I have 2 giveaways that ended 1,5 days ago (24 both-36 hours). both winners were on steamgift couple of times already, and on steam, and are completely ignoring won game/marking stuff as received.
Third giveaway, that person was not on steamgifts, but was on steam, he used to have visible games on his account, but now he has them hidden while steam profile is public. GIveaway ended 19 hours ago.

I am kind of questioning whether they are planning to even add games into their library or not, and marking it as received.

Can I try to reroll a winner? What if they gave the key to someone and is already used?

4 years ago

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I can kind of understand someone hiding their games if they have activated any Sakura.

For real though, you need to wait the 7 day period. It's valid for both winner and gifter. If they have not marked the game as received after that, you can reroll.

4 years ago

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thanks, but what if they gave the key to someone else? What if I reroll a winner and he will no longer be able to activate the game?

4 years ago

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There is an 👁 next to the key, and you can know if the winner has viewed the key or not.

4 years ago

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You can't really do much about that. If they marked as received and didn't activate the game, I wouldn't ask for a reroll. You'd have to buy the game again for the new winner if they gave it away or used it on another account. Just report it and move on.

4 years ago

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No. You have to give the winner 7 days to activate the game before you can ask support for reroll

4 years ago

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oh, ok, thanks :D.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 weeks ago.

4 years ago

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whups,thanks,user that won one of the games is suspended, I just asked for reroll

4 years ago

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Well, by the site rules, they have 7 days (right?) to activate and mark received. So, chill out.

Just because you can see their status as online doesn't mean anything. People leave browsers open, for instance. Don't infer too much.

You can use sgtools to check the winners to see if they have strikes against them or if they have a good record.

If after all that, it turns out that they used the key and didn't provide received feedback, you can report to mods.

4 years ago

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ok,thanks :)

4 years ago

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Some winners are weird I guess. Someone waited the whole week while being online often and right when I sent the reroll request they activated the game. I don't know, maybe it's to collect blacklists?

4 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by SausageFaerg.