Hitler's account already blocked, and the war stopped. Coincidence?
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It's more that the worse we make it for Russia the bigger the change the people end up revolting.
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Well are you suggesting North Koreas isolation is doing for the country?
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As far as I can tell, it's the opposite. People are slowly starting to hate the West, because it deprives Russians of many things. In the long run, this will not lead to anything good. Russia is already proposing to unblock the country's largest torrent tracker, which will contribute to an unprecedented surge in piracy. In the current scenario, Russia will return to an agrarian society pretty soon, so piracy will be the least of the problems.
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I love how big companies think disabling services for civilians will magically stop an ongoing war
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I like how they think Russians don't know how to pirate games and this action will do anything except making the common citizen think they are being unfairly targeted for something they had no influence on and rally behind the government. Like almost all the sanctions in history did. Said sanctions will also do virtually nothing to thieving Russian oligarchs though, because these would make the western rich companies pay real price instead of being public posturing and we can't have that, eh?
I also like how they were silent when Turks and Azeris invaded Armienia last year, when Turkey invaded and occupied 1/3 of Syria, when Arabs invaded and bombed Yemen to the ground, when UK and USA illegally invaded and destroyed Iraq, Libya, Syria, and mass drone bombed half a dozen other countries. I am against all wars but seeing crocodile tears now when West and their best allies did the exact same thing for the past 25 years to enthusiastic applause (or at best, silence) of the western media makes me mad. Hipocrisy much? :/
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Yeah, Pure Hypocrisy. Also super-biased media propaganda.
Conclusion: Only civilians suffered from it, not the Elites.
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There's been a shitload of sanctions against the oligarchs though, and Russian billionaires have already lost 89 billion dollars this year. Saying oligarchs aren't being affected is lol worthy.
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Already all returned to oligarchs. https://home.treasury.gov/system/files/126/russia_gl15.pdf
Donations were from our taxes, but Israel thanks and protect Abramovich. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/03/02/israel-russia-oligarch-yad-vashem-ukraine/
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Civilians do matter. Civilians pay taxes that feed and arm russian army. Civilians are parents, siblings, children and friends of soldiers. And only civilians can stop their crazy dictator.
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Until everyone knows someone that got arrested for no reason, and they are rioting for food.
The only solutions are:
With Russia's history a revolution is a very valid option, history has repeated there several times and the dictators keep on rolling in.
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So there is enough jails for everyone in Russia? Or just majority supports war? If it's the former, I would say - do it and see how Putin will feed whole russian population in jails.
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their propaganda machine controls the tv, 24/7 they go like "this is not war, we are freeing "our" people from nazi".
on the internets they use a lot of fake accounts that post the same shit to create the illusion of support (usually a random combination of real name/surname, no userpic, zero activity)
when it turned out that the plan didn't work and the actual information leaks through, they started to block opposition media. just now they blocked facebook.
they forced their schools to come up with a lesson for kids to explain how this is not war and why they're greater good.
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Why Russians behave like Germans in the 30s and 40s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAtov0TvFZk
There was a video of how in kindergarten they tell children how fun the Nazis are dying from bombs. Unfortunately I couldn't find it. It is very difficult for a child to develop critical thinking in Russia.
Protesting in my village of a hundred houses is pointless, no one paid attention to me. The nearest city is 100 km away, police are inspected at the entrance. My acquaintances who live in the city do not go to the rally, arguing that in the EU the police do not touch the protestors, in the USA the police kneel before the protestors, but in Russia the police break skulls. It's true.
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With aragon789's comment as the tl;dr verison, here's a more detailed consideration on the matter:
You're just not allowed to link directly to grey markets or sexual content sites or torrent sites or malware containing sites or bigotry inducing sites or for-profit-action sites or so forth. You can discuss them as much as you'd like, so long as you don't actively encourge use of a particular site (ie, anything that can be construed as directly" directing traffic towards" a given site).
Thus, "This'd be a good ethical excuse to torrent that game" is fine while "Go get that on Piratebay right this moment" is potentially problematic; Similarly, that mention just now of Piratebay (or Kinguin) as a casual example is fine, while formatting it so the url is discernable [eg, .com, org] is again problematic, even if it's not actively hyperlinked. The description put up by the author of this thread is a good example of just where the line stretches to, and where it doesn't, in their linking to articles and mentioning names, while avoiding direct linking to Piratebay itself.
Conