What's The Best Bundle Site
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Like i said in the first sentance, it dated 6 months ago, maybe some things have changed since then.
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Sorry, just had a couple of days seeing the same threads over and over again.
Overall bundle quality declined. There are some gems, but quite seldom. Most often at humble imho.
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It's ok, don't worry.
Have to agree lately bundles kinda stop being good, and started being "meh"
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HB is the best, really, there is no discussion here. They've been lacking lately, but so does every other bundle site sometimes.
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Humble Bundle, of course. Nothing else is in the same league. Almost every other bundle is garbage tier, imo (with a few exceptions)
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Humble Bundle is a league above the others. Even when the games aren't that great or that interesting, it's never shovelware.
Bundle Stars to me takes second place, there's mostly good quality stuff but the prices aren't super competitive.
Indiegala has very good bundles once in a while, but most of the time the stuff is pretty bad (especially lately).
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I think its consensual HB is the best by far. Although i think monthly could be better since mad max one.
Thanks for the opinions on the others, i pretty much agree in everything you said :p
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I bought in too many sites! :P
But those are my favourites and otaku maker too
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I was gonna put that site into the poll but they don't have a bundle a while ago
anyway a dollar for those games is pretty good!
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Humble Bundle by far. I spent about 200€. A little bit more with the Humble Store. Lots of AAA games, it has probably the best price-quality ratio.
Edit : Exactly 101.43€ actually... That's better :p
Bundle Stars is quite okay, but there is a new bundle every equinox, with lots of repeats... I spent maybe 25€, probably even less.
Edit : The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited for 13.74€, All Stars 3 bundle for 1.44€, and another bundle on a second account I suppose (or maybe the order disappeared), the three Stalker for like 5€.
The only thing I bought on IndieGala was Never Alone Arctic Collection (3.49€ I think). Two days later, it was on HB for 1$ with Outlast and another game... I won't probably buy anything else on it. I've never found a single interesting bundle anyway. But of course I leech the freebies :p
I don't use the other sites.
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I've spent 70$ on HB bundles only, and i think it's getting too much :p.
Bundlestars probably like 15$ or so, you're right when you say that they have a new bundle every equinox and a lot of them are just old bundles, anyway the indie legends and killer bundle are their best imo.
IndieGala I buy a lot on group buys, i never used the store i think the prices are too high, and i just got never alone in a bundle with 10 more games for 1.2$~~
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Humble, because they have the best games. Nuff said
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As almost everyone have said, Humble. The smaller ones used to be able to compete, but nowadays they're mostly just filled with trash (though from time to time a good game is able to sneak in). Bundle Stars also have some great bundles from time to time.
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My best bundle games come from Humble and Bundle Stars. I would put IG in third place.
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Their second bundle has only sold 22 at the moment, hopefully they can survive long enough to get a real chance.
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It all depends. Humble usually has the best games, but Bundle Stars is a close second. Indie Gala has the best prices on smaller indie games, due to their Happy Hours. I mean seriously, IG is often giving stuff out almost for free when you buy in a group during HH. Groupees is usually OK with their main official bundles, but their curator bundles, where some rando they recruited puts together a bundle, those can be all over the place. The best thing about Groupees is that when a bundle is good, if you got it at the pre-order price, then it's a steal.
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Humble Bundle is in my opinion better than every other bundle site combined. Every single bundle on Humble Bundle has amazing games. The rest of the sites occasionally have good bundles, but very rarely. I've only bought 2 Indie Gala bundles, and I think 3 Bundlestars bundles.
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I don't think I have ever bought a Bundle Stars bundle. HB is the best but if I was a monthly subscriber August would have made me cancel, that was total crap. Groupees has gone way down hill, IndieGala has gotten a bit better. Flying Bundle never quite took off the way I wanted it too.... sorry bad pun fetish. Lots of bundle sites really have come and gone and I think I even made one of these threads at one point in time but it isn't listed in the search that the first comment found.
EDIT: Mine used the word "favorite" that's why it wasn't in that search.
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I Know that there was a topic about this but already has half a year, and people didn't really explained why, so here it is!
This topic serves to enlight me and other "noobies" in bundles, and to share opinions between fellow steamgifters.
Here it is my TOP 5
Humble Bundle - To me the best, the best games by far, great prices, nothing more to say. Plus charity! The only thing they could "improve" is the regularity of the bundles, some weeks they have some they just don't.
Indie Gala - Due to group buys, the prices are extremely cheap, the games are not bad also, Hump Day and Friday Special are the better ones imo. They are pretty regular up to 7-9 bundles at a time. The only thing they could improve is the freebies they slide into some bundles and sometimes too much dlc imo.
Bundle Stars - What to say, they have sometimes really great bundles, good prices, games usually better than Indie Gala. Not many new bundles imo, and they don't have a gifting option in the key section, if that's an issue to you. Indie Legends and Killer Bundles are their best imo.
Otaku Maker - This guys have the best price among the others 90 keys at 5.99$ is 6c EACH KEY. The Games though are not that great for the most part. Anyway great price not really good games, nice to improve CV. The thing they could really improve: The time it takes to get the keys (up to 24h) and they put too many freebies sometimes. In the summer they had a sale in some bundles and it was 2.99 = 60 keys and 4.99 = 90 keys, that was a hell of a promotion in my opinion, if they were always like this they'll probably be one of my favorites
Groupees - I Don't really like to roulette, although with groupees Be Mine, they are not really roulettes atleast imo they are usually word the pre-order. That's really that, that I buy on Groupees, Be Mine's.
The Other Bundle Sites and I've put in the pool I don't really know them or bought anything by them, somehow i don't think it's worth it. Except for Daily Indie Game, i bought a bundle i think, they have a nice system of bta get 2 bundles, although the games are not that great.
TLDR: HB>IG>BS>OM>Groupees | Best Games/Bundles: HB>BS>IG | Best Prices: OM>IG>HB
hmmm what's missing?
I Would really like to hear your opinion on the matter and let us share some bundles sites and some opinions and ... yeah that's it.
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