Wow, a real asshole you got there. I hope you reported him. (using a normal ticket, not a "user report")
By the way, his username is still visible on your screens.
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using a normal ticket, not a "user report"
isn't the same thing ?
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Well, I think user reports don't work, just like they didn't work in SGV1, do they ?
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He meant making an Other ticket so support can access it, unlike user reports. Which is a thing that some people do, but shouldn't because support cannot fully resolve everything (for example, they cannot delete regifted giveaways).
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Blacklisted an reported.
The sad thing about it? Support will probably just suspend him because he will be such a better person when he isn't suspended anymore.
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Should be at least a permaban, as this is obviously intentional to farm some CV... but all we can do is report & BL
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You don't know what people have been only suspended here. It's demoralizing.
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Well, I haven't checked manually, but it looks he'll be suspended for more than 2 months... Probably will never come back anyway.
EDIT: maybe even more, we need a tool to check for multiple wins :S
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How can you be sure? This site offers the opputurnity to win free games. He will be back.
I often tried to reroll people that farmed CV or regifted and have been told that they already got suspended in the past. They are all coming back.
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He has much more than 2 non activation.
Are you sure that there is a suspension for regifting in addition to not activating ? Since regifting is not activating
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i din't know his profile, so i did this based on screenshots alone :)
as for regifting - regifting does indicate he did not activate, but not activation does not indicate regifting. If you not activate your win - aka you trade it, give to friend, activate on another account - you get 5day suspension. If you also regift it you get additional regifting suspension afaik.
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Ha, I would have thought the suspension for regifting would simply be for non activation, since that is basically what regifting is (also there's no mention of a regifting suspension on the roles page)
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You can find default suspension lengths at the bottom of this page - Roles - Member
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He can't be suspended for non activation yet, because his 2 wins are not 7 days old. He's more likely to get suspended for multiple wins of the same game (which is already not discutable or subject to any delay).
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I know you don't get suspended for non activation before 7 days have passed, but this guy has a shitload of non activated games
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Yeah, I checked his profile again and found that impressive number... We have a recordman there :)
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that's why I also blacklist any of them I see. 5 day punishment is nothing for someone who wins once every few weeks/months. It could be a small punishment for some big winner. As I win like evy 1.5 day I'd got a whole 2-3 games lost, they lose nothing for doing so.
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Considering it's his first time being caught, maybe he will be looking at a 3 week suspension
Anyway, i obviously don't know this for sure, but i believe there's a fair amount of people on this site with multiple accounts, thats the lowest anyone can go
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Syncing your account is only working manually so basically when you never sync it you can win games as much as you want to.
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The discussion was geared more towards once a person has marked their win as received, but in the end it was deemed problematic because too many people don't understand how the site works an will mark received thinking that it's how they obtain the game, or to hide the notification. I have seen it happen as one of my winner kept toggling between received and unreceived while I was waiting for support to process a re-roll.
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i have an idea: let's make a group, just for 5 people (cv, you know...). we buy one copy of overture (yes, we actually buy it, because that's my plan, not your's!). and then we start the regifting game... :)
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Already blacklisted after first regift of Overture
There should be a system that disable people making giveaway for game they recently won (disabled until re-sync and the game is on account, if the game is not on account after re-sync, instaban)
Probably can't, because of some special steam api for package, etc.
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well, at least one case could easily be used for an automatic suspension: a user wins a game twice and marks as received both times.
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There should at least be a page for support personnel with "red flags". Considering a lot of things can't be properly automated because of hiccups in the STEAM API, as well as general stupidity, at least they could quickly have a look and take the appropriate action.
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still someone would have to check this out - and with a number of false positives API gives it would mean digging through a ot of these as well. Heck - sometimes when steam is heavy oaded none of your games and groups get loaded into SG - and such a situation would automatically caused false red flag for every user who synced - genetaring thousands upon thousands of false reports in one day. And who would clean it? After a single day like it whole red flag category would become dumpster ;p
What Support needs in the first place - before any new automatic systems - is more embers. Way more members even without any real powers like no suspension, closing or deletion rights - but just to review tickets, reports and flags to weed out obvious ones and either close them or pass them out to main support group.
