Since my video's on Youtube are not good, this nice message would be obviously be fake:

"Amazіnɡ Ԝοrk
Ԝеll Неу!

Just noticed οne оf your vіdeоs on ΥоuTuƅе (, incredible!

Ι rеally tһink yοur video ϲould be the next ƅіɡ tһinɡ оn YouTube, ƅut І noticed that nоt mаnу реoplе һаd seеn it yеt.
Sеrіously, Υοur vids аre some of the best around, cаnʽt ƅeliеve mοre pеoрle һavеnʹt enϳoyed them.

Υοur vidеοs are so mucһ more entеrtainіng that most of craр yоu find on some pеоρle's channels, tһanks а tоn for tһаt!

Ӏ have to sаy tһat yοur videos аre rеallу some οf the bеst Іʽvе sеen on ΥоuТuƅе. So many of the vidеos on there аre such crаρ, аnd sо manу рeoρle watch tһеm. Ӏ ϳust dοnʻt understand it.

Іf youˊrе anything likе one frіend of mine, іt can bе discouragіng nоt getting аny viеԝs. Ηe usеd to have thе sаmе problem tһat уοu arе havinɡ and thеn he rаn acrоss

(sitename). C O М

What tһеу did was sеnd а tоn of viewers tо уour video. Ӏt rеallу was quite ɡеnius. Ӏt һelρed his videos ɡet rаnkеd in somе οf the ΥоuТuƅе "mοst ԝatϲһеd" lists аnd rеallу grаbƅеd tһe аttеntіοn оf the YоuΤubе community."

I'm curious about how many people get these kind of messages. I didn't go to their website yet, but even though I know it is fake, I'll take a look.

12 years ago*

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I somehow managed to read boobs, boobs, boobs everywhere

12 years ago

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You know what interests you, and that's good.

12 years ago

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At first glance, I read your post as books, books, books...

12 years ago

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Don't even look, might be one to install viruses when viewing it.

I don't record any videos myself, so never seen such in my inbox.

12 years ago

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I went to the site, and it is (probably) safe, it has a clean and nice professional look, but their services are fake.

12 years ago

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I get those every week or so on my youtube account.

12 years ago

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I personally got many of those messages, just remove it and block the sender ;)

12 years ago

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Those bots are annoying, ain't they?

12 years ago

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this thread seems to be an odd way for you to promote your own youtube videos

12 years ago

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That's especially the reason I didn't use the linking tags, but I'll remove it if you mind so much... >.<

12 years ago

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busting your chops dude =D

12 years ago

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What do you mean? :S

12 years ago

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...sadly they are legitimate services and a lot of high-up YouTubers did or do use them...

12 years ago

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No, I don't think so. It's against the ToS.

But I've seen it with the "Like comment". They link to which redirects you to somewhere.

12 years ago

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they exist and they are against ToS... its done illegitimately and since YouTube can not trace it/ are too busy breaking their website, it goes unpunished... if you haven't realized, there is a lot of BS happening on YouTube all the time... newest I've heard of is universal studios copyright infringing parodies

12 years ago

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I do get them too... they are annoying.

12 years ago

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I get these once or twice a week. Pretty sure most people with videos get them.

12 years ago

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Did you also noticed when they registered?

  • no profile picture
  • no video's
  • not longer registered than 2 months
  • ...
12 years ago

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I like how he repeats himself. What an amateur.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by kalekip1.