On the other hand I really enjoyed GRAV and I'm not giving a **** for No Man's Sky.
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I am just curious how is it a survival game without the crafting and such then?It just another FPS without those.I mean unless you count it as a survival just based on not dying and trying to survive being killed.Though in that case pretty much any game is survival.
Anyhow i am just saying the whole point to the survival is to survive by crafting stuff/growing food/killing things/building.I do agree some of them take it a bit far where it becomes more of a chore then fun then turns into a game of resources and collecting that takes way to much time.Though i think a lot of that is due not being balanced because they focus on surviving with others and not alone.So when you are a alone everything takes a lot more time and effort.
I just do not care for most of them myself for the fact that most always seems to include other people and turn into just a huge map of player vs player,so it just becomes a glorified shooter with base building and little to do with survival but more to do with i built this now come get me.Or huge clans destroy all you built while your away because thee always a few players with no life who can grief people while they are busy living there life.
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I dont mind a small ammount of crafting. But most all of the crafting aspect of any survival game could be replaced with scavenging, forraging. This war of mine is a good example of that. Besides crafting house upgrades, and water heat and food systems, I dont bother with the rest of it, I can trade for all the goods I need without being forced to craft them.
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I guess my way of thinking in any true post apocolyptic survival type scenario, not everyone will be good at making shit. I'm one of those people, but I can hunt, trap, preserve meat, and I'm pretty good at bartering. So thats how I want to survive.
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Now i see what you mean that makes more sense and i will agree i think people should be assigned to stuff and so on...this is my ideas on how i would like to see survival be...granted these are just my ideas so it might be TLDR
As i said that why most survival games really have little to do with survival as people rather kill you and take your stuff or destroy everything you built then actually work for it themselves.I think a survival game should force people to work together to survive you know like in real life.
I would like to see where you have to assign people to a task and once you do nobody else can do that.If this person then dies you have to wait a period of time to replace them.Meaning that that resource will no longer be available until you can replace them but also they could have people working in shifts like for when some goes offline that you can assign them to take over but only while they are offline,if they are killed then same still applies they can not be replaced for a period of time.Trading would work a lot better then and mean something as if someone killed the only trader then nobody would be able to trade anything.Which would mean if a tribe/settlement needed food some of the members may suffer or starve due to lack of food because the trader is dead.
That would make it more key to protect each other and stay alive and a lot less likely to kill somene.Also there should be a clause where if the person is offline there stuff nor them can be harmed..There needs to be punishments like in real life for doing bad things.Maybe if you are captured then you can be jailed for so long which would mean you are some what banished from playing the game while being jailed for a set time.
There should also be more consequences for attacking people,like instead of getting all there gear you get a random item from there inventory.This way there is a greater risk of killing them as if you really want or need something that killing may not even get you that item you seek.Also there should be a penalty for going on a killing spree like the more people you kill in a period of time you are easier to kill and are easier spotted.Just as in real life your not going to go into a village and kill a bunch of people and nobody knows who did it.This way the if you go onto another tribe/settlement they will be more aware that you may be dangerous.
These are just some of my ideas in the end i think there needs to be higher penalty and better balance to being good vs evil.The way it stands now in pretty much all survival games the asshole has little impact on his choices and can be dicks and get away with it as there little that they are punished for while gaining a lot more.
Like in ARK last i knew you could get a big tribe together then go to someone settlement and kill everything and destroy all there stuff while they are offline.That shit should not happen you should have the chance to defend your stuff and if your offline you should be safe from being attacked.Also there needs to a balance to who you can attack like if you have 20 in your tribe/settlement you can not attack someone who has like a few people in it.It should be fairly balanced where if you have 20 you can not attack anyone who has less then 18 to keep the numbers balanced to a degree.I know in real life it does not always work out like that but this is a game it is suppose to balance out real with fun.
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Well, multiplayer survival is a different story, because in real life, there would be roving packs of armed douchebags with no other intent or purpose other than by surviving by taking what others have, killing to do so if need be. I think the solution to offline player killing/looting in these games, would just be to have it where your stats v their stats -some round handicap for grogginess or something. Basically the only involvement the attacker would have would be clicking attack. And theres a chance the attacker will die and lose all their stuff in the process.
As for clan type survival, I dont think people should be locked into certain roles, but I dont think that anyone player should be forrced to know all skills either. I dont want to have to remember 8000 recipes so that I can craft what I need on the spot, instead of pausing game, googling, etc because frankly, i have the attention span of a goldfish, I dont play many games for long, and by the time I go back, I remember almost dick about them. Like I'm currently playing mad max, but if I stop today, and come back a month from now to it, I'll be frustrated as all hell, because the controls are not quite standard. Not different enough the learning curve bothered me, but not normal enough that a month from now I'll be able to figure out how to drink water, or get in my car.
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HaHaHa! I run around in Ark chasing beacons and taming dinos and never even getting roofs etc on my "bases"
I seem to never get out of "caveman" status.
