testing the top link, the "gamekeys4u" with MW3, sadly they're "offline" so i have to wait.
also.. wow, i feel so lonely in here...
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Well i havent used it but i dont suggest trying to get the game at a lower price from a unknown source.
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the one i picked used paypal as an payment, i made sure it was correct URL and everything, and if something goes wrong, i cancel the order and change all my passwords. i hope it goes smoothly though.
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they sent me an email recently saying they're out of stock at the moment, they apologise. and i can either way 24 hours for a restock, or they'd happily give me a refund. Seems a bit optimistic when i got that :)
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I bought BF3 there and It went all smooth and fast! Also, was one of the cheapest i found.
Also, for comparisons.
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i agree. But i have MW1, 2 and blops, so i want the rest
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yes!cjs or key4u ... not cheap price and cdkey from them is ( txt key ) => not 100% legit ! cdkey mw3 and another game at " www.keygamepc.com" best price and cdkey "scan" from original dvd box " => you should get key scan from box because 100% legal
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I want to pre-order Max Payne 3, can someone confirm me if this --> http://enjoy-gamekeys.de/max-payne3-vorbestellung?tracking=4f49601c526dd, is legit or not?
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Other sites seem to offer it at about the same price, could turn out be region restricted though
Max Payne 3 key deals
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How unfortunate. :/
Personally, I really didn't know why they required your login details just for a screenshot. Where you could have just done it yourself.
I had a little chat with them to see what they'd have to say if I was a new buyer for the game. I wanted to test them to see if they are scammers so I asked they had keys available. It went down like this.
Chat started on 22 Apr 2012, 05:09 PM
(05:09:02) Visitor 1020254553 joined the chat
(05:09:03) Visitor 1020254553: Hello
(05:09:44) gamekeys4u.net joined the chat
(05:09:44) gamekeys4u.net: hi
(05:10:08) mo: Hi, I want to buy a game Mw3 Multi Keu UNCUT for steam.
(05:10:19) mo: I was wondering if you still have keys available?
(05:11:59) gamekeys4u.net: one moment
(05:12:16) mo: ok
(05:14:22) gamekeys4u.net: at the moment we dont sell anymore.
(05:14:46) mo: oh so when are you going to re stock?
(05:15:05) gamekeys4u.net: tomorrow
(05:15:33) mo: So, will I be able to buy it tomorrow?
(05:15:44) mo: and recieve my key on that day.
(05:16:22) gamekeys4u.net: normally yes
(05:16:39) mo: normally?
(05:17:01) mo: how long does it take when it's not normally.
(05:17:01) gamekeys4u.net: yes
(05:17:16) gamekeys4u.net: dont know, because its not normal
(05:17:30) mo: oh ok....
(05:17:48) mo: Thank you for your time.
(05:17:50) mo: Bye.
(05:17:55) gamekeys4u.net: no problem
(05:17:58) gamekeys4u.net: bye
(05:18:30) mo left the chat
I cannot really say if you're going to get your key. But I really wouldn't suggest buying from websites like these except for www.G2play.net
I've bought a few games from there and never had a problem.
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well thank you for that little experiment, and i do understand, it was a long shot in getting this key. I knew the risks.
regardless, i too have heard very good things about G2play, i shall try them at some point
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g2play.net is clean from my experience. I bought Battlefield 3 off of that website. Although, you just need to be careful really.
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Poor English and asking for trust and faith is always a bad sign. I don't know why people want to throw away money at these key sites for the lottery hope that this 'too good to pass up' deal is the real one and not a scam.
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I'm really sorry to hear that but most of the times it always ends like this. As MaximumBunny said, poor English and using modern abbreviations such as "OMG" in business conversation is a bad sign. It is better to stick with trustworthy websites, like Amazon and Green Man Gaming or wait for some sales rather than save few bucks.
*EDIT: my favorite part: "this trust you will need to have in us"
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like yoda, he is. and yes, the were warning bells with me too. But i paid via paypal. so i've put in a dispute, and i made sure, before signing up, to use a completely new password etc, so that they can't use it to get into anything else.
The very worst is, i lose £23. which is a kick in the balls. But i might get my money back
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keys4.me i have used many times and they have always work :)
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It's still possible they aren't scamming you.If they aren't, they just want to log in on your account to check if the key really is duplicated. But still, you could have given the key to a friend, so there is no real way for them to prove that you're not scamming THEM. When you buy a CD-key from a place that's not legit (I hope you figured that at the beginning) it's at your risk, there's nothing they can do for you, since they aren't the ones who got the keys from the games directly (they can't know if they're already used).
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Hi guys owner of CDKeyPrices.com here. The sites we track have been tested by us personally, or by mystery shopper. We are all massive gamers so have somewhere along the line purchased from g2play, oks, ezykey, cdkeyshere, cdkeysmarket etc etc. I personally have never had an issue from any cd key website, except for certain times where it says the item was in stock but it turns out it wasn't. Kind of annoying but that happens in normal shops also!
My line of thinking is, the price is cheap and there will be hassle. But when I can buy MW3 for $17 instead of $99 on Steam, I think I know which one I would prefer!
If you ever have any questions on cd keys, feel free to get in contact! If you need an opinion on certain websites, we can help there also. There are new ones popping up literally every day, so we only try to track the ones that have been around for a while.
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well it is good that you personally try the stores you advertise :) thank you for the hard work and keping us safe from scammers
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My line of thinking is, the price is cheap and there will be hassle. But when I can buy MW3 for $17 instead of $99 on Steam, I think I know which one I would prefer!
That's a load of horse crap, and trying to say otherwise is nothing but laughable. If I spend $17 to purchase MW3 and don't receive a working key, and the company refuses to do anything to help, I'm out my money and my game. Those sorts of hassles are not okay in ANY business model, regardless of how "cheap" their merchandise is.
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As I have commented previously
CD-KEY sites are dangerous to use. Assuming you are willing to get around all the technical idiocy to get your game working, then assuming a update doesn't break the entire game, you then run the risk of your game being revoked or transferred, or your entire account being hijacked or suspended.
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259 Comments - Last post 48 minutes ago by adam1224
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10,074 Comments - Last post 25 minutes ago by opalss2
hey there, i recently found this cd key comparison site call CD Key Prices.
what i'd like to know, is if anyone has used this site. or the sites it lists within it's comparison.
according to it's comparison, Modern warfare 3 is a possible 50% off the steam price. but i haven't heard of any of the listed stores.
Have any of you used this comparison site? or the sites that is gives out in it's comparison list?
and if so, the results please, and thank you :)
They finally got back to me with another key, and it worked.
so i guess it appears as though they aren't scammers :) happy times
UPDATE >>> the transcript
ok, it would seem as though the company(ies) on this list are fake. i purchased the MW3 key from the top on the list. and they provided me with a duplicate key. after explaining this. they have been giving me the run around for the past half hour.
details of the discussion include:
Accusing me of scamming them
Asking for access to my steam account
Blaming their wholeseller for providing incorrect keys
telling me what they want my account for is "confidential"
That if i were to persnally provide the information. The wholesellers can't accept it.
That they cannot accept my information because it could be fake.
i will not. i repeat. will NOT get a refund from them.
and ignoring me
The list goes on, but i am print screening the conversation as it goes. and will be providing a transcript of the event
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