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I was more thinking of a page that auto-updates, not that create tickets. So those thousands of false positive would go away at the next sync, but that may be a bit optimistic on my part.
On thing though that would help would be to give users the "Exists in your account" message for any game you previously marked as received. (And to prevent changing to unreceived once it's been marked as received for x number of days)
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I don't know where the punish a lot of fair contributor part, but if they win a giveaway for same game they currently giveaway/soon will be giveaway, it should be activated immediately as late as 7 days limit (if i remember correctly, you have 7 days too for activating your winning). After activate the game and re-sync (and marked as received if necessary), the game will be available again to giveaway. And if the game is not activated after re-sync, it's instaban/aautomatic suspension.
Thing i try to say is, force people to activate their winning before they can make the same giveaway for the game that they won.
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Sometimes, i think 7 days is too long for waiting. Should be around 3-4 days.
Nevermind, you're right. With my suggested system it would be unfair for some people. I only try to find a way to force people activate their winning and not regift it because it's site rules afterall.
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7 days seems lie a perfect tier to tell the truth. Some people are really very busy in Real life - imagine you work 5 or even 6 days a week, 12h shifts, have families to take care of, kids to drive to and from school - after you get home you're really tired and just want to eat, clean yourself and go to sleep. So you only have your weekend free or sometimes just 1 day in a week free. And then you can send your winners their games :>
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being relative new to this site I'm not sure what I am supposed to notice in that image.
care to explain how you came to your conclusion and on what information that is based?
Coz I've seriously got no idea what that image shows other than someone giving away a shitload of copies of the same two games...
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The screenshots shows a person who has won the same game twice, and is giving away the same game (twice). The person has just won the game and is creating their own GAs from the won GA, in order to farm contributor value (this is by the way very much against the rules of this site)
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Also adding to the answers above, the way the system work you shouldn't even be able to enter/win the same GA twice. Normally, after the first win, they should activate it on their steam account and sync their SG account . If this had happened they'd see the message "Exists in your account!", if they'd try to enter another GA for the same game again. This user obviously didn't do that and bypassed the system...
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Why not permaban people like this? It's not like they're really contributing to the site.
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well, i broke the rules when i was new here. i didn't activate a game (far cry 2, i think) and sold it. now i care about the site, and would consider myself a good user. i made up for my mistake, btw (bought the game). so there's always hope. that's why i don't like blacklisting beginners. if they do it several times, then sure. i will blacklist the shit ouf of 'em. but if a guy is new, i usually give him a another chance.
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that's what I say to anyone who coments "well I just didn't know and nothing I can do about it now" - just buy game yourself, and you do well for the person you hurt the most - the one who gifted it to you. ;)
On the other hand this person we're talking about here seems to know very well what he's doing - he's cynically regifting almost every win he's got and did so at least 16 times so far.
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sure, this guy is a dick. no question about it. ^^ i just wanted to point out, that not all regifters are completely evil. some really are new and don't know how to behave here. and some might even change their behaviour and become good members of this community.
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like I said - if regifter want's to prove that it was a newbie mistake and he just want to fairly use SG from now on, how he loves community etc - just buy yourself what you regifted and make things right ;) I know a few regifters and non-activators, who after asking about my blacklist and hearing that did so - and I unblacklisted each and every one of them. Yet majority of ex-regifters/non-activators when saying that respond "yeah - I mean I don't want to break any rules you know, but I don't really have money now to buy this old games (even if I just bought myself GTAV) and I was already punished for it you know, and you shouldn't punish me for sth I was already punished for, and....".
