Skyrim is overrated, it's repetitive.
EDIT: Forget the sucky, it's cool, but it's repetitive. People always say "You finished it? DO THE RADIANT QUESTS" Well, the radiant quests tell you to get a sword for some guy for a low ammount of gold, so no thanks.
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Ships Free with a purchase of $49 or more! and I think you have to be American only =S, but anyway it's a really good offer if you go walk and buy it, didn't know that ToysUS sell good games. Though they only sell stupid things.
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I feel ya with the radiant quests. Hate them. Also even normal quests feel like repetitive, every quest is a go-fetch-something-and-return-it quest. Its annoying.
Also, Dark Brotherhood quest. Holy Shit it sucks! In oblivion you got a lot more of those and you could actually complete it in a variety of ways.
Also Thiefs Guild quest. Barely any thieving is involved lol
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I never got into the game to the point I know what those radiant quests are. The game is just too slowpaced for me. Seems like an okay game, nothing compared to what the hype made of it.
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I agree with the repetitive bit. I think one reason I like it is that it continues the story from Morrowind and Oblivion. Morrowind was amazing! I want to try the first few games (which are free from Bethesda), but I haven't gotten around to it.
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It is more than doing just the quests. It's about the atmosphere, and personally I think the atmosphere is great. And just exploring the map, doing those random quests, even if they are menial tasks. They give you an aim to do something rather than just mindlessly wandering around.
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Morrowind had a much better atmosphere and was much more centered on exploration, infact thoes little quest markers... yeah didn't exist you had to find the places with a few descriptions of how to get there, like go past this daedric ruin then turn south and halfway down vvardenfell you'll see it on the left.
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I get so lost sometimes!
If there is a compass for the game, I haven't found it. So when I first started playing morrowind I couldn't figure out which was was west, east, south and north. I still have issues.
But I like having to find it. It is kind of boring to just.. go there. Not to mention you really learn the land that way, and you actually have to pay attention to quests! And ask questions about them. If you just get told to do the quest, and you don't ask anything about it... well I hope you know where you're going! and who to return to..
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Game was way too easy, couldn't figure out why I had no main story quests only to find out I had killed the boss without knowing it -.-
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it's a DVD lol, if where downloadable would be good =(
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Yes so go walk to the shop and buy it, because if you spend 10$ it won't come to your home for free, and if you're not american too =S
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Also they offer you a DVD for 9,99$ but, shipds free only if your ùrchase is more than 49$, In my opnion buy DVD's for PC games is bad thing, the beast is Steam you can't lost a game there(unless you lost your account) and a real item like DVD you can. DVD's are for consoles.
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This. And I like to have retail. I have retail skyrim, and many other games.
Plus, some of them actually have the game on the dvd, so that cuts download time some.. Which is nice for people who either have slow internet, internet cap, or both!
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Actually, it's quite easy to lose games at Steam. It can be temporary (you wake up and learn you lost internet connection, and all you'll get from steam is "you need to be connect to internet to go offline"), or even forever ("we found you broke Steam Agreement, so we banned your account - you don't know how you broke it, well, tough luck").
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Toys r us probably had a glitch in their system, cause i called 3 already and they didn't have any in stock in any store. So your best bet is to price match in like walmart or idk target.
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lol I think not much ppl buy from them they sell game like AC Revelations for 10$ too
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This is all they sell in my country, 3 games lol ONLY 3, and also STUPID games =S
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You can't buy almost any retail games in Spain at a real price, if you go to GAME any game will cost like 50€ for a year even if gamestop have it for 20€, and mediamarkt always have ridiculous prices like Saturn and all the supermarkets that have PC games: I bought R.U.S.E for 5€ and speedball tournament 2 for just 1€ (with steamworks).
Source: soy español :D
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Toys R Us is the biggest toy-store chain in North America. This is like saying a Walmart sale is a scam.
The fact is that Toys R Us doesn't feel PC games are worth the space on their shelves anymore, so they are clearing out everything they have.
