Get well soon ;)
It could be worse if it would be summer. :D
So enjoy the cozy home, the GF that need to help more than most time and play all the games you wanted to play before.
And in no time you will jump trough the world again.
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Yeah, to have this kind of injury in summer would be awful. And winter is kind of perfect if it's inevitable, if everything has already happened and you just have to bear with it now. I'll try to enjoy everything I can while I'm not up on my feet, thanks for your support!
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Yeah, while I was in hospital I just somehow remembered Chicken Little, this song at the beginning in particular, and that was exactly my state of mind. It's "One Little Slip", in my case it was just literal slip that messed me up.
I'll try to get back on my feet as soon as possible, thank you!
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Hope you get well soon buddy! I know it's really hard but thanks god it's not more than couple months. Losing something for a while sucks for sure but remember that you will get it bad in a short time. In the mean time while you cannot go out a lot, try to do some in-home-hobbies. Maybe start reading more books, work on something online, watch all the series/movies that you missed with your GF, just to pass the time faster.
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I'll catch up with my studying actually. Some of my exams are like this week already, but in our university we can pass them later if given enough proof that we totally could not attend the exams or the classes earlier, so everything will be fine. But other than that I'll try to do some entertainment stuff as well, of course. Thanks a lot for your support!
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I don't play co-op games lately, to be honest, but I'll add you just for the sake of it. Thanks!
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Yeah, I had so much planned for this winter, and now I'll be stuck at home till the middle of February.
I hope so too, thanks for the support!
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I hope it never is the case, I had another accident with my foot, my ankle again, only the other one, and that time there really was a chance of losing my foot, but thankfully it turned out alright, I have only this scar on my ankle now.
I'll blast through with Sonic speed! Thanks for the support, dude!
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Wow. Being the guy that has had TWO foot injuries, I can relate with that. No surgery, though. But yeah, it sucks.
Happy Holidays and get well soon.
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Oh yeah, I had two as well. The first one was 6 years ago and on January, 1, so maybe it's a holiday curse, lol. Only this time it's my right ankle, and that time it was the left one, but both times they had to be operated, so now I (almost) have two scars in the exact same spot on both of my ankles, only this one is a bit longer.
Thanks a lot, man!
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My first was as a freshman in HS. Climbed those foldaway bleachers along with a couple of other kids. Gym teacher was coming and we had to get down. I took the easy way. First one up, first one down. Almost broke my arches.
Second, I fractured the bone above my lift pinky toe falling off the back of a delivery truck doing shipment. On the job, at least.
So, yeah. It sucks. I'm not allowed to run long distances anymore.
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Darn, sorry to hear that as well. Hope it doesn't get worse over the course of your life. Is there a way to heal this?
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Not really. And it's already bad. So just take good care of your feet.
Wear good shoes. For me it's New Balance that works the best.
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That's heart-breaking to me, to be honest. Because losing the ability to walk properly and normal is one of my biggest fears (if not the biggest). I hope it doesn't get completely disastrous for you after this point.
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Well, I can walk. But I also have arthritis in my right knee. And I'm a bit over weight too. >_<
But I do walk well enough to be on my feet 8+ hours at work.
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Oh, that's what I would have got in the long run (haha) if that doctor hadn't called me for an operation. Such a dreadful thing.
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Nope, unfortunately I have no consoles whatsoever. But now it's quite easy for me to get around the flat with the crutches, so I'll be able to access my PC. But thanks for the suggestion!
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What kind of upgrades?
Well, yeah, this care I had got in hospital before I got home was the best, and as for my recovery, I didn't have any pain after the surgery on the next day already, and there are people there who ask for painkillers all the time, so I guess that's where my luck is right now. The doctors say it's not that bad, and I'm only 21, so my recovery won't take much time and effort, it will all be almost natural, except that I have this metal thingy in my ankle right now. Thank you for the support anyways!
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Hope you get well soon. Being an active guy to just sitting for weeks on end must be tough. Hope you have a merry Xmas and hopefully a healthy and well recovered 2019. :-)
The only consolation is you can go and play on your consoles and pc :P (sorry bad pun in there somewhere)
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Yeah, I still get these depression vibes because of the lack of movement in my life alone. I'll try to get back on track as soon as possible, thanks for the support!
