Okay. So this is a huge thank you to all of you. I am gonna be going to China for two years for service in a few weeks. That whole time I am gonna be away from the internet. I'm going to miss you all. This is a wonderful community that is so nice to one another. Most of the time. So I have 4 puzzles for you all. The first person that solves each puzzle will get to grab a key for one of the games from the recent humble bundle. simply because I am not rich and that is what I can give away right now... At the end of all of the puzzles there is also a link to a private giveaway of Deus EX: Human revolution. So once again, thank you all for being so amazing.

TAKEN Beat hazard

TAKEN Nightsky

TAKEN Dungeon Defenders (when answering #4, in a fury of copy and pasting the artist names and picture URL's I totally messed up. Right click, copy the picture's URL and then just past that as the answer.)

TAKEN Superbrothers

11 years ago*

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There shall be cake when you return :3.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Also, how are you helping the guys in China? Puppy eaters are bad :(

11 years ago

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Never seen you before, but good look out there!

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by jdragonrider.