At what age did you lose your first permanent tooth?
I had a wisdom tooth removed as well, didn't get stitches thought. Got injected a bunch of time to not feel anything, and then the dentist held my held and basically pulled the tooth out, I heard a bunch of cracking sounds as it was pulled out of my jaw. I was just given a few cotton wads and told to replace it every few minutes when it gets to bloody until it stops bleeding (took about half an hour then it completely stopped bleeding).
I've seen the dentist my whole life and he always makes the experience painless haha (apart from one time when he had to drill directly through nerve in order to get an infection out of tooth, even after being injected twice I still felt him drilling, It was bloody torture haha).
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Talking about teeth and dentists often leads to a "my horror story is scarier than yours" and while I can win you by far, I don't want to start a toothwar with unpleasant things to read.
But, glad you're ok now. Wisdom teeth can be really awful.
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I had a similar problem with one molar. Roots long and healthy... And one of them fused to the root of another tooth. No matter how much the dentist moved it, pulled or anything, it wouldn't get out. Until the root broke. First, it left the form of a harpoon, so ripping the flesh as it came out. Second, the breaking occured unexpectedly so the dentist gave me a punch from inside of the mouth upwards, catching my lip. So, screams, insults, cusswords for several time. Both from me and the dentist. There was a little window at ceiling level which actually connected the waiting room. I was told to wait there and come back in when the blood stopped to see how the wound was doing. When I opened the door I saw a lot of moms with kids, and all the kids were looking at me with wide open eyes. Then I thought all the noise and ruckus we did, and I thought what those kids whose moms told them "it's nothing, he will only watch everything is ok" were feeling then.
Curiously, the last time I had tooth removal it was... Nothing. I barely felt any discomfort.
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I was lucky enough to lose my first one after 35, that's pretty decent. The dentist herself was also really professional. But damn, her assistant, a boy barely out of med school, was so clumsy, he behaved as if it was his first time with a syringe for anaesthesia, and stitches untied themselves literally the next day. Yeah. But the procedure itself was surprisingly... not scary at all.
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I've had many horror stories since the childhood, but a few years back (in the olden times before the pandemic) was crazy lucky to find an amazing dentist who changed my life, and I went from "enduring pain until it's root canal time" to "happily going every 6 months for a checkup and having no new cavities".
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I had 3 removed, it was long enough ago that I really don't remember. 4th one is impacted and would need to be surgically removed, but hasn't caused any issue, so leaving it alone.
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(I'm 25) I just had my wisdom teeth out in February at an oral surgeon, the top 2 were removed and the bottom 2 cut in half with the root left in since they were really impacted and too close to the nerve that runs across your jaw/chin I guess... (One tooth was literally grown horizontally) I was fully put to sleep and all of that only took less than an hour! My recovery took a longer time than normal though... I was on 2 pain meds (after about 8 days I felt it was okay to stop them) But I was still swollen mostly in my lower jaw and was hard to open it all the way for almost a month! Also took about 2 weeks to finally be able to chew food well enough that it was worth to do and enjoy lol :s What a weird evolutionary thing to happen when almost everyone needs to get at least some of them out... Useless, bothersome teeth :( I'm someone who can get really anxious about things but everything worked out good, they were really amazingly kind and it's never as bad as you may feel! Most are probably luckier as well with the way they grow in :)
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Huh, I knew it was possible to not have 4 since I only got 3 myself. But wasnt aware it was possible to not receive any at all.
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Almost 40 and none. 4 with root canal treatment and so they basically dead, two of those are my wisdom teeth. But I found a dentist who was willing to do that instead of removing them. A fake tooth is a lot more costly than a crown, So I do what I can to avoid tooth pulling.
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I'm 24 and I'm getting 3 wisdom teeth removed this month and I'm scared 😭
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My nerves were damaged during my wisdom teeth extraction! I lost sensation on the left side of my tongue and my bottom left gums. That was over 5 years ago. The sensation has mostly returned over the years but I still have some tongue numbness. :\
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I have 2 removed. One was I believe around 18-19 .. And the other last year when I was 28.
Both times was actually quite decent for me. Anesthesia, some cracking in the jaw and tooth was out. No huge complications afterwards or during the extraction. It does seem that I will have to pull the third out some time soon - it has already come out, but I can feel it is pushing on other teeth as well. But I remember I did an xray 10 years ago or so and all 4 wisdom teeth were sideways, so lucky me. But overall not afraid or worried much.
Cost me about 130 EUR back then and 170 last year IIRC.
But yeah, Ive heard some horror stories. Good friend of mine had his wisdom tooth removal last 3 hours and blood was everywhere. And he had horrible recovery as well. He does have shitty roots as I understood, but IMO his dentist was no good either. My GF and her sister though simply have some bad luck when it is to do with dentists. Both of them had wisdom tooth removed some time ago and while the extraction itself was not bad, the recovery lasted for about a month and with complications with the gums and having to go back to clean and stitch 2-3 times.. They are twins btw, both have very good dental hygiene, but apparently lack something to be able to recover easily. Takes longer and much more care.
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Had 3 wisdom teeth removed, were removed in 2 visits. All went smoothly. They were growing in the wrong direction and had to go. Honestly was a really good doctor. Had a blanket over me so saw nothing and he was talking about everything that was being done to keep me calm. Got stitches and all healed nicely. One of the two procedures took a little longer to heal than the other and slightly more of a pain to eat afterwards. But honestly went well and I am glad I got it done, though I was nervous about it at first.
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I think I only grew two wisdom teeth rather than all four and they were smaller than usual so there was no need to remove them, it did hurt when they cut their way through tho, specially because it took them like two years to slowly make their way to the outside.
Haven't lost any adult teeth so far, although I think I have a cavity in one and have been procrastinating going to the dentist for months.
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Extraction of my first permanent tooth
Victim wisdom Toth.
This take total 45min since I enter the dental office.
First local anaesthesia, then I saw a variety of tools used, two types of drills, pincers, Bernard's lever, and a few more.
And hear cracking noise of my jaw bone and Toth seen its pieces when remove one at time.
Later, a few stitches and a prescription for antibiotics.
Now I one more time glad that I live in modern time in Country with decent free healthcare *if you have basic insurance ;)
I get a scary idea what this can look in early medieval times blacksmith with rusty pliers and instead nice lady with shining tools, painkillers and antibiotics.
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