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I've slipped on ice before, but never got injured as a result of it. Sometimes it just so happens there's this one spot that becomes extra slippery and you can tell that every single person that walks over it is about to fall or actually falls.
When it is icey, I sort of walk like a penguin, that seems to help me.
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I have pretty strong bones and I got to an ice rink for literally the first time in my life just this year, in February, and I fell A LOT, I had something on my elbow, I thought it was straight up broken to pieces, because it was so red all of a sudden and it grew immensely, there was like another elbow on my elbow, but it turned out okay, the next day it was completely fine. And how I didn't break my leg is just unreal that I'm thinking about it right now. And when I'm walking, I walk like a penguin as well, it really helps, but here was another case.
The case was that I literally just fell right on this bone that's the outer one in your ankle, right above the joint with the foot or whatever. And I hit in on the edge of a curb, being quite heavy, so there was almost no chance I could have got out of there in one piece.
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Thanks, I'll try to be back as soon as possible. And you're welcome!
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Injuries suck in every form nonetheless. I hope it can get better for you with some surgery or stuff.
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Try crutches, you may be able to get for a bit at least. Good luck. Thank you for the chances. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
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Yeah, I've already got them. They do help, but still the mobility and my ability to do stuff I normally would do is limited. Thank you!
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Hey man, it'll be okay. As you said, 2 3 months. They'll pass.
Just try to go by these lines, maybe they'll help when you feel really down
"this too shall pass"
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Thanks for the support! I'll try to stay as positive as ever through all of this mess, I just can't stand (haha) being so inactive.
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You know, I'm in a sort of similar situation, except more long term. I hurt my back and have not been able to do anything for about 18 months. I can't work, I can't go out with my friends, I can't have a drink because of the cocktail of pain meds. 2 Christmases now that I'm like this. It sucks, but rather than get depressed, I try to find reasons to laugh about it. If I sat and thought about it too long, I think I'd crack lol. I'm admin on a small forum, and I get teased constantly by a few members of the userbase, making references to Brokeback Mountain and such. They give me reasons to just laugh about it. And in perspective, it's a temporary thing. I'll have surgery and I'll be fine.
Try not to let it get you down. Broken bones normally take about 6 weeks to heal to the point where you can get around and do semi-normal things. It's not that long and will fly on past. Once you're healed, swimming might be a good idea to help strengthen your leg muscles without causing pain. :)
Wishing you all the best, a happy Christmas and a much better 2019. :)
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I'm not depressed about having broken my leg at all, I make fun of it myself, I'm just depressed because of this long lack of movement after being active all the time. And I'm quite fine now, got sort of used to it, I can do some stuff on my PC at least, as opposed to the time prior to surgery and hospital where I was told to move as less as possible and try to stay in bed all the time so that the bone starts to heal naturally in a normal way. But it didn't happen, so there are less precautions about it now after the surgery, I just can't step with my right foot right now, that's all. I'm sorry for your injury, too. That's horrible to me, it would kill me to stay in bed or something for such a long time.
Thanks a lot! I hope your 2019 is the best as well.
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When I had a fracture during my military service here, I was cast except for the toes right up to my hip. The impact of the injury was so painful that I blacked out for a second, managed to somehow pull myself back but I was sweating profusingly, my face and turned white. Basically rendering my leg useless. I am an introvert so I did not tell my friends about it. I was initially told it will be 2 months but it extended another month after that. I was lucky to have the option to rest and heal or operate. I chose to rest and heal as my father had nuts and steel on his arm when he previously injured himself and said he did not feel the same as before.
Years gone by and I am still feeling the effects of it. Basically you need to learn to walk after 3 months and your skin kind of peel off a little, I was very sensitive especially to the cold on the ground. I did not have the luxury of recovering at home because I was thrown back to active duty the next day so I had to recuperate and walk carefully in camp instead. I hope you have a better environment. XD
Yep, the mood can be depressing but I am glad you have a gf. It was easy to shut in and I think it adds up to what I'll say is the eventual depression. Keep chatting and keep talking to the people around you. Dont worry too much, watch comedies, dramas, dont get any negative thoughts in you when you're injured. Keep being positive.