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it's not a scam i got Diablo 3 for 9.98 US dollar at my Local Toys r Us
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First it's clearance so YMMV. Second probably all the TRUs are going to be cleared out of the good stuff already, they are around here at least. I've heard a lot of people are having success with getting Best Buy to price match by showing them the site, since the online thing says it's an in store sale as well, though YMMV rather greatly as it all depends on how anal the manager you deal with at BBY is about it.
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hmm I have a green check mark for shipping for some of the games.
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It is bullcrap, a whole pile of it to be exact.
First time you launch the game you're like "whoa shit those sweetass graphix and all the new stuff whoa whoa drool" then after playing for some time (especially on the harder difficulty levels) you realize you have bad equipment and have to spend additional funds on their cash shop items (or farm to death).
big red sign: Fun ends here, fuck off. Sincerely yours, Blizzard
This game is a damn rip-off, story and content wise and a big disappointment for most if not all diehard fans of Diablo games.
Not woth $60 nor 2 fucking cents.
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I should probably stop responding to these posts, but here goes anyway:
I played Diablo 1 and 2, and I bought Diablo 3 for the full retail price, and genuinely enjoyed it for about 12 hours. After that it does get repetitive and grindy and repetitive. But for $10, I'd say it's a pretty decent value. I'd probably recommend buying it for up to $20-25 but no more. The $10 deal is well worth it IMO.
Also the "you have to spend real money to be good" thing is pretty much not true. There's a non-money auction house that tends to have better gear, and you can always just grind gear / gold. It's boring and obnoxious, but it's not necessary to spend money. And although I havent played the game in months, I hear that they did tone down Inferno a touch, so it's not quite the brick wall it used to be.
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As stated above, "most if not all diehard fans" and "spend additional funds on their cash shop items (or farm to death)" <- farm to death in that case.
Nevertheless its your personal opinion and so is mine. Feel free to play D3 and talk about it but please don't try to convince me or tell me i'm wrong.
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Your post has nothing to do with opinions, it's just another hating that tries to convince people as it would be facts.
Guy above didn't agree with your statement, so you corrected him, that's opinion? Nope.
First you wrote as everybody would have to buy items for money, only later you reminded "diehard" fans" in other context - wait a minute, so what's wrong with it? In all games "diahard" fans do it, even if it's not needed. Go ahead, entertain me more :)
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"Not woth $60 nor 2 fucking cents."
Not worth 2 cents? You just proved that you are same as other haters with worthless opinions. Ppl like them always give lowest possible score, just because they don't like the game. This is purely stupid.
Even games like Revelations 2012 are worth more than 2 cents.
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Of course, sure, sure. I expected that you will write it.
And that's why games like Diablo 3, BF3 etc. got disproportional amount of lowest possible scores?
Also you just proved with your behavior that you are exactly one of such players. I guess number in your nick refers to age of birth - 1999.
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Damn, mine said they can't. Fucking sucks. I guess it's up to each store whether to price match or not.
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Hey they over charged you those games are 9.98 US dollar not 10.00 each
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lol, I saw that, but after they got 5 different employees (2 of them managers) to make sure the transaction was legit, I didn't feel like antagonizing them further over $0.02 :-P
I think I put at least 2 of them into a shock-induced coma when they saw that price, and they were very clearly reluctant to go through with it at all
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i got Diablo 3 by asking the manager since Best Buy was crowded she approved with signature on my printout also she was clueless about AAA game pricing
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Mine did too. FYI, they probably have a TON of Diablo 3, and maybe some Skyrim if you're lucky. COD:MW3 was all out though.
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I bought Diablo 3 and CoD MW3 today for 19.96 and saved 100 US dollars. Anyone know when the Toy's R US sale started? Trying to get a copy of Skyrim.
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24 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by s4k1s
Toys 'r us has:
Skyrim for: $9.98!! - Steam
COD MW3 for: $9.98 - Steam
Diablo 3 for: $9.98
Battlefield 3: $9.98
AC Revelations: $9.98
In store only, out of stock online. Probably US only.
BestBuy and possibly other stores will price match!
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