Well the title says it all.
It's been 3 years since I've joined SG and I've come up with some obligatory GAs well the shittiest ones

Live my previous CDay's posts I've come up with some stats till the end of my third year on SG.

Topics 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Total
Games Won on SG 20 20 7 47
Games Sent (Will be) 56 44 68 168
GA Entered 4885 4803 1992 11680
Comments 931 523 191 1645
Games/Apps in Library 69/3 99/3 109/3* 109/3*

Stats shows that I am less active on this site than my previous years.. well not exactly true.. I sure am as active as I was on my 2nd year it's just that I've cleaned my steam wish-list. So no more GA comment like "thanks for the wishlited GA" or "Thank you [insertName] for sharing this awesome game with us" comments XD. But I think most comments were on puzzle threads.. which I miss the most on SG... At least I could nag about it why my answer weren't accepted even thought I was as blunt as i could get :)
Speaking of puzzles I would like to recommend ongoing Mikalye's awesome Flags of Our Fathers Event

Ok finally for the GA... well speaking of GA... never never buy random game package at all...
Here's the SG protected GA. Enter Here
Basic Rules are

  • All Activated wins
  • No multiple wins after 2017
  • No Van Vac ban
  • Own less than 2500 games come on you already own almost all of these :P
  • Real CV ratio: 0.5

This time there will only be few group & whitelist GA, which I'll make later.. man I'm already exhausted by making only this much of GAs on single thread... 38 to be precise, I have my upmost respect for tall hose creators who create the lengthy trains

I am also expanding my whitelist (mostly temporary but some may end permanently there). Like previous thread, whitelist recruitment will be based on your playing stats of the won GA. Which I will be looking with the help of Do You Even Play, Bro? script by kelnage. Leave me a comment with your stat if you want to enter for the whitelist GA.

Rules for whitelist recruitment are:

  • For 5-10 wins, have >25% achievement more than 40%.
  • For 11-30 wins have >25% achievement more than 30%.
  • For 31-100 wins have >25% achievement more than 25%
  • For 100+ wins have >25% achievement more than 20%

Some whitelist GA

GoodLuck and GameOn :)

*I've removed several games from my library. The games that were added while I was new to steam. Mostly asset-flip games that are now removed from steam.

View attached image.
5 years ago*

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Congrats on 3 years!

5 years ago

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Happy belated cake day, TFrostPG!

I have no internet at my home for a year now, so I can't play games on steam and can't check my stats with the script. But I believe I should still have a somewhat passable achievements ratio.

If you don't mind your giveaways not played in the near future (but definitely played eventually) would you kindly check my stats.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Happy 3 years on SG! :D

5 years ago

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