I have an older brother who, when he talks to me, always Yells and swears at me like "HEY DIPSH@! How's your pathetic life? or pushes me around and blames things on me, talks all sarcastic like, or even hits me and for the record, we're like 2 different people, im nice, quiet, and polite, while he is, uncouth, loud and annoying, but yeah i know, sibling rivalry or something like that everybody deals with it etc etc, does anybody else deal with things like that with siblings, bullies, other, etc? if you are an only child then i am jealous, but anyways, cya for now.

11 years ago*

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He's probably working out his own inner demons. I'd stand up to him though.

11 years ago

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eh thats natural from an older brother, though i cant say i do.

11 years ago

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ninja took it but thanks. sorry to hear about your brother bully you.

11 years ago

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Younger brothers are usually spoiled and they don't get to pay for their mistakes being all the blame on the older. That's why he tries to educate you.

11 years ago

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unfortunatly, my parents pay more attention to him than me cause he was a good student and got plenty of trophies blah blah blah, and i am the average type of student T.T

11 years ago

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Welcome to the "no-matter-what-you-do-you'll-never-be-as-good-as-your-brother" club!
I know exactly how you feel :(

11 years ago

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Never use your older brother as a standard for what you should be like.

I'm the eldest brother in our family, and I know how much my younger brother looks up to me academically (despite beating me at just about every sports you could think of), simply because it's always been a cakewalk for me, or I at least made it look like it, while he's in anguish over bad grades and things not going well. It's even making me feel bad, because he won't let me help him or even just talk about it.

You are your own person, and there are things you are good at or can be good at that your older brother never will be. Find them. Find out which ones you like. Find out which can earn you a living. Once you've got that figured out, your life will be so much easier. The hardest part is getting yourself there, figuring those things out. It won't come easy. But you have to keep in mind: nothing in this life worth having comes easy.

11 years ago

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If only that was changed with the words sister

11 years ago

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Welcome to the "sister" club?

11 years ago

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Because verbal abuse, name calling, and always, always being negative and condescending, as OP describes, is "educating" someone.

Wth Cast.

11 years ago

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I think he was sarcastic... :p

11 years ago

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In that case it just wasn't funny. More of a dick move posting that on a thread from a kid who obviously has a hard time with the family he was born in to. It's pretty shitty growing up having an asshole for a brother. You don't get to "never call" again or "not open the door for them" like with friends :/

11 years ago

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He's more than likely jealous of you. Generally when someone acts like that it's because they feel threatened in some way. OR, their own self esteem is so low that it makes them feel better about themselves to belittle someone else. Just my opinion. Don't let it get to you though =)

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Sorry but that's just typical victim-talk to feel better about yourself. Well, ok, maybe it often has some merit to it, and is true (i.e. the jerk has self esteem problems or jealousy or something else wrong with him) but people can also be self confident, otherwise mentally healthy, and just be dicks.

The point is, whatever is causing him to act this way, if he's doing it for no reason other than to provoke you or otherwise piss you off / hurt you, don't spend a second worrying about what he's thinking, why he might be doing it, etc. It's irrelevant and a waste of your time. If you do spend time dwelling on his thoughts, he's already won. You're wasting your day thinking about him and what he said, he's probably off doing something else and having a good time.

Rather, think "man, fuck this moron, I did nothing wrong and don't deserve this treatment", walk away, and spend your time finding stuff to do that you enjoy, maybe even some new friends that you can hang out with that do treat you decently. That way, you save yourself a lot of stress, worry, anxiety, and time - and you are left with some self worth. Keep this mind-state going for a few weeks, tops, and you'll probably start to notice feeling better about yourself, more self confident, and giving less and less of a shit about this idiot of a brother and what he says. Most likely, he'll even stop once he realizes you see him as nothing more than a tiny annoyance you shrug off dismissively, on a level far beneath you.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

11 years ago

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I bet you liked pyjama parties, didn't you? :D

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

11 years ago

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did you give them a dirty sanchez ?

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

11 years ago

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His name come from this moments ;)

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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my cousing used to kinda insult me or annoy me sometimes but it was all in good fun we still doit to each other. try ignoring him, like he doesnt exist, that way his actions are simply going to backfire.

