Yes, it has happened in the past. One was used as an example by Support to stop users going "FAKE" in comments for such.
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You'll have to ask bobofatt for the giveaway in question since I don't have a link handy. It was created by a legitimate new member, bobofatt just used the giveaway to explain why the no calling out rule exists - it was not created for testing or as an example.
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I always wonder about that, but I never did anything about it, mostly to not calling out rule.
As for GAs - just check desriptions, and their accounts. If creator didn't made any description and game that is given away is on his wishlist/isn't on his account - it's most likely fake. If there is some kind of description, there is only one GA, and not 3 of them, then I think risk can be taken.
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well, today you are not allowed to call out.
you can point to the faq and ask if they have read it ;)
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I know I'm not allowed to that and I never did that. You know, actually reading FAQ and other infos was very first thing I did here when I first looged in.
As for pointing to the FAQ - you know, I feel like it isn't my fight. If someone do fake GAs, sooner or later justice will meet then with ban, suspension, blacklists, or any other nice things that can happen to users not following rules. Not to mention that comment about FAQ, added to the sea of copy pasted thanks (you saw how many somments this GAs get?) won't reach creator anyway.
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you are only a month here?
man it feels more... ;)
you fit right in
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Users only get 3 giveaway slots to begin with, and if they're all marked as undelivered they can't make any more. So it's actually a self regulated system.
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usually, no.
but there are a few exceptions, like this one, so people calling out fake giveaways is always a bad thing.
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i think that support don't mind good "calling out"
like, this user is great, whitelist him or something like that.
saw it once or twice and even Khalak approved.
Let's ask Tempete
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The thing I find most weird (or annoying) is that those GA's have a duration of weeks... like WHY!?
AAA + Public GA's + Weeks, I don't trust them.
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It is there. Taunting us. Slowly getting closer but ever so slowly.
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i have seen it happen a few times but 8/10 u can be sure its either a troll or someone who doesn't understand or havent read the rules of the site.
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is it allowed?
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It's not what we refer as calling out if it's positive.
Calling out is anything that is potentially harmful for the user involved.
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Here's a small set of examples from a couple years ago:
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Acorrding to a quick scan with SGTools, nearly every one of the winners is a non-activator too. Mostly for other games. That Bioshock:Infinite GA is a great example of why to never make public AAA GA's with no CV requirement. The winner was apparently a freshly made account that won that GA, "stole" (not activate) the game, and never came back here again in 2 years.
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I don't know if Mortal Kombat X, Grid, Walking Deads, and etc. and so on qualify as AAA (I guess?) but I've personally given them away and there are more on the way. To newer members, the advice I always see would be to increase your own level to gain access to high-level giveaways that can dramatically increase your odds of winning. The more you give, the more you get around here, it seems.
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Well, I have 612 games so I think I'll soon have more wishlisted games than my library too
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I have 438 wishlisted games/dlc atm, but I have 2k+ games. Most of the stuff I see appearing here are CCC titles. The odd AAA title is something I really don't care about and mostly if I spot it, there's a high probability of a fake GA. Ie. all the later COD titles are extremely popular on the 0 day accounts.
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Also a good friend of me gave a copy of Bioshock Infinite when it came out :) (but it was 2nd game)
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If someone else gave you Bishock Infinite, you shouldn't have marked it as received.
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Sry i dont understand what you want to tell me o.O
I just wanted to say that he gave away a copy of Bioshock but it was his 2nd giveaway so he wasnt completly new to this webside :)
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Never mind, I thought you were saying you had won a giveaway of BioShock Infinite, that it had not been delivered, and that someone else had given it to you.
Then I looked at dyshviccer's profile, thinking it was yours - yeah, don't ask me why, I was in a hurry and did not really think straight - and saw a won giveaway for BioShock Infinite, marked as received.
Hence my misplaced advice : if someone doesn't deliver a promised game, but you later obtain it via different means, don't mark it as received.
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I see what you wanted to tell me :)
Anyways i wish you a nice day :D
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I never won a Copy of Bioshock so everything is fine ;) (Although i would like to have it since i liked the first 2 parts :D)
and BTW i know that i shouldnt mark as recieved if i dont get the game from this person ;)
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This made me remember this guy who was a new user and created like 10 GTA V giveaways and in the description of all he wrote "i hope i win", lol
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is it wrong to comment like that?
if it is, I'll delete the comment, sorry I'm new to this site
I already give 1 game, and I'll do it with better games once I get a job
I already make a list of my fav games to giveaway so that other people enjoy it too
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lol I got banned right after my second comment asking whether my comment is against the law.
The support banned me right away and didn't give me a chance to delete it
But the funny thing is they don't delete it right away...
Imagine it's like I killed somebody, the police arrest me, but right after I got free, I see the corpse is still there
The police don't do anything about the corpse, and only care about punishing me.
So I guess the problem is me the user, not my comment up there
10/10 for the support member
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165 Comments - Last post 10 minutes ago by AKFalcon
1,216 Comments - Last post 14 minutes ago by J1mmyG1ft
10 Comments - Last post 38 minutes ago by WangKerr
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342 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Hawkingmeister
It's quite common that new users create giveaways for games like GTA V, likely not understanding how the site works (normally these giveaways are deleted for this reason). The question is - was there ever a giveaway of this sort that did end up with the giveaway creator delivering the goods?
Update: I think by now it's pretty clear that there are plenty of examples of awesome new users who started gifting with a bang. This is all of the more reason to be nice when you see such giveaways (being nice is otherwise a good idea).
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