Do you feel level 0 members should be limited on winning?
It's up to the giveaway creator if they want to include level 0 in their GAs.
It's an increased risk of having bots win your GA, but there's also real people that just don't have the money for contributing.
Before creating a giveaway, I just think about if I'm ok with one of those entering my GA or not.
I'm just wondering why level 0 members are allowed to win more than 1 game without contributing
I see the issue with bots, but even if it was limited to a certain number of wins, they'd just make new accounts.
Real people on the other hand would carry the consequences, being forced to either spend money, leave the community, set up a rule-breaking second account or just stay without being able to enter giveaways.
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So, should this site become pay to win? o.O Everyone should be free to do anything they want. :/ If they don't want to contribute, it's fine by me. I used to give away steam gifts, but with the new steam gifting rule, I can't do that anymore.
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I feel like you're saying several things at once.
Bots are an issue that should be addressed as they damage everybody's experience, no complaints for me there.
But some of the long-time level 0s aren't greedy, they're just unable to contribute, and the primary purpose of the site is for people to get rid of their spare games and make others happy by doing so.
If you feel that people need to deserve the games you give away then you can make them Level 1+ or even higher, that's the reason we have that system.
There is no reason to put any limitations on level 0 users if you ask me.
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It's up to the individual giveaway creator how he or she wants to do his or her giveaways. So they can put any or no restrictions on their own giveaways.
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I dont know but my point is: give and you will be given. (i hope i translated it correctly from czech) :D
i dont really like anyone (i calling them leechers) who come somewhere and can only "give me give me". if u tell them give something... oooh ugh i cant am poor or another excuses... yes only excuses, here are bundles with 3-40 games for $1 lol. Dont care which titles, its at least effort.
They got PC, internet, room to live, they can sure afford cheap bundles, nobody said they must give GTA V, there are 2 sides. Affort or ignor
But sure, why they should give, they can leech.
//yes sure, limit is good idea
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That is exactly the point Im trying to make. If you can afford internet and a computer you can buy $1 worth of games and give them away just to be contributing. I have bought games just to give away on here so that at least Im giving and receiving.
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There is one more question, why should they give it to others? They can keep it (considering poor users) i mean seriously poor persons, not excuse masters.
Also here is chance to get "free" games, for example i got 10€ free on Summer sale only from free summer cards. They can give these aswell, but they wont. (surprise).btw am more than sure i get some blacklist from my point of view but who cares, everyone got their point and this is my point. Here pipolz blacklist others for any shit :D
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''If you can afford internet and a computer you can as well buy cheap games to giveaway'' is most idiotic shit I've heard in years.
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Out of all the thousands and thousands of games that are given out from this site on any given day or week or month, some of them are won by people who have never given a game. Some of them are won by people who don't use them as intended. I'm sure some of them are won by really nasty horrible people. I wouldn't be surprised if a murderer or rapist have won games here at some point. There are just SO many people that statistically... some bad apples are to be expected.
But the question is - do you want to ruin the site for all those other people, the vast silent majority who just love games whether they can afford to contribute or not, just to TRY and restrict some of those bad apples from winning? I say try because they are by definition bad apples, they will try their best to circumvent any rules and systems put in place. They don't care what you think or what is right, so literally nothing you say or do will change their behavior.
This site is about charity and joy, focus on that. Restrict your giveaways in any way you want so that you feel better, but don't try and make this site as a whole follow suit - that would just ruin it for everyone.
Personally I have now given a few games here, but I did not think I ever would when I joined. If I had seen restrictions like making me unable to win more than one game before levelling up, I would probably never have wasted the time to do more than enter a couple of giveaways. I wouldn't have had any motivation to return. Without a motivation to return I would never have found a loving and fun community entirely devoted to giving games, sharing games, sharing the love of gaming.
The more restrictions you put in place, the less it becomes about the good, and the more it becomes about just trying to avoid the rules. That's not a site I want to be a part of.
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I'm just wondering why level 0 members are allowed to win more than 1 game without contributing. I can understand a new user being level 0 but I see level 0 members that have been members for a year + and won 50 + games without ever contributing. Makes it easy for bots to win a lot of games.
I myself set the levels on my giveaways but I see a lot of members don't. Wouldn't it be better to require contributing games to be eligible to win?
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