I didn't play Quantum Break so cannot say anything about it. Regarding Control:
What I did like
I liked the atmosphere. I felt tension in my body all the time. And it was all due to the sounds and music. I think the sound design is top notch in this game.
I appreciated cinematic style of the game (not always but most of the time).
What I didn't like
Gameplay design was not fun to me. The enemies were hard to spot. I remember I had to run all over the place once, to notice who shoots at me (and from where). There's also so much going on in the graphic design of the enemies that I shot at them blindly. Simply couldn't tell what my aim is on. On the other hand you could throw an object more or less in the direction of the enemies and it would smash them without much aiming. Also what gun did I have, that throwing a box did more damage? Throwing something could instakill some enemies, while using gun took like 3-4 shots.
I didn't like how the story was told via notes and recordings. As I've mentioned earlier: it is boring, especially when you have to literally stand still to be able to hear what a voice in the recording says. You could also listen to it in menu. And tons of notes. So disruptive to the flow of the game. You could either read everything right away (breaks immersion and flow of the gameplay) or read it all later and spend 10 minutes on it. Why wasting so many opportunities that games as a media give, to tell story mainly through writing the notes? Look at Dishonored. In this game the city itself tells a story. Or even many stories. (Well, Dishonored had notes and recordings too but I think a lot less of them – wasn't a big fan of it anyway as well)
I also didn't like how the missions felt repetitive.
As you can see, there aren't many thing I liked or disliked. Which is, I think, my main complaint. It's just an okay game (to me). Not much to really praise it for. Nothing to hate it for. It's kinda indifferent.
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So, it seems to me you dislike the lack of proper storytelling via the game itself, and the combat sucked?
So the storytelling sounds like a lot of Walking-Sim type games I've played (you probably don't like them?). Combat sounds disappointing, but is this a big part of the game, or does it just happen from time to time?
Thanks for the response, I appreciate it :)
I'd still be keen to try it some time, cos I liked the previous games from Remedy (Quantum Break, Alan Wake). If you haven't checked either of them out, I'd recommend at least taking a look.
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i actually enjoyed Gone Home so not sure if it's walking-sim problem. I guess if you design your game as a walking-sim, you just focus on different things and it shows.
Regarding combat you mostly do 2 things in this game: read notes and fight. So it was a slight headache to me. As someone mentioned here, the best strategy seems to be throwing things at enemies. And probably focus skill development on that part.
Not necessarily meant to put people off from this game. It's solid. For some great apparently. You probably will have at least some fun with it. Especially that you liked previous game form Remedy. Even my playthrough wasn't totally boring, just not as good as some reviews say.
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That's funny you mention Gone Home - it is one of the few walking sims I didn't enjoy, though I know many people liked it a lot.
I guess the closest game I've played like that which might pique your interest is The Suicide of Rachel Foster. You might also try Untold Stories.
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Didn't play Control yet, but as for A Plague Tale... It's a game where story and atmosphere are more important than gameplay. Gameplay wise it's nothing special, but i really loved the experience. I figure that could also apply to Control... So maybe gameplay is more important to you in comparison to others and that's why you're not that impressed with these type of games?
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I actually loved voice acting and world design in A Plague Tale. Story was okay to me yet I read often it was great. Out of curiosity what did you like about the story?
So maybe gameplay is more important to you in comparison to others and that's why you're not that impressed with these type of games?
It might be true although, on the other hand, I enjoyed Gone Home and Chuchel where gameplay basically didn't exist (especially in Chuchel).
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mmm, come to think of it I really liked the premise of the story, maybe more than the story itself though I do think it the way it was told made me believe in the characters. Girl and her brother find themselves in a world that turned hostile all of the sudden... You could feel their shock and confusing. Survival instinct of the girl kicks in combined with the responsibility she feels for her little brother. Brother doesnt grasp the seriousness of the situation all of the time, so shifts between being superscared and super careless just like I imagine a real boy of that age would act... That -combined with the great grapics- sucked me into the experience and I really liked my playthrough because of it...
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Control's lore, aesthetics and atmosphere were really amazing and unique in my mind. There was a bit of a disconnect between the bombastic fights and the subtle storytelling, but honestly I didn't mind because the worldbuilding was so interesting. For me learning more and more about the Oldest House was the main driving force and the gameplay was engadging enough not to bore me between storybits. Remedy games are weird, but this weirdness is original.
