
I'm trying to get 2 achievements in "The Inner World" but it doesn't seem to work so well for me.

I read what I need to do and thats exactly what I do but it doesn't give me the achievements.

The achievements:

1. Fresh Breath - You just ate a mint! Now your breath is as fresh as a summer breeze! Youโ€™re well prepared for your next encounter with Laura.

Is there a specific timing when I need to eat it? Because I ate several mints and I didn't get it.

2. King of Sins - You thoroughly talked to Ottilie about sins. Your pure soul is a just a tiny bit more corrupted now.

Well I talked with her about mine sins and about her sins, I also went to the machine and told her and mine sins and nothing happend. What I have to do?

Thanks in advance for your help :P

11 years ago

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