Try searching for used ones around your region. Online or even better, at a pawn shop.
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I'll give these a +1. Not as comfortable as the Razers I used to use, but good sound and price.
I've had two Razer, while the most comfortable headset I've ever used, on both sets the left ear-cup shorted out. I think the cable braiding twists the wires too tight and causes a break in the line.
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I use Steelseries Flux luxury ed. although the non luxury are good too, sound is the same they just have a few less accessories and foam instead of leather
I got mine in december for £30 but i think they were priced incorrectly as they were cheaper than standard ed but looking around they are still reasonably priced.
Very nice sounding headphones. I use them for music, movies and gaming.
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My brother uses the P11 Turtle Beach headset and he swears by them. I haven't really used them myself but they seem pretty cheap considering the price and seem to work well, so might be worth checking out.
P11 Turtle Beach
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I'm using Creative Draco, imo they are pretty nice.
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Don't get headsets. They mark up the price for what is just a decent headphones and a $2 mic.
You'll be better off keeping the mic you have, or buying a cheapo $5 which will very well serve it's purpose well.
Look into buying a proper set of Headphones without any additional mics. You'll get most value out of your money.
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This is untrue from using many different priced headsets. If you buy very cheap headphones/headset the quality and ranges are no where near close to a well branded product and the build quality is more likely to be worse. Same with mic's, cheap is often worse quality.
I used to buy cheap headsets the whole time until I heard what my games, movies etc should sound like when I got a nice pair which are solid where as all my cheap ones have broken.
Generally I would say that £20 is the bare minimum but then you don't have to overspend either (talking £100's)
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The mics they add to headsets are the same as the cheap $5 ones, which they then add to a sub-decent pair of headphones and mark up the price. You shouldn't buy $20 headphones either, you need to look around for the ones that are from trustworthy companies such as Sennheiser and spend your money wisely. The total cost may end up being a bit higher, but you'll have a pair of headphones that will have quality that vastly outranks any quality you would get from a regular set of headphones
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You're best off getting a nice set of headphones and a desk/webcam/clip-on mic. I use Grado SR80is and a Zalman ZM-MIC1. If you do want a headset, the Steelseries Siberias are decent and don't cost too much. The Corsair Vengeance 1500s are also worth considering.
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Best audio quality\price -> brainwavz Delta
So fking comfortable :D
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Ear buds are horrid for your auditory health. Even over-ear headphones aren't supposed to be worn more than an hour.
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His "rule of thumb" is stupid "As a rule of thumb, you should only use MP3 devices at levels up to 60% of maximum volume for a total of 60 minutes a day," 60% of one device can be the same as 80% of another, etc. (I checked it myself with plenty devices; from old walk-mans to mobile phones.
"I stress to my patients and the parents of my patients that if you can’t hear anything going on around you when listening to headphones, the decibel level is too high," Not that simple. There are different types of headphones. When I use the headphones we have in studio I have trouble hearing people around me even when I don't listen to anything, simply by having them on head.
*edit: Hearing loss is a huge problem nowadays, I'm well aware of that. I'm even one of those who use earplugs when going to concerts. The second article you mentioned is great and everyone should read it.
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lol, they would have to suck my dick to for that price
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Hi guys,
I currently use earbuds for gaming and use the built in mic of my computer to talk in game and on Skype. What I hate about earbuds is that they hurt my ears after playing games. I'm looking for a good headset for a decent price. Must have good sound quality, NOT USE EARBUDS, and preferably have a mic. Give me suggestions please, and include the link if they are on a website.
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