True that. But that will also happen soon enough. :P
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So it would be alright for me to just make Russian region restricted ga's while I live in the EU? That doesn't sound right.
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Well I'm not planning on doing so but it sure is a cheap way to level up quick.
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Russians. It's not 95% because 90% DC. What really plays a factor is currency strength and regional pricing. With how weak their currency is right now, 85% is often bundled cause of Russia. so yes #russians
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Yeah but 85% is more certain and I wanted to point out the more certain ones :P I know India can bundle a couple of things too but it rarely happens if ever.
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I though the same but then games I bought at 90% off were added in the bundled list, sometimes months later (suddenly dropping my level). Hence decided to stop buying discounted games to gift altogether, which is actually a shame if you ask me.
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If you glance at the comments above, you'll understand why typically 85%+ off games (and even as low as 80% off at times, due to different base pricing) end up at 95% off with regional pricing.
You can use steamdb to check actual value.
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80% is usually safe- really only an issue when the Russian base price is inexplicably lower in addition to the exchange rate loss.
I haven't seen a 75% off be an issue before, however, so it's likely a fairly consistently safe bet- though you'll still want to do the research just in case it'd been discounted higher in the past, and not yet added to bundle list.
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I see. In my opinion, this is not a good system. It's confusing unless explained, first time gift senders might feel cheated when down the road they see their 85-90% game got mysteriously bundled and it requires extra research/effort. The fact that threads like this keep popping up proves it.
The system fails in simplicity, fairness and time/effort. As a result it may discourage a lot of users from gifting copies of heavily discounted games.
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I thought the goal was to give,?
Why do so many only do it for CV to just win more games...
I mean everyone has there reasons,but i guess it just silly when they complain about not giving because of lost CV maybe i just see giving as the reward not the CV end of it.
So if you ask me the shame of it,is not giving because of CV.
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If that's the case, why should there be CV in the first place?
CV does exist as a concept on the website, so of course we should discuss how it functions or how it should function.
I don't think people should be judged if they care about their CV.
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I think the concern is that some people seem to focus on the CV a bit too much, while many of us have a more "eh, c'est la vie" approach to it. When people start being overly concerned with their CV, our first expectation is that they're only concerned about how giving benefits them, and that sours our opinion of them.
It doesn't mean you can't take the stance that CV is relevant and to be discussed- certainly, I think most people'd agree that the retroactive bundling is unfortunate- just that the approach to the topic needs to remain tempered in tone and outlook (versus the "Me, think about ME!" comments that tend to dominate the topic).
Everyone has their own approach to things, there's nothing inherently wrong about weighing the pros and cons of every action.
But at this point, it's been discussed (and moreso, griped about) so often, that we're all waiting for an answer to "Well, how would you suggest they do it differently?".
It may not be ideal, but until someone comes up with something better- and people've tried, and often spectacularly failed- it's what we've got.
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I am not as you say passing judgment...
I am merely said "I "think"
I never once said nobody can join this site just for CV or they are wrong to do so..if sharing my opinion should not be taking as me saying it is wrong,after all an opinion is just that,someones view on the situation.
I always said i think it is wrong reason and the site should be about giving not the cv...never they where wrong for doing it,i did share i think it is wrong to to use it as the only motivation to do GA.As some on here have said they will give less if the CV changes and so on.
There is a difference from me giving my opinion of i think it is wrong,then declaring it is wrong and should not be done.
In the end each person has there reasons for doing it and whatever it is they can do it...but at the same time i should also have the same right not to agree with how something is being done,but i never said anyone was wrong or they can not do it.
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yeah, most people were ecstatic when they discovered steamgifts. Once one discovers this site, his/her first thought is usually "OMG NOW I CAN FINALLY GIVE GAMES AWAY". no, just no.
on the other hand, what i do find silly is how people act like they are only here because they can give games away. because you know, that was totally not possible prior to discovering steamgifts.
short story long:
most people join sg because this site promises a chance at winning free steam games, and theres nothing wrong with that. somewhere along the road, some people figure out how giving games away is not such a bad thing, and some even realize they like doing so. But to say people joined this site with sole purpose of giving games away... thats umm... not how this world works :P
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+1 Or Indiegala Bundles when it's Happy Hour! I mean, it's not really an inconvenience if I'm not going to play it, have duplicates or what have you. I however don't really care about my CV at all and am only level 1 still :( I'll get there by the time they're implementing level 20 :)
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That is what i do,they may be just bundle game and not always the best of games,but i give what i can...though i hope in a few months things will change enough that i can pick up a game or two that is not in a bundle or at least the time i decide to make a GA lol.
Bundle or not it is still giving,and even if i was that worried about CV i would have giving even more games,but i do sometimes trade some for games i want.
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(Seriously though, someone said "just assume everything is bundled" and I guess at this stage they're probably right.)
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Bearing in mind that we now have region restricted giveaways, why don't we limit these "Russian bundled" games to giveaways restricted in RU? It only seems to make more sense.
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Anything can be exploited. If anyone wants to risk permanent suspension over it, I'd much rather have it happen occasionally than keeping the current very sketchy system... but then again I really don't care about CV. Maybe at least we would stop seeing these "Bundled games because Russia? Cyka!" threads? :P
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I don't think they care too much. I've seen a ton smaller groups and they don't bother.
Anyway, Mullins point was that IF ru-cis restricted gifts are separated from row and only ru-cis get 15% CV (bundled), Russians could just create closed groups and not mark games as region restricted, thus getting full CV value.
