AP Sona OP. QQ. AP Maokai OP. QQ. AP Soraka OP. QQ. AP Blitz OP. QQ. Uh... Tank Annie OP. QQ.
This list is about 525 champ builds long.
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Take Lich Bane and go maximum ap (3 raba, mejai (does that even exist anymore?) Alacrity Sorc shoes, lich bane) press q auto and ult but don't use e before ult because it takes away range, weird bug. Makes it melee.
Even better is ap Riven...
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That is the exact thing I meant. Now make them all into Rabadons.
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For some reason going AD Soraka is actually accepted, but I go AD Annie once and my team wants my head.
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the problem is a combination of ap tristana only being decent in a small number of situations and that people go ap tristana even though all of the other carries on the team are ap or if the enemy is so tanky that resetting isn't likely to happen, nevermind her casting animations are terrible
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I feel this would be 100 times funnier if I actually played LoL.
Nevertheless it still made me smile.
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The question is whether or not you would say no if you weren't. ;)
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how to play league of legends:
screw with your teammates (don't fucking say "trolling" you don't even know what that word means) by calling a role and stick to it. if they're being assholes about it and keep a role you already locked in, don't queue dodge and play as if you were playing a real game. insta-win tactix
if you suck at the game just queue dodge and go back to tutorials and watch videos on how to play
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Then why did you click on this thread, read it, and post. If you don't care, go away. Jeez.
"Hey everyone give me attention I want attention whine whine"
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"I have never said something funny to laugh at him." You realize that doesn't make sense, right? Suicide isn't a verb, and even if it was you used it wrong, and I believe you need to learn to not only read but infer. GG no RE
And btw, MOBAs not MOBA's.
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"You realise it doesnt make it doesnt make sense" ohh tell me how you cant laugh at QQ or else you make fun of people :WillyWonka:.
Also suicide is a verb, and yes I used it wrong, a d was missing. Which is added now.
Please kid, gtfo. Before you get banned for flaming.
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Suicide is not a verb. It's committed suicide. And editing a post so it makes sense is cheating.
Also, title clearly says "League of Legends" in it. Why click in the first place? You came to this thread for the flame, and I really dont care.
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Lol, editing your mistake's is cheating. So if I go to school, and I write something down wrong, I need to make that mistake at exams or else I'm cheating? You sir are a fuck logic.
Also about the title saying League of Legends, I told you already why I clicked it.
I came here to flame? I came here to post my opinion, but you started to flame at me, you are here to flame obviously.
And if you dont care, then why did you react? Well, I can answere that for you: Because you DO.
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Write something wrong on exam. Someone tells you its wrong. You change it on the exam. Cheating. Perfect logic. Also, mistakes not mistake's. Unless you made a mistake that came to life and purchased an "is cheating". If you don't care "/care" why care in the first place?
Non-flame approach: I don't really like MOBAs
Flame approach: MOBAs suck anyway
I said I didn't really care about a flame ban right now. Especially because we're both clearly flaming.
If you wanted to post your opinion, thats not how anyone would. But good try attempting to look like the good guy. I only reacted because winning these things is fun.
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Your definition of cheating is really wrong. Cheating is only when you do something against the rules, but there are no rules on correcting your own mistakes on the internet. So there is no cheat involved.
Also your flame approach and non flame approach are also wrong. Let me show and example of a flame approach to some one who said, MOBA's suck anyway:
"He said "damn 12 loss streak"
Also why be a dick? LOL I HOPED HE WAS SAD THEN I COULD LAUGH AT HIM AHAHAHAHA Just leave. Just. Leave. This is why your parents never loved you. Because you're a dick."
Thats a flame approach.
So you are the one who started the flaming. Nice try to let me look like the scumbag, but... NO.
And you, winning? lolololol. Look again.
Kid, I'll repeat my tip to you one more time: The internet is no place for you.
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Cheating the argument would be abusing an ability in order to succeed. No rules are required. An, not and. For the third time, MOBAs not MOBA's. MOBA (whoever he is) does not own a "suck anyway".
Second that was your post not mine. You really ARE bad at this, aren't you. Think I did just win.
Now get off my internet.
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1st of all no one asks you to read my post. Second of all I wanted to see why he was crying about this crap game(I hoped for something funny).
"Omg this dude dont like my favorite crap game, let me rage at him cry cry cry" dooder39 (1 hour ago*)
Point one.
And on the link you helpfully provided (thanks for that, I'm lazy)
Clearly I still win on my internet.
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Lol, now you just confirmed you're quilty,:
"You came to this thread for the flame, and I really dont care."
