conduct isn't breaking any rules, I don't know what legitimate problem you guys have with what I'm doing.
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I don't have any problems with what you're doing. Personally I don't care about whether someone is grateful for the free stuff people give away, because it's going to get given away either way. Sure it's more fun when people appreciate what you do, but in the end it's just a detail, and if people got mad about other people not saying thanks they would have left the site long ago, because 90% of the people here never express their gratitude.
I was simply pointing out an inconsistency. If you don't like people pointing out that your comparisons are invalid, don't make invalid comparisons.
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The thing is I never said this is a lottery. I said I'm on here for the same reason some people buy tickets. My motivation is the same. The process by which chances are given, the value of what's given, etc, is not the same. I only ever compared my own motivation. Is that invalid?
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The point is that lottery tickets are sold to make a profit. There's no reason to be grateful to the person selling lottery tickets. SG giveaways are made at a loss (since you get nothing in return) out of simple generosity. Your motivation is the same, but the situation is completely different.
Given the context of saying "thank you", no one expects you to say thank you when buying a lottery ticket, because there's no reason to be grateful. The big difference is that there is a reason to be grateful for the giveaways on SG. If you don't feel that way that's your right, but it has nothing to do with lotteries. The comparison isn't invalid because it fits your motivation, it's invalid because it has no relation to your argument.
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It wasn't about saying thank you. The thing was that I've been told I'm not commenting enough, which does include thanking people but also includes commenting on the forums. My point was that I'm not really here to talk, just to enter giveaways & see if the unlikely happens.
I don't think you & I are even debating the same point.
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Of course it's about saying thank you. What, you thought people were asking you to post on the forums more?
Every now and then there's a minor shitstorm about people saying/not saying thank you on giveaways they enter. The entries/comments ratio is indicative of this, which is why people tend to point it out (like Rinarin did).
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I obviously did think that since I mentioned it earlier. If this whole thing is just about other people expecting me to behave the way that they would, then this really has been a worthless debate. I am myself and I am not you thus I will naturally not feel the same way you do about things, since some of you obviously need the reminder.
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I find it downright insulting that you're calling other people insincere over this. Maybe you don't give a shit, but if you think everyone thinks the way you do that's just sad.
I leave a comment on every giveaway I enter. Sure, a lot of the time it's a generic "thank you", because I am not a terribly clever or creative man and I can't think of a funny and unique way to say thanks for every single giveaway. However, and this is the point, I do really want to say thanks to all those people. It's not "normal" or "expected" that strangers give me free video games that they bought with their own money, and I want to thank them for that. Even if it's in a tiny, insignificant way.
So do what you want, say thanks or not, I don't care either way. But don't judge other people's behaviour by your own standards, and don't call someone insincere just because you don't share their point of view.
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Awww, you ruined it :). The picture still looks great tho, thanks for sharing! And good luck in next entries.
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Yeah I did ruin it, but hey at least it made me finally get around to giving away some games.
If there was some other popular/infamous number I could shoot for without winning (besides over 9000!) I'd be cool with hitting that milestone too. But thanks, and I am kinda still keeping my fingers crossed for something to come my way. :)
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Even if you're not rich, at least you're thoughtful.
I feel like a Hallmark card now. lol Thanks for (imaginary) Skyrim!
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