11 years ago

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I used to have a friend who had his brother shoot him with soft-air guns and hit him all the time... That's no the case in my family, maybe when we were younger, but I've never had a soft air gun though!

11 years ago

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I swear if I had had a brother like that growing up, who fucking hit me and shit, I would have one day, when I was say, 13 or 14, gone postal on him and kicked him full force in the nuts, then just raged into him with fists flying. Either that, or if he was really a lot bigger, I'd have ganged up on him with like 4 good friends and kicked the shit out of him. Some people can be such ridiculous assholes. If I ever had a younger brother, I'd be thankful for having a little bro and try and be friends with him.

11 years ago

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No, my mom had two miscarriages before me.

11 years ago

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I'm the older sibling and I do the bullying.

11 years ago

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and soon this school will be ours

11 years ago

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I may have misunderstood, but thanks for the laugh. <3

11 years ago

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Although I would never say anything like OP's brother does. But that's more because I'm not that kind of person.

11 years ago

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Then you need to stop being a pussy and go try to bully other people your size at parties etc to get your kicks, not your younger siblings that can't walk away or fight back adequately like a coward.

11 years ago

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I've never had that problem.. My brother is 10 years older than me and we are best friends, we had some little fights when we were younger 'cause we both wanted to play PC and we only had one... But other than that we've always had a really good relationship.
Fact: I'd beat the **** out of him if he was like that, since I'm stronger than him and I know how to fight.
Advice: Hit the gym or something, learn how to throw a good punch.. Violence usually isn't the answer, but sometimes bullies need to know their place, even if they are your older brother.

11 years ago

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when you grow up you dont live together so its not such a big deal

11 years ago

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bully the bully, and suffer the consequences. Do it again, as many times you need to. bullies are just like gypsies, if you show fear, they'll eat you alive.

11 years ago

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Be happy with that. It may be annoying (yes, I know it is), but he is your brother, your bound is really strong no matter how different you both are. My sister is 6 years older and used to bully me/yell at me. It's been 3 years know she doesn't even talk to me, and I kind of miss the yelling.

11 years ago

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I have a twin sister and she is annoying af. She is like the complete opposite of me, she is anti-social, never leaves the house, has only 1 friend ect.
She likes to get in fights and be a bitch and not talk to people. She has stopped communicating with our dad, they haven't spoken in months. She also like to talk shit about my back so her only friend that she has hates me even though I did nothing wrong. FFS, moving out ASAP

11 years ago

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How old is she?

11 years ago

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twins, 19 like me

11 years ago

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All my brothers are nice. The one I'm closest to calls me shithead in an affectionate way, and only got my niece and nephew to call me birdplop out of love. Did I mention he also got my 2 year old nephew calling me Bugger?

11 years ago

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Hahahahahahahahahaa "birdplop"

11 years ago

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I have a bigger brother. When we were younger we used to fight all the time, for no serious reasons.He usually would make the start cause he is a dickhead.

We were Breaking things on each other heads, hadoken punches and all that manly man shit.
Now we dont tend to punch each other(except for fun) but we still talk bad to each other.Its like a tradition. I guess we are grown ups now.

11 years ago

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I dont do that to my little brotehr ..... maybe ....

11 years ago

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My baby brother used to.

11 years ago

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no, but I bought my sister a ton of games and she never plays them :(

11 years ago

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Nope, that's my job.

11 years ago

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maybe when we were 12ish, thats the age siblings usually fight a lot. but then we became great friends. stick it out, how old are you two? lol

11 years ago

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My brother is now 31, he was a complete prick when we were kids and he's a complete prick to me now. So I moved 225 miles away :D

11 years ago

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lucky >o<

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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That works!

11 years ago

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Sadly I still have to deal with him over Christmas and he attempts to converse with me over social media and facebook.

11 years ago

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Well that's still a while away, so at least you won't need to deal with him anytime soon :P

11 years ago

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At least not in person, no :D

11 years ago

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I have a sister and when she does try to do stuff im just like stfu or ill kick your as$. lol but we nice.

11 years ago

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Easy, kill him.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Frozencookie.