"Second that was your post not mine. You really ARE bad at this, aren't you. Think I did just win."
Yeah you won.... How does it feel, getting shut by your own logic?
Also, your quote doesn't make sense.
Ohh and:
So still rules
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A) guilty*,
B) as already explained I meant I really don't care if we both get banned for this (don't know why but okay)
C) Where have I been shut by my own logic? You said "This is what flamers do:" and then you quoted a comment that you had posted.
D) My quote doesn't make sense? I copy/pasted the exact same comment you copy/pasted. Seriously... just... You're taking the fun out of this.
Finally, I used the word cheating, not you, and I used it as the v.intr 1, which should be inferable to anyone who understands the English Language past a fifth grade level.
Just gonna edit this, add some line breaks. I know how hard it is for you to follow a big chunk of text...
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Look again...? Scroll up to your comment. Then look at my comment. Now look at the comment below. That is your comment. It was posted by you.
Why does it matter how you used the word cheating? I said you were cheating, based on the definition in v.intr 1. Why does it matter how you want to use it? If you asked your dad to get you a baseball bat, and he came back with a bat (the animal) with a baseball shoved down its throat, would that be what you wanted? No. But that's what your dad wanted you to want. So he is right. YOUR LOGIC!
Clearly you're bad at this. I'm over here lolling my ass off because you don't know you posted a comment, and then you say I'm flaming, and use the comment you posted as an example of flaming...
At this point I'm confused. Were you deliberately dropped repeatedly on your head as a baby?
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We made it to the end btw so I can't reply to that last one. Replied to my own comment with the response.
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Does it matter what definion I used as cheating? YES it does:
"Your definition of cheating is really wrong. Cheating is only when you do something against the rules, but there are no rules on correcting your own mistakes on the internet. So there is no cheat involved." Learn to read FFS.
Also, my quote? Since when is this my quote: "He said "damn 12 loss streak" Also why be a dick? LOL I HOPED HE WAS SAD THEN I COULD LAUGH AT HIM AHAHAHAHA Just leave. Just. Leave. This is why your parents never loved you. Because you're a dick."
So again: LEARN TO READ.
So your loss kid, now get off the internet, its your bedtime already.
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Lol way to change the quote so it was different. Only problem, I don't think I ever said that. Weird. Second, it's like 12 in the morning here. I'm about to have breakfast...
Also, again, that's your post. Reread what I just said about the baseball bat.
Clearly cheating isn't only when you do something against the rules, as shown in the definition you so helpfully provided.
And at this point, not sure if trolling, or just really, really stupid.
Am I the only one who sees this? Img
Disgusting stuff to say on here man, wtf.
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First of, changing your post (in a bad troll attempt) to accuse me. Also You really said it, I can provide proof if you want to.
Second of all, no shit sherlock thats my post (do you want a cookie?). I quoted it to show you that it does matter which definition of cheating I was using (duhh).
Also, its 12 AM there? Then its nap time for you. Then you get some food, go outside (you have been on the Pc enough for today). Then having lunch and go to bed. At least, if your caretaker(s) are actually good at their job.
I would accuse you for being a troll, but I already know that you are just a kid...
Oh and @ that image, that just confirmed your age, good job kid. You made yourself lose...
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12 PM actually, that's how time works. Based on your abuse of the English Language, I don't think you can call me a kid. Especially because based on your twitter account you are a student, that almost definitely ranks me at an older age.
Good day to you sir. This conversation has reached a point of boring me. May a flock of vaginas never stray upon your path.
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Lol? Twitter? Bitch please, I dont use Twitter. I know there is some one on Twitter who use the same name (my friends fell for it). But hey, there is also a YouTuber, Tumbler and a crap load others who call them dooder39, nothing new.
Als you older? HAHAHA, an older person who is so childish by photoshopping others posts. If you're not a kid then you must be really retarded XD.
To bad I already have my "flocks". Btw, kid you're WAY to young to use that word!! Go to the badroom and wash your mouth with soap mister!
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I don't think you know what a flock is, and I didn't photoshop. I DID however edit your text by changing the coding for the page. Hurrah.
Seriously though, do you KNOW what a flock is? And what the hell is a badroom and why would I wash my mouth there?
And if those aren't your accounts, and you're not from the Netherlands, then why the fuck can you not spell? Or use apostrophes correctly? Or not suck at life? Or spend the last two hours arguing with "a stupid kid on the internet". Case, Rested.
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I'll define flock by a simple word even your kids brain (should) know what I mean: A group. If you still dont know what I mean then you're not just a kid, but a retarded one.