7 Days to Die is similar.. now that they kept buffing zeds and making them smarter about breaking down your base I refuse to build one and just live like a nomad in prefabs, leaving caches of loot all over the world.
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I think after the runaway success of minecraft, (and even before, to a much lesser extent) crafting has become a trend that developers are following because they think a lot of people want it.
Oddly enough, IMO,the success of Minecraft had more to do with building than crafting. (and yes, there is a difference).
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Well played,that still a lot of time in one game so that only means 2 things,either you love it or you just want people to think you do.
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Yeah i suck at building stuff also but i still love playing Cities Skylines and other games based on building and even logged a lot hours into building in Fallout 4 even know most of settlements look worse then they started lol
Though all that matters in a game is you enjoy it and the beauty of games that are about building is you can build it however you like or however ugly as some make it there goal to build ugly stuff.
But yeah none of my Cities Skyline cities ever looked that good but they where still a functional city even if it was not pretty as some.
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I agree. The crafting in minecraft is just a tool to get the stuff to build more. The building in Minecraft is also very free (as in you can build almost anything you want), where as most other survival games with crafting, you're pretty limited to what you can build.
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Hello Games is a small indie studio. They don't have the kind of money to toss around on marketing. Rather the buzz that started by word of mouth got picked up by the gaming coverage sites and then the studio had more publicity than it knew how to deal with. But if you look at actual marketing of the game, the majority of it has been driven by Sony who grabbed the title as a timed exclusive on the PSN and then was all to happy that most of the work of promoting the game was being done by the gaming community.
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yep. I haven't played any of them so I can't really say, but Grav seems to me like another survival/crafting game, only set in another (very good looking I must say) planets.
NMS, on the other hand, while having elements of survival and crafting (hence the comparisons) seems to be always focused on the exploration aspect. For example, you collect materials to create stuff, but the developers have explicitly said that you can't build a house, because they don't want you to settle in one planet. Instead, you can use those materials to upgrade your ships and equipment, which will let you visit planets you couldn't before (a bit metroidvania-style).
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I wanted to play Grav but unfortunately it lagged a lot last time I tried so it was pretty unplayable.
From the reviews of Grav I can see that it seems to be not so polished right now but I guess it's still in EA. Perhaps it will get better?
At the same time, No Man's Sky isn't available to the public yet (I think?) so we don't actually know how it will turn out?
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Price, date of release, fans, and media coverage. That's all. xD
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They both seem to occupy a similar space. It's hard to tell exactly what sets them apart, but No Man's Sky looks to be more exploration-focused and it looks like it will have more variety to it (more creatures types, biomes and that kind of stuff), and single player focused, while GRAV seems to be a bit closer to ARK with a bigger focus on cooperation, surviving and building stuff.
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When this game is mainly aimed at single players, don't you think it might make the game more boring as well? I mean, is there any kind of story to it? Or is it just travelling to different planets, taking a look at the variation that has been calculated for you this time, harvesting enough to continue travelling or will there be more to it?
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Are there single player games like that?
This is not the answer to the OP's question, it's a shameless hijack :P
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Space exploration single player with no or only a few survival elements. I actually was eyeing no man's sky before noticing it was tagged as multiplayer.
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Yes you can. You need to have an online connection though, which sucks, but then again you gain access to all the in-game events, and the market prices are (apparently) universal according to supply and demand... But you avoid all the griefers, which is nice.
You also have the option of prviate groups, so if you want to avoid grief AND want to play with friends, you can do that too :D
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Hmm, ok, time to look for no man's sky giveaways then :p
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The only multi-player element comes from the fact that everyone's discoveries and other tracked information are all uploaded to a central server. So it's a shared universe in a similar manner to a MMO. But it's so freaking huge that the chances of you actually encountering another player are on the order of "not in your lifetime". There also doesn't appear to be any player-to-player communication.
Perhaps if the game is a success they'll build out more cooperative aspects to the game. But right now it's a solitary exploration game, with the vague goal of getting to the center of the galaxy.
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Grav seems to be exclusively for playing online and mostly multiplayer. As stated elsewhere,
I don't like multiplayer. I hope that "No Man's Sky" will be different, at least it's tagged as single-player.
Not that it matters much for now... I definitely won't buy it before it's much cheaper.
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No Man's Sky seems to have a bunch of features like spaceships , a good random planet/monster generator , good mechanics and graphics , although no one has played No Man's Sky yet , so we can't confirm what it has or what it doesn't has.
and GRAV (the last time i played) is so bad optimized that i couldn't play it...less than 15FPS, when i played in the free time during a weekend.
and the community says it isn't updated frequently , which , possibly , means the game is abandoned
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GRAV is my most played game on Steam at 150+ hours, though I haven't played it in almost a year. As that probably implies, I enjoyed the game a lot and think it's underrated, though it did suffer from some growing pains and bugs/performance issues back when I was playing. Having said that, assuming it hasn't drastically changed since I played, I see GRAV as more of an "MMO-lite" type game, where leveling, killing monsters, crafting and building were big portions of the game, and there was some amount of grinding involved to do those things. While there's also travel between planets, at least when I played, it was more "step through a portal and end up on a different planet" rather than actual space travel and ships.