I'm not against giving second chances - but 5d suspension for most of users is no punishment at all. Low lvl newbie wins something as rare that he probably wouldn't win anything during these 5 days anyway. 5 day suspension can be a punishment forfrequent winners, like let's say me, who win every few days. So unless regifter is willing to make right for his past actions he received no punishment in my eyes and remains BLed and ignored. And if someone like you - makes mistake, but repaqirs it - I trust in his intention and have no ill feelings towards him at all :>
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not much i could add to that. seems reasonable. :)
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There's this guy who won a GA and less than 3h later came to my trading thread offering me the game he won for one of the gifts i had up for trade. Not only did i point him in the direction of the rules and told him he should have some decency, he went on to repeat what he did with a lot more GAs in the meantime, he's won about 12 GAs already even though he's been registered for only a month and has regifted most of them, if not all. Not so much a newbie who doesn't know what he's doing, but one that does know clearly what he's doing, seeing as he's done it over and over and paid no heed to what i told after the 1st time i caught him doing it. Heck i'd go further and say he's more than likely an alt.
Still hasn't been suspended.
What is sad is User Report section in support is so backlogged atm, it takes ages for support to do anything about most of them.
There should be a specific report section just for regifting and another for reporting a GA. For different reasons, though.
I mean, i think it's kinda obvious why the regifting section should be prioritized, and it also wouldn't clump up reports on users for regifting with all the other user reports for the most mindnumbing reasons. Some people submit a user report on a whim, others submit user reports for the user they just heard someone say was reported. How's that gonna help?
Even in this thread, it's more than obvious Number4450 has already reported this guy and yet... i read someone say they blacklisted him and reported him already too. I've blacklisted him too, but why report him AGAIN? He's already been reported, reporting him over and over won't accomplish anything other than adding to support's backlog and hindering what should actually get done in the future.
The section for reporting a GA would also alleviate the backlog A LOT, imo, if cg were to clump up ALL reports concerning the same GA under the same ONE report as in itself it would prevent support from having to sift through probably dozens of reports (if not more), instead of just 1. Multiply this by about 100 GAs and you have thousands of user reports that could easily be just 100.
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Some people submit a user report on a whim, others submit user reports for the user they just heard someone say was reported. How's that gonna help?
I only report when I'm not sure that someone else reported the user already
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If I was admin, I'd permaban the shit out of these people. The problem is that there may be a person who really didn't understand the rules and it was a sincere mistake, so you can't implement such strict measures. Plus what zelghadis said, they may learn a lesson after the ban
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I think that's a very naive way of thinking, this guy almost build up his CV with regifting.
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We are not talking about this guy only. When you decide to implement a feature/bans w/e you need to thing about everyone that gets affected by this. I couldn't agree more about permabanning this specific person, but it doesn't mean everyone deserves it
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Found and blacklisted.
Anyway, this gives me an idea. What about if someone made a Steam group about regifting? SG can't ban us for that? :P We would be free to call out, with proper proof of course. Someone says "here, I found a regifter!" People check the thing, it turns out to be true. Bang, massive blacklisting. If SG administration is too scared to permban them, let us take care of that?
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bad idea, very similar was suggested few days ago to create group to call out leechers. So I will just copy-paste my comment from there:
No calling out is no calling out. Such a group, while not on SG, is obviously made to go around the rules. It's only purpose is SG related and only reason for it's existence is to break SG rules outside of SG. For comparison - what if I were to make a group solely dedicated to leaking puzzle answers and/or GA links? Should it be ok just because I'm leaking them in steam group and not on SG itself?
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I wonder if the keys were sent over SG and that way the admins can look and see if the key he gave away is the same as the one he won. Overture is not the only game he gave away right after winning it. If you look back and compare his wins and then giveaways, he gives away almost every game he wins. He does have over twice as many giveaways as wins. Maybe he's just a really good person and buys a copy of every game he wins to give away, I highly doubt it though, lol.
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he does not, you can use to check that he didn't activate almost 20 of his wins.
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Oh yeah. I got so caught up in the regifting, I forgot about checking to see if he even owns the games that he won. That makes sense.
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well - actually Borderlands DLCs are way more expensive that what you can get a main game for ;) So if not specified by GA creator I can understand why someone owning for example just a base game could wish to enter for all the DLCs he's missing.
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I wanted to say "you Michael Jackson'd them", but then I realised it would only make sense if they went from the blacklist to the whitelist.
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And I have entered 95 Overture giveaways with zero wins... sigh
Regifters really irritate me...