After you remove the cast, take it step by step. When you feel you can handle the body weight again, go walk again. I jog but not actively like you. It all takes time and after awhile you'll lean towards the other leg. I'll say not to jog at least for 6 months make a full recovery. Then after 1 yr you can stress the injure leg/ankle once more and make your walk/jog more balance. I am still adjusting after years, sometimes just gotta use my left leg(injured) more than the right as I can feel my kneecap feeling the stress. I'll also say to drop some weight before trying to jog as you can easily pick up weight when you're injured.
Best Wishes! Rest well and get well the right way. Monitor how you're healing yourself, dont stress the ankle too much. Hopefully, it'll be as good as before. :D
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, Cruse~
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Yeah, recovering while being in active duty must be really tough. Thankfully, I'm not in the army and I can recover well at home. I'm glad you made it through, thanks for sharing and for your support!
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I went through things others would not have gone through, I've been diss at, insulted, CDs I bought to make military life more pleasant; stolen, officer telling me not knowing what to do to me, my ambition, my dream lost, people thinking I was faking, or I faked injury to get to my subsequent vocation, doctor not thinking of the patient and just threw me back into active duty whom cant even walk properly. Reach the new unit, but being an inactive, I was look down upon, I was hated by the officer in charge whom cant wait to get rid of me. I cant just quit, i do not have the option and I stayed one month at the unit before being transferred out. Things just steamrolled.
However, where all these happened was where I found strength too. I am glad, I am able to pull through it and met some wonderful people and of course a lot of terrible people. I do not go around telling everyone about it but I like to share from time to time. I am glad such situations which may had added to cause a depression are also the reasons I am able to pull through it and being more positive now. That's just not me, I am more positive person from young but surrounding influences and situations caused me to be more pessimistic. This isn't the shittiest of situations, there are more unfortunate people in other parts of the world where they do not have a luxury of internet access, let alone the choice to choose.
All in all, I just want to say, take your time, recover well, and look forward to the time you'll be back on your feet. Don't rush or you may implicate things. ;) <3
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Since we're at it, I faced the same treatment at school when I was put in hospital with my other ankle. It was serious as hell, I've fully recovered in like a year, but that year was tough for me especially that I had my exams coming up. No one took me seriously and I just flat out stopped talking to anyone, at all. I never answered even with a "hello" or "yes" or anything, because I had to be absent from 70% of classes and do everything at home because of the clinics and different doctors, and people at school would start teasing me with something along the lines "huh, back for 1 class and then absent for another month, right?". not even just my classmates, but teachers as well, my mum told me that I was too ignorant with my school, too, when in fact I passed the exams with some of the best grades of that year, I just prioritised my health, because it was troublesome for me to recover and no one understood it, so I got really depressed and didn't want to attend any classes, but kind of moved on. And that went on for another year and a half and in another 5 months I already graduated. I know what you are talking about, and just as you, I think that these times really helped me get over such stuff more easily, I have less trouble if I'm struggling with anything right now, I'm like stronger now, only in your case it was even worse, since it was the army and the injury is still somewhat there.
I appreciate that you've shared the story with me (or us), thanks again for your support and motivation!
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I appreciate your feedback, its almost like the comforter gets comforted hahaha. Its not easy to get through what you did at a young age. I did not do so well in school when I had trouble focusing on studies. I should have found a better solution but I just couldnt find a solution, I lost focus, have insomnia, start to find it hard to concentrate and started to lose track. I am not that bad of a student although I did not have great grades I did not fail my finals. I guess, I am really lucky at that point my younger years and my tertiary studies went through and at least I completed my studies.
I regret for not being more studious and not better at taking decisions but now I look and moved forward. It was a long process but I am delighted to reach this stage where I can see things more clearly and make better decisions while I am able to share with others including those around me where its not the right time before. What happened in the Army, I was already an adult so I made my own decision and did not talk to my parents about it much as I do not want to worry them. It adds up, basically you need someone to talk to. Being an introvert my mum reminded me that I started playing by myself, aged 3 and I am possibly the easiest kid to take care of then when I do not bother her much.
