If people would have to do a giveaway to join the site, it would be like buying themselves in.
I think this was discussed before at some point, I think I remember people saying that it would not be confirm with the sites "spirit".
Although it would maybe take care of the faker-problem in some way.
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If somebody wants to join, appreciates the spirit, but does not have a friend to refer him? What? He is left out. Not cool. You can go ahead and say he can ask some of the active users they are nice people. Yeah sure, what if they dont have the points.
Now the same user, can test the site and get registered. You can have some requirement for the giveaway, of course etc. Do not look as a way to buy-in, but as I way to contribute. Everybody wins. You always have the other options. It is just an alternative route.
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Good points you made there.
I was thinking if the rules would be changed so far that you would have to ma a giveaway to be able to register, but that wasn't the point. I misread that part.
Thinking about it now, I like the idea! Thanks for clearing that up for me Zo.
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How about this:
Get invite code to gain full access to the website
Giveaway games with total value of over $100 to gain full access to the website, until then, points will remain 0
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This would probably actually help filter out people like me, which as far as I can tell from reading the forums, are the scum of the earth and should be euthanized unless coerced into creating a giveaway.
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I think the simplest (and probably best) option is to restrict invites to people who gift games.
It keeps the 'spririt of the site' in that people don't have to gift in order to participate. People who can't or won't gift games will still be able to enter giveaways, so it won't turn into an elitist gift-swapping site (that's what private giveaways are for :P ), and it won't put an explicit price-tag on joining the site which in my opinion is a terrible idea.
It will however allow more control over who joins the site (the people who contribute most to the site get the biggest say in who joins) and prevents things like dozens of people all inviting each other with little intention of contributing (coughRussianscough), or people creating secondary accounts that just sit there and generate invites allday erryday. It also gives a reward to gifters that doesn't unbalance anyone's chance of winning something, unlike the idea of giving gifters extra points.
A system of "every $X gifted allows you to generate 1 invite" would be very beneficial in my opinion, and would be less abuseable than the current system.
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Eh, by keeping the invite system but allowing people to join by making a giveaway as well you make everyone happy while shifting the user base a bit toward gifters. If only gifters can invite you are going to have some irate people.
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In my opinion you can't hope to fix the problem if you keep the current invite system. A significant increase in the cost of invites might help a bit, but there's no reason why you couldn't do that while using my suggestion alongside it. But then you still wouldn't keep anyone from making fake accounts to generate invites. You win some, you lose some.
The main benefit of having gifters send invites in stead of gifting allowing one to circumvent the invites entirely is that it doesn't place an up-front barrier of entry. People are gifting a lot of games even without the promise of a 'reward', so this doesn't change the spirit of the site. Invites would be a side-effect of gifting, and you can't abuse that as long as you do a decent job of filtering out the scammers (which should be a priority either way). Allowing people to essentially buy themselves into the site is a different matter altogether.
And you're going to have irate people no matter what option you choose, including the choice to change nothing.
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I can certainly see the benefits, but I think it's not the best choice to make.
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No, this can and WILL be exploited...I don't care what anyone says. Invites are the best way and I swear, someone sells invites or randomly posts them to people. I will be their worst damn nightmare.
How will this be exploited? They can do a fake giveaway, more than likely private, make a friend join and say they got it, done deal. What makes you think that they wont?
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This would cause a massive amount of fake giveaways from people trolling the website. Terrible Idea.
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Obviously, the only solution is to ban everyone who has gifted less than $100!
Just kidding, of course. Demanding a $100 fee up front is retarded.
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guys guys, im not pushing for the $100 thing, No way in hell i have given away $100 in games. All I want is to see the site grow. People are always begging for an invite claiming they will contribute if we give them one. Well lets put their money where their mouth is. I still want the invite system. I like being able to invite my friends( (some of whom won't give away a game sorry but i know they good not troublesome members). Most users won't contribute right away until they get a feel for the site.
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Lets be honest.. the most giveaways are Portal/Humble Bundle. If this becomes public we wont get a thousand people per day but a few thousand. And the giveaways wont change. It is friendly of the people who are giving away games of course. It may not be fair but this won't last long with fakes,always the same giveaways, and if there is something new, there are already thousands of entrys.
Is is defenetly nice to see a page becoming more popular.. but not if most people join and troll with fake giveaways.
One thing defenetly has to changed I think. The $ limit you have to join with has to be bigger. Most people who own steam , own most Valve games and that's already around 50$ or what the limit is. That's why this page gets so many people per day.
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This may be true. you could give away a $50 game that is 75% off and it actually only cost you like $12. I would like to see it cheaper than that though. At least at first and if it isn't working out we can always raise the limit to $50. Setting the limit at like a $25 game comes out about right in my mind. I suppose it could be $25 worth of gameS too. No reason it only has to be one game given away.
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Keep in mind, that we need poor leechers to boost the site numbers. That makes our ad space worth more which means more sponsored giveaways from good games that everyone wants and not just giveaways from other users that have an extra copy of portal around. If someone is willing to give away a game though. odds are they are a better member already than a lot of the beggars we have seen.
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If you had read all the posts you would have seen that this has been covered. Just require the initial giveaway to be public.
Do people still find this meme funny?
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Am I reading this right? "force people to give away a game before they get an invite"
I like it. It would definatly stop invite point farming and make more giveaways.
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He is suggesting this along side of the current system. Not replacing it.
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I think this is a lovely idea.
Either that or just make codes easier to get.
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32 Comments - Last post 34 minutes ago by xaivierx
6,628 Comments - Last post 52 minutes ago by Masafor
After reading several posts suggesting to restrict invites I was thinking hey this site needs to grow we can't restrict invites too much. How do we allow it to grow with the right people though? Well I am not proposing that we do away with invites. Require more points for an invite, keep them them the way they are, force people to give away a game before they get an invite, I don't really care about that.
What I do care about is that the site needs to grow. What if people were able to join the site as a new member without an invite if they gave away a game? You could put a price limit on it of $20, $10, or $1 (no price limit, im just tossing ideas). The game would have to be in listed as a giftable copy on steam before they create the giveaway. (otherwise we are just creating more problems with fakes.) I would also propose to keep the current invite system (or at least some form of it).
opinions? just an idea.
Keep in mind we need more members to boost the site numbers. That makes our ad space worth more which means more sponsored giveaways from good games that everyone wants and not just giveaways from other users that have an extra copy of portal around. I want to add this to the current invite system. not change the old one.
Make it a public giveaway, and the giveaway must be required to in steam inventory before giveaway is created.
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