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Well, that's fair imo. Some people will blacklist those who don't create giveaways and if someone makes just region restricted ones, which is similar, because most people can't enter them.
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This , russians get so much more CV then anyone else
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Maybe it time to just by Russian gifts or keys to give away,get them dirt cheap and get the CV? ...
To much work to many Russians hate us Muricans already and that would add to.It is not my fault i was born here,they should blame themselves for voting in ex kgb Putin him and his its my land i am here to take it and the world can suck my balls we can live off our bounty of oil attitude that made there Ruble even worse.
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You where not suppose to, it was not to be taken serious......just me rambling..
Though in short was meant for me to point out how some Russians point out how much better we have it then them and that is why they have such cheap prices....or feel the need to point out how rich i may be because i am in America..
Then they get mad when i tell them to blame Putin and that what you get for voting an ex KGB for president who wants to tell the rest of the world to fuck off and he take back land he thinks is his,then when oil crashes he whines and cries about how bad things are.
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I thought it only hit 95% off in Russian prices when it was 90% off in US prices? Did I miss something?
Yes, apparently you missed the last two years of geopolitics and economy. The ruble is in a freefall and the Russian inflation is barely held in check as it is. Now a 80% sale in the US Steam can be enough to hit the bundle threshold with Russian prices, and with this rate, this can go as low as 75% before this autumn.
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Only one thing is wrong with the bundlelist, extremely late back dates, and don't let them make excuses like only one person is doing it, I'm sure other people would volunteer to help, I know I have, because I dropped from lvl 9 to lvl 7.7 with these 1+ year backdates.
Also, some games are on the bundlelist, only for one reason: they "could of been exploited by a few people, gaining, what 50 or so copies"? yet EVERY giveaway is considered bundled? BFS!!.
You know, those 'free' games on the bundlelist? They were like 1,000+ key giveaways right? Then why the hell are the IGN games on the bundlelist? YEA YEA, a few people exploited ign for free game keys, I'm told. No where near 1,000 damn keys.
And ANYONE can fraudulently buy game keys, so, shouldn't ALL games be on the bundlelist for this reason, and not just the few dozen IGN keys?
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No where near 1,000 damn keys.
You are wrong here. I know some people who have dozens of accounts on IGN, and they paid nothing to them. It's a few dozens only to people who I know, considering this, there should be much, much more than 1000 of keys taken from IGN for free. I mean, thousands of keys for every game IGN have given away. That was a serious issue, blame IGN for this, not steamgifts.
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Bundle list is updated as soon as someone informs us of an exploit. Steam is not the only store that sells Steam-redeemable games, our bundler cannot track each and every one of them in real time. The more people take it upon themselves to point out exploits, the faster the bundle list is going to be updated.
Our current contribution system is based on games' monetary value. Which means that anything that affects the balance of the system needs to be addressed, otherwise your CV will lose its worth. We cannot distinguish between keys purchased at full price and free keys. We cannot even reliably separate gifts and keys for giveaway purposes. If a game is given away for free somewhere, we have to disable it to prevent abuse.
IGN wasn't exploited by a few people. IGN was exploited a lot. There were hundreds of giveaways for each game on the IGN Prime list.
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Regarding number 3, did that correlate with GAs immediately after the IGN offer? Because Never Alone was recently part of a HumbleBundle and The Walking Dead: S2 has been subject to many 75% discounts in addition to being part of Telltale's most popular series. Both could explain hundreds of GAs made in the past 18 months.
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Sadly, that is how the bundlelist works.
I really wish would act as a middle man, for actual steamgifts/humblegifts (in humbles case, sg would use the humble link, then personally grab the cd-key to pass along to winner, as long as humble itself hasn't had said game in one of their bundles).
And this way, sg would know if our damn steamgifts were not region locked, and give us full $.
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1) this is why we need WAY more then 1 bundler, but I see offers of help being denied/shot down.
3) Ok, hundreds, how many of them were actual exploiters with like 'hundreds' of keys? then shouldn't they be easy enough to spot and suspended, and not punish everyone?
I know several people that have ign prime, and use keys for games they want to try, and giveaway the games they don't want. (not everyone is collection steam games).
Also, hundreds... I know in the past, a few devs gave away hundreds of their keys here on steamgifts, was thier game then added to the bundlelist? Just for clarity, cause if not, why do it for ign's 'hundreds' and not 'hunreds' of another?
edit: I can't seem to find out how to search past giveaways from browsing sg, its a hidden url right? happen to have it, cause I want to check on how many giveaways were made for some of these ign keys
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So, if you want a clear cut, here you are:
(Lowest_discounted_price_in_any_region*100)/Full_price_in_us <= 5
Example with Iggy's Egg:
Lowest_discounted_price_in_any_region = 27р in Russia = 0.39$
Full_price_in_us = 9.99$
(0.39*100)/9.99 = 3.9
it's lower then 5, so game was bundled.
In most cases, prices in Russia is about 65~70 percent lower then US. So, in most cases,
100%- (5%*100%)/(100%-70%)=83,(3)
is an unsafe discount, where a game can be bundled. So, if the game is 75% off - you are safe. If the game is 80~85% off - better to check prices in Russia and Brazil, to be sure, if game has even higher discount (like 90% off) it would be bundled for sure.
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How one loves Soviet pricing if one is a Soviet! ^ ^
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