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Haven't played it yet even though I bought it in November as I'm still waiting for my GPU that I bought 4 months ago...but I'm sure I'll love the game.
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Well, for me it was an overall enjoyable game but it did have some clear flaws.
Now, despite it all, I did like playing Control, powers are nice and the lore is good enough to make searching for the notes and audio logs not as much of a chore as it is. It is not a masterpiece and I do get a feeling that it's a tad overrated, but I would still say it's recommendable.
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Meanwhile I played the whole game... wish I knew earlier, but what can you do. I'll have to remember if I decide to replay it, but I didn't like the game enough to warrant a second run, when I have many other games waiting in my log.
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I really liked Control overall, mostly because I like the way Remedy tells stories. They tend create a world, with its own internal logic to it and expect you to figure out how everything fits together. The lore is treated like a mystery for you to uncover. They did that in Alan Wake too and I find that a really enjoyable way to present a story.
Combat wasn't great though, there's no getting around that. It does get a little bit better once you get all abilities but it never raises above what I would describe as serviceable. I think the game could have been something absolutely special if there was less of the combat and more focus on environmental puzzles.
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I’m with you. I’ve played plenty of AAA games with lots of hype, nearly all of them have been disappointing to me. A Plague Tale is actually the only AAA game I managed to finish in recent years. It wasn’t great, but it had just enough to keep me going. I thought the last 30% of the game had some decent combinations of abilities to use in the puzzles.
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To Game Pass for PC users: It seems an old version of the game was released. Unless you like constant crashing to desktop, wait for the update.
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That game is one of the most disappointing things I've ever bought. I'll just link my review, which should pretty much sum it up, why I found it so disappointing; https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198079938042/recommended/870780/
Quick summary: I expected something very different, with a more interesting story and less repetitive with combat. Guess it's my own fault. I could have known from the trailer and presentation that it's not my type of game, but I guess I just wanted to like it.
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I just finished main story tonight (DLC areas are yet to come).
Apart from one particular steep spike in difficulty tomassi, the floating dude in the mail chamber... I died to that guy several times the game had a very steady pace afterwards, with getting more and more ability points and levels you become quite strong. All the while your main complaint has a very easy fix, in the settings menu there is a list of assist options, where you can tailor the game to your liking (though I would suggest just giving the standard difficulty some more time, as game really does get easier after upgrading a bit).
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Yes, I know you can tweak the settings, reduce damage taken, or even make the player invincible. It's just, constantly having to tweak settings just to avoid getting owned by trash mobs is no fun either. As I said in my review: this may not be a problem for a more skilled player. For me it's basically a choice between boring or frustrating. I just expected this game to be different. A proper story ...and not this weird mess.
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It's the best Jedi simulator yet. If you're good, it's a ton of fun. It's what some people call a 'combat puzzler'.
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I think it's incredibly good. Didn't like it quite as much as Alan Wake, but it does come pretty close to matching its Twin Peaksy atmosphere and tone at times, and the game plays/controls/feels a lot better. I also think it has the perfect setting for log-based storytelling. That the notes, video clips, and audio logs all knock it out of the park helps, too. One of the best games of the past generation for me, both in terms of story and gameplay.
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I feel like Sam Lake writing is like.. super acquired taste like Layers of Fear of Medium and especially protagonist monologues. Didn't like Control for wanna be SCP/X-Flies but making it unappealing like... I couldn't stand Doc short videos and Threshold kids ones feeling so obnoxious. The gun concept was cool, but gameplay fairly mediocre and you just shooting possessed (or something) people. Some of the levels were really great though, and Ahti character. Loved almost everything in Plague Tale, been mix of Tale of two sons, Hellblade, and just great child characters.
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Haven't played Control but I seen gameplay of it and it looked mind-numbingly boring. You run around this ugly, sterile building environment and the combat is repetitively force grabbing objects to throw at people and occasionally shoot stuff. Didn't seem interesting to me at all.
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So I've tried Control via Xbox Game Pass. Honestly, I am not that impressed. Don't get me wrong, it's a solid game. Not as awesome as some reviews say though – to me of course. Considering A Plague Tale wasn't that special to me neither, I am curious if I'm alone?
How was your experience with these games. Why did or didn't you like it?
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