I guess, you're all packed with positivity now and you had that experience of recovery. That injury in the army was my 1st, I've been careful and not broke or fracture myself although I used to run around bumping with friends playing soccer. We would even kick at each others' leg and laugh about it as we are fighting over a ball. Yep, its a psychological side effect as i had no one to advise me on recovery and the Doc basically removed my cast and sent me away . . . Lol =__="
Keep us updated, Well wishes for you for the New Year! Cruse <3 :D
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Now my classmates are somewhat opposite of what I had in school, they really do support me on this one, so that's one positive thing. But my mum is different, it's hard to describe. So yeah, not everyone in my life is really that supportive as well. I just hope that my doctor will give me some time to adapt and recover after the whole thing and he doesn't tell me to go back to uni right away.
And I had this same trouble with focusing on important things so many times because of that state of being just depressed and thus unable to do anything. And right now it's sort of the same, but it's just the need for some rest after all this stuff, I don't want to do anything, because it just bothers me a lot, it's all tiresome and moving around with crutches is tiresome as well.
I'll maybe make a post (complete with some giveaways) when I recover, seeing that some people on the internet, however random and strange they may be, do care and share their experience with you. I appreciate all that you've shared and done in this thread (and everyone else as well), thank you!
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Crutches are the absolute worst, I have very bad abrasions as I do not know how to use the crutches properly and no one taught me how. Just dump me with 2 to use. Furthermore, I had to use the crutches to move around to eat because I got injured during weekday and we only leave the island we are training on, on weekends. Basically, I have to cross the sea too lol, it was . . . some experience thus I have a very different Military service from others.
To be honest, I used to not feel being a part of the family, I am sure at some stage most if not all of us had that stage. I did something different though, as I often procrastinate and go into deep thoughts, I thought about doing something about it. I spend yrs, to feel and to have an attached relationship with my parents. Instead of being just my parents, they are my parents. I feel if they had not done enough for me, had I done enough for them. I am lucky that though my parents especially my father is not the kindest and somewhat a troublemaker in my eyes he did not do anything drastic for me to hate him.
My parents are not highly educated, I come from a poor background, where a family of 5 used to live in an apartment with a single room sleeping space, dinning area a small kitchen and a toilet. Basically what we call a 1-room flat. I do not mind sharing my experience as I felt it is good to share and good to learn from past experience and I shouldn't be ashamed of my past which I had in some ways as I know my family cant afford things so after a certain age, I never really ask for anything. Never ask for money so i go out to eat and watch movie. If I wanted to, I'll save up for it. When my friends ask me out, I'll just turn them down, I won't say I do not have the money as I felt if I can't afford it, i won't do it.
I have most problem communicating with my father as he only speaks in dialect/local language which I am poor at. Why I enjoy sharing experience is because we are of different cultures too. What works for me, might not work for you. I also spent alot of time thinking which method works best for my situation. I used to be selective with what I said, then I realised just because I did not make my stance or thoughts clear, it doesn't mean others may not or may understand me. Even if your parents do not understand you, if you feel its necessary for them to know, find a time and space, talk to them heart to heart.
Nowadays, my mum is like my best buddy as we spent the most time together. At times, I feel she understands my thoughts the most. I have to repeatedly tell her how I feel at times. Not sure if its because of her age but she's pretty forgetful at times. For my father, sometimes he surprises me. He listens, he has the I am your father and I am the boss of the family attitude. Since I am talking so often with my mother about anything from drama, news, to daily lives, he starts to want to get into the topics. If he speaks, I listen if I understand and agree, I'll talk to him.
That doesn't mean everything is rosy, at times I still yell at my parents as they aren't listening to me. However, I tried to explain to them even at the heat of the moment that, they must understand that I did not yell at them because I am angry but instead is frustrated. Explaining yourself may seem mundane or unnecessary but in a relationship which you want to improve. It means alot. With thread like "How was your 2018?" I feel the best thing that happened this year is improving relationship within the family. Good days, I cant say for sure how long things will last but I'll do what I can to keep the positivity going. <3 :)
seeing that some people on the internet, however random and strange they may be, do care and share their experience with you
I do not see sharing as a weakness nor do I see it as an exploitation. I feel sharing is a learning process. Its easy to get down but we have to learn to pick things up. Also I try to find ways to de-stress by sweating, jogging, going to the gym, working out, breathing, watching comedies, varieties, anything that will make me laugh. I can share and extend help as far as this. In the end its all up to ourselves.