FYI, dooder is dutch speaking language as killer, and some people use dood as dude (also english people).
Also, you calling me sucking at life? LEts take a look at your image again, I clearly understand why both your parents suicided. And I didn't spend my time just for you. Heck, I'm sending your messages yo my friends on Skype. You should hear them laughing at your stupidity.
And indeed case rested, I already have proven that you're the one who started the flame, was cheating (in your own definition) and that you're a kid. Also you confirmed all of those by yourself. Have a nice nap kid.
Edit: I'd like to change your text and make a screen of it, but.... I'm not a child like you.
Edit2: Also, are you that desperate to not to look like a child by google some one? LOL XD!
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Sorry about that had to take a shit. Now where were we?
Ah yes, okay. So I used the word flock correctly and you responded in a way that made you seem like you didn't know what it meant. You didn't need to explain it to me. Anyone with a basic understanding of English (again something you seem to fail at) would realize this.
Again, suicide is not a verb. Committed suicide. I recommend you turn in your next essay or other form of work with "suicided" and note the remarks. Hell, even a basic spell check will red underline the word suicided.
Your friends, knowing you, are obviously going to side with you. If I showed anyone I know this thread they would most definitely side with me. And I've shown only the highest of intellects. Unless thinking you're wrong means I'm dumb, in which case I'm mentally retarded.
You have in no way proved I started the flame, where the HELL have I cheated, and saying "KIDS DO THAT HE MUST BE KID AH WHAT A KID" doesn't make me a child. How have I confirmed those in anyway. And bitch, I'm not tired.
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I'm not going to repeat myself. Learn to read or GTFO from the interwebz.
Also this is my last respond to you, I let the Admins take care of you.
Here by I'm going to block your messages (SG+ feature(so feel free to post what ever you want)) and I'm adding you to my Giveaway Blacklist.
So enjoy your stay at steamgifts. It will probably and soon.
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As a LoL player, no. LoL is so much more imbalanced. Don't even start.
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The Last Hitting is a lot harder when your damage is insignificant. I watch my friend, who plays a ton, and what he does sometimes is mass hit H until the creep is low enough, because it starts the auto animation but doesn't deal the damage if you hit H quick enough, allowing for better timing. Amazing.
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This is not amazing, this should be standard for everyone :O
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Its great if you're a q spammer. Now you have to be a bit careful.
Also dat burst heal. +1500 hp with summoner heal w and ult. And I believe there's that new item too?
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Meh, just gotta play for fun and not care what happens.
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LoL is for noobies. real men play Dota 2, noob D:
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Yes it happens to me sometimes. What you do to break the cycle, play an bot game and kick some ez :)
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My personal free win champ is ad kog bot. Always cheers me up :D. Remember when his w slowed attack speed? Oh man...
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Ive played all MOBAs out there in the big wide gaming world. And LoL is by FAR the most nerdy community I ever met. They report you for:
writing in the chat,
not writing in the chat,
not feeding/if you dont die in a obvious failgank,
for beeing born,
for not beeing the support bitch,
they even report you for playing this game...
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We are second only to CoD and the likes in terms of community. However this is because 1 person can entirely lose the game for a team.
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Touché. I think dota snowballs harder off noobs, but there's more legit counters to people via items. (See shrunken head and bkb (or the other bar I get them confused))
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I dont hate LoL. And sometimes I like to return to it for some serious games after having only leavers in Dota 2.
Lol has its own advantages, as Hon has its advantages. I play Mobas for several years, even dota 1 in the Dotaleague.
I played LoL in the beta where ppl were not sure if this game will ever be released coz it was so buggy.
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Oh dota on Wc3, you were perfect. How about we all agree on that and move on?
But dota 2's community is definitely better, maybe because dota 2 skill cap is way above LoL's.
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Try to do Ad Soraka (14k 1d 15a) and Ad Arhi = Insta gg
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well well, i know that feeling, as probably a lot of us do xd not with 12 looses, a little less. but such horrible games happen. im usually questioning if im just too bad for this game, but oh well.
just play a troll game with friends, pick really retarded champs, with stupid builds, surprise the enemy and win ur game, even though winning wasnt planned, but that usually cheers me up, if winnin is the case.
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Been there buddy. 12 lost, 15 lost in a row... You'll get a win eventually and start turning the tides. However, I haven't cared really after I got all I needed to purchase from the shop. Ranking is overrated. Especially on solo queue. Premade is the key to win (and assured fun).
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Well, this video might help you stop loosing strikes much faster: How to stop loosing streaks faster
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