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Hello I'm Najian and i'm a reformed SGcriminal.
I'm here to tell you about how temporary bans are okay and permabans would be quite harsh in some occasions.
First game I won turned out to be region locked. (Reminder: this was before you could create region locked giveaways)
I marked the gift as received because I didnt realize region locked gifts are forbidden.
What I should have done i send back the gift and mark it as not received. Hindsight 20/20
But I let it sit in inventory and forgot about it. Can't activate it because it's region locked.
This is the crime of non-activation.
Months later regionlocked gifting was suddenly made possible.
So I throw the game in a region locked giveaway. Nothing else to do with it anyway, better to give it back to the community.
This is the crime of regifting.
I'm not too happy with it because I know I don't really deserve SG points for it, so it convinced me to make more giveaways instead of just leeching. This is the good deed of making giveaways.
A few weeks later some overzealous profile crawling SG-police-lieutenant reports me.
I explain the story in a support ticket, the responding mod points out to me its a legit ban.
I don't complain, enjoy my 5 days of looking at a SUSPENSION screen and return to the community a better man.
Yes, I deserved suspension.
I now walk the path of the true potato.
(Plz dun blacklixt meh)
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you screwed up but the GA creator also did screw up. You did so unknowingly, person we're discussing here is well aware of what he's doing and it's not a first time he's doing it. He regifted almost 20 GAs so far and builded his CV lvl almost exclusively on things he regifted.
also if you want to not to look like a non-activator/regifter - just buy the game you regifted yourself and activate it on your account.
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What a d1ck, I hope I could BL and report him too... but calling out rule protects him :/
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But the problem is that those GAs were made by the dev, and each were 50 copies... and the problem is the regifter, not the creator :/
Comment has been collapsed. , and check all but SharpEyez...
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i see more and more regifts every day and they only get suspended for some days,keeping their cv from regifts
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Eh. I wish the $100 requirement to join SG would increase. Most of us are hoarder-enough to have many times that amount. It seems like so many issues have been arising lately. Granted this user registered a year (+) ago so he should know better.
And to think I've entered SharpEyez's giveaways for this game so many times and have yet to win, and this guy did twice. :p
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Well said, they really could increase the minimum requirements to join the site.
You can buy BundleStars current bundle for $2.49, get the 100 $ requirement and join the site.
They could just punish people more often or harder, 3 time regifted=permaban, it's not like they will change after 3 time doing the same thing. ^^
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You can buy BundleStars current bundle for $2.49, get the 100 $ requirement and join the site.
When registering, bundled games only counts for 15%, similarly to giveaways.
They could just punish people more often or harder, 3 time regifted=permaban
That's actually how it works, if you get suspended for something and get caught again doing the same thing, you get permabanned (not sure if you get permabanned the 2nd time, or the 3rd time, ... I think it's up to the mod handling the suspension)
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My bad, it's been a while since I read the FAQ. Thank you for the info, I appreciate it.
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Bump for update, I think I'm done with looking at Overture GAs for today...
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I found another one, and it's the third game that he re-rolled. I have reported him for not activating and giving away the games again.
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I think some people that regift may just not know the rules. I just saw another copy of overture and the guy listed 3 giveaways today, he only has 1 previous giveaway and his account is only 3 weeks old. All 3 giveaways he listed were games that he recently won and he didn't activate any of them on his steam account. I explained that he has to activate the games he wins on his steam account and he removed all 3 giveaways. He also doesn't speak english, so I think he probably just didn't know about the rules.
Edit: The person I mentioned in this post has removed the giveaways and activated the games on his steam account. I guess he just didn't know the rules. I edited my "user report" to update this info and then marked the ticket as resolved.
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I think I found a new low here considering regifting. I mean I generally consider it as a scumbag move to farm GAs you don't even want to win, but this user really takes the cake...
Edit: Apparently double winning is becoming a thing now with all the massgiveaways going on here, this second user here won two GAs but gave "only" one away, while activating the one on his Steam acc. What's really mind-boggeling to me is that this user also has a considerably high level... I guess Contributor level isn't a good filter anymore.
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