Is it?
Asking your girlfriend about it would be a start. If she doesn't care then it's not cheating but if she feels uncomfortable then it's...well tehnically it's not cheating but it makes your partner feel less worthy :T
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Well, I think it kinda is, because you are talking about other person that you like and I would definitly count that as level 1 of cheating, if I can put it that way.
But anyways, thank you very much for the giveaways! I really wanted to get my hands on some of these games, but I have Credit Card problems at the moment, so I can't buy myself this bundle.
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When we think of cheating we often think of physical infidelity, the cheating of the body.
The huge type we forget about is emotional infidelity, the cheating of the mind, which I think is what you are trying to get at OP.
Why would you have the urge to communicate about sex/relationships to others, outside of the sexual relationship you have with your partner?
If your needs both physical and emotional are being satisfied, this urge will not exist.
One of the two needs is not being met. Either physically you are not satisfied with your partner, it could be their body, the quality of the sex, or emotionally you do not feel satisfied, you two are drifting apart, you are starting to focus more on your differences than your similarities, the relationship may have run its course, you are out of the honeymoon period and things have gotten routine, things are getting "boring."
Complacency kills relationships. Remember, you should never stop "dating" the person you are with, even when you "have them." This is probably why you are seeking out excitement and talking about sexual things with other people, because the excitement and allure does not exist in your current relationship anymore.
Why would you want to be with someone in an exclusive relationship who is fantasizing about sex with people other than you? And even worse, who is acting upon this urge by sexting others. And I'm not talking about passing someone by on the street thinking "oh they're hot," everyone does that. But this sexting and need to talk to others about sex is a symptom of a much deeper problem.
For your question, does emotional infidelity count as cheating? It depends on who you ask.
When you're with someone who just knocks your socks off, they are intoxicating to be around, you can't even imagine being with anyone else, these thoughts won't even cross your mind. But when you're with someone where you start to notice your mind is wandering constantly, and the allure isn't that strong, you'll think "hey I'll sext her see what happens it's not cheating right."
Me personally I don't count emotional infidelity as cheating, but it very quickly can lead to physical infidelity. I would break up with the girl if I found out she was sexting others though, you have to have respect for yourself. Just my 2 cents
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Thanks for the GA's. Saw this a while back and couldn't really respond because i don't know. It depends on what someone considers 'cheating'. For some, its purely physical. Others, its intentional. A lot, as i can see here, consider verbal/written as cheating.
I don't consider kissing someone while drunk as cheating, though i'd understand if someone gets pissed. It is physical, is it intentional ?! or regrettable bad moment ?!
Never had a long term relationship and i'd most certainly be the last person i would ask. I think the best person to ask is one's SO. Mutual understanding of where one's no no's start would be the answer for their situation. Yes, the last person you should ask is the one who has the answer.
Good luck =)
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as a person befitting of the label "poly-amorous", I have trouble understanding what people consider to be such a big deal if your partner slept with another, and similarly have trouble defining what counts as cheating
regardless, I find the argument some have used "if you feel like you should hide it from your partner, it's cheating" quite flawed - plenty of people don't openly share what pornography they like to masturbate to with their partner either, and I find sexting is a lot more like watching porn than some kind of betrayal of trust
despite whether one would think it's cheating or not tho, it's always best to clear it with your partner - communication is key to a healthy relationship!
thanks for the waifus btw <3
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damn, i can't even get one and some people are having like 6 at a time :P
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A lot of people in this thread seem to think that sexting is cheating. I suggest applying a litmus test. Consider these questions: If your committed partner had a sexual relationship with another person, would you end your relationship with them? If your committed partner was sexting with another person, would you end your relationship them? If the answers are different, then please consider why. If your answers are "yes" to the first question and "no, but I would ask them to stop" to the second question, then I suggest rather than considering sexting cheating, which implies betrayal, perhaps it's better thought of as undesirable behavior.
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I don't think that your reaction is what determines if this is cheating or not, any more than your reaction if someone stole something from you determines if it was theft.
It's a good point for thought, though. The question is a bit too theoretical, because I don't think it's likely to happen nor am I sure how I'd really feel, but I think that in a long term relationship I'd see finding a lover as a sign of the relationship deteriorating, and would try to get it on track, rather than leave my partner, but if I found my partner sexting I'd question whether I really know my partner, which could have worse consequences.
Also, the way I think about it is totally not the way my partner would think about it, so it's not totally relevant to the question of whether it would be considered cheating if I did it.
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Çok trafik oluyo cuma akşamları ama yine de sorayım ben, nerde, kim kim? :D
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In my opinion, if you are having an "academic" conversation about sexual topics, it is not cheating.
If you are deriving sexual pleasure from these conversations, it is a form of cheating.
Like if you open a thread in this forum asking about some mature topic, I don't consider it cheating. On the other end, if you start flirting with one of the people that answer, with a back an forth that becomes more and more intimate and suggestive, it is not an innocent thing.
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For me cheating is doing things with somebody else you'd only do with your partner and more importantly you wouldn't tell your partner.
For instance if you both agree that you can have sex with other persons, then having sex with somebody else is not cheating. You just have to de very clear with your partner what you want your relationship to be. If you have to lie, or hide it from your partner that you did something with somebody else, that's cheating.
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I had this very bizarre idea on my mind.
Let's say you have a girlfriend, and your relationship is good, or so-so. And when you talk with somebody else anonymously in some platform about relationships, sex, or start a sexting, does that counts as a cheating? I mean, for me, if this isn't continuing after you've done talking, technically you just talk and enjoy with somebody else. Maybe you could say you wish to continue that in his/hers room, which could be in the border of cheating, but how could you cheat your lover in your own room, with just texting? Is there some regulation for talking about it?
I will put some obligatory ga's in the morning, so please enlighten me.
edit: Hi! so, uh, i didn't know this topic was gonna go up like that. This was originally a bet with one of my friend, and this giveaways are his little presents for you :) All giveaways are gonna end in 9 hours, and there are 2 more because of my giveaway limit, so enjoy and good luck :)
ps: i luv you guys :3
ps ps: guys, i'm a poor soul with only have some waifus... yeah....
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