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Woah, that's a story. Well, I do not have anything like that to share, and the story of my life is kinda not that interesting and full of events or something, so I guess I can't reply with something similar now. But still, thank you again for sharing your experience and everything!
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Dont worry, you do not have to share anything. You mentioned about your mum not supporting you so I hope you'll find a way of communication with her and left her know what you are thinking and what exactly she is thinking about. Thereby striking a common ground or improve your relationship with her. All the best for everything. Cheerios~ ^__^
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Thanks, man! In fact, I already do enjoy some things to take my mind off this mess, and I'm feeling a lot better now.
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Sounds like the perfect time to play some video games and be pampered. (Sorry, I'm a glass is half full kinda guy). You'll just have to be active in other ways for a while is all.
I do wish you a speedy recovery, though, so you can get back to your old self as soon as possible.
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Yeah, I think that's what I will do, but I will have to keep up to speed with my studies to some extent as well.
Thank you!
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There are plenty of games on my backlog, so I guess I can keep myself entertained. Thanks!
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Hi! I'm usually not active on forums here and everything, but I just wanted to make some giveaways of games about my favourite character and share a little story of what happened to me just this month alongside the GAs.
First of all, the GAs: clicc here to find out
While I'm not that active here, I'm very active in real life, although I'm not that fit and all, I just like to jog sometimes, I rarely go anywhere by bus or by tram, I always go on foot wherever I go, that is somewhat my attitude. And since I was little I loved Sonic the Hedgehog, who is also an active guy. I guess it was one of the inspirations for me or something. There is a Sonic bundle open now, that's why I'm making this post and a couple of giveaways.
So I was just walking home as usual in the beginning of December trying to be careful as hell not to fall (it's very slippery in November and December where I live, because of the snow melting and freezing again because of the weather being half-autumn and half-winter), but I never noticed this one curb, which got really badly frozen, which I couldn't see since it was so dark. As I was just getting of a separate pathway in the street, I stepped on the curb by accident and my foot immediately slid off of it. And I suppose as it was sliding off the curb, it left my ankle sort of vulnerable for the impact. And that's exactly what happened: I hit the curb with my ankle really hard after that slip and I'm a tall and quite heavy guy. I thought it was just a slip, but that ankle started to hurt badly. Then I thought I sort of stretched something in my ankle and my GF, who was with me thought the same thing seeing how I fell. Some woman in the street was kind to call an ambulance and the guys there said I broke my ankle which wasn't all that bad. They took me to a hospital like 15 km from the city, and the doctor there said my bone was not only fractured, but also shifted or displaced. And that's why my foot was displaced as well. They fixed it and put the whole leg below my knee in a cast and said that if it turns out okay in a week, than it'll take only like 6 weeks to recover. So I got home and had to stay in bed all the time, I couldn't move so that there was less of a chance it was not okay for my bones.
A week later the doctor in another hospital said it was quite okay, only the next day he called me and said that I had to go for a surgery, it appeared my foot had no way of going back to its original position naturally and the bones would heal displaced altogether, which was not good. I went to the hospital and sort of applied for this operation, but there were so many patients it took them a week before they could tell me when the operation would take place. So I stayed there for like 2 weeks. And now I'm home after I've been through the whole of it, and now I have this metal thing holding my fractured bone together inside of my leg, and it's alright now, but I can't walk normally for another 2-3 months + this December already.
So I went from being this always-ready-to-go guy to almost a cripple who can't walk, which made me sort of depressed and I'm only now starting to get over it. I'm not trying to seek attention and pity here, I just figured it would make me a bit happy to share some Sonic games, which I love, with the community. And since I'm sharing something (games) with you, I decided I could get it out of my system and share another thing, this story, alongside with it.
I'm really grateful to everyone who has made it to this point and read the whole post!
Happy holidays everyone and Merry Christmas! (Eve) (depending on where you are and when you read this)
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