No Man's Sky strikes me as much more space travel and exploration focused, so I'm not sure they really fall in the same class, though I can't be certain until I've played NMS ;)
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Hype means nothing to me- and yet, NMS appealed far more to me than Grav from the start.
Grav is a generic-looking FPS survival MMO styled game, with apparently fairly generic gameplay as well. It's not particularly appealing, even without the criticisms it receives on gameplay. It doesn't do anything particularly unique, and seems subpar [at least in presentation and by typical reviews] compared to more interestingly themed and presented multiplayer survival games like Ark.
NMS, aside from having gorgeous graphics, is a[n exploration] sim rather than a survival game, and really shouldn't be compared directly to Grav in the first place.
It's a game that promises to finally offer one of the dreams of gaming: the ability to have truly unique experiences. The thrill of not knowing what's around the next corner, that it'll be something potentially unique to you and potentially incredible.. it's a compelling idea. Add in that it's a play-as-you-will single player exploration game [without the usual RPG/survival/platforming/etc emphasis], it's a rather unique offering.
In other words, the appeal is in the mystery and the exploration and the walking-simulator-like enjoyment of such. (Theoretically it'll be more comparable to atmospheric games like Journey or even Life-simulation games like Spore, than to MMO or survival games).
Any actual [eg survival] gameplay elements would be more for heightening immersion than being the real draw of the game.
Of course, a lot depends on just how incredible the procedural content generation system actually'll be. If things start becoming too repetitive after say, the first 200 planets, it'll probably burn out pretty fast. But if they can truly offer what they're promising, the ability to occasionally find something truly unique [even if it takes you a few repetitive planets in between], then it'll be a game that may truly steal you away.
In that sense, the hype may work against it, if it can't deliver. But if it can- oh, what a special game it'll be.
Grav, though? Survival and MMO games are a dime a dozen, and without it standing out, and with the criticisms against it, it just doesn't have much impact. When you contrast it with something like NMS, which is essentially in its own subgenre, it's pretty easy to see why it seems less interesting by comparison.
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To people pointing out price:
GRAV's main focus being multiplayer AND the game being early access, the price simply cannot be $60, because game would fail completely. Even at $20 it had a lot of trouble and had to be bundled in order to attract new players. Just go and read negative reviews if you want some insight (more than half of all planets (except homeworlds) look similar or identical; only around 11-12 type of monsters; they completely abandoned it; The description of this game is misleading. While on some levels it is indeed a sandbox survival game, it has much more in common with a MMO, especially in terms of the grind).
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My guess is NMS will work.
I tried GRAV last night and saw a shonky main menu with placeholder buttons. I Clicked 'Start', got a black screen with an untextured character who could run around for about 5 seconds before the game crashed.
This was repeatable.
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I started GRAV the other day and spent some hours in it and I'm a bit disappointed. While the graphics look nice and the combat is competent the building aspect of the game is way too simplistic, limited and awfully counter intuitive. Also, good luck wandering away in the world without getting smashed by a giant turtle. The grinding kinda killed my enthusiasm for the game.
No clue about No Man's Sky, and I won't pick it up for that price. Too risky of a genre to happily throw 60 bucks at it.
Heck, the survival game I was playing two weeks ago was way more fun even tho it was really early in development and the multilayer was poorly populated. On the phone right now, I'll link my review for it later.
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I got Grav in the Humble Monthly and was having an absolute blast until I realised that I was killing enemies for about 40 minutes non stop to try and get a blueprint to progress further that I just wasn't having fun at all. I looked on the internet about the game and discovered that I'd already seen and done a lot of the game already.
No Mans Sky seems a lot more exploration based rather than survival and crafting.
Either way, Grav deserves more attention from gaming community. I'm sure if it had even half the buzz that No Mans Sky does then it would be a great game
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i playgrav when free weekend, i enjoy alot GRAV with my friend and he bought me the game, and then i login again 2 weeks later my homebase demolished by other player :(( ... so i deleted games, and waiting another space exploration games maybe no man sky ^_^
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Alright, this may come across as a weird question, but it actually bothers me for a few days now. Apart from the obviousity that the two are different games made by different developers I really wonder what sets them apart. Especially regarding the fact that everybody is totally hyped for No Man's Sky while GRAV has become a bundle game nobody really cared about even before it got bundled.
Both seem to be about exploring procedurally generated alien planets while trying to survive, harvesting resources, fighting hostile creatures and other players, and eventually explore outer space and travelling to other planets. So really, what's the difference?
Obligatory giveaways (too bad I just used my copy of GRAV for the Berlin Underground, would have been a fitting gib)
You might have to add a s to the http in order to get to the giveaway after passing the SGtools check.
Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West
The Secret Order 2: Masked Intent
Industry Giant 2
GRAV kindly provided by D9sinc ♥ Lvl 2, no sgtools
For all the lost wanderers in space our adorable cucooo has provided yet another chance on GRAV! ♥♥ Lvl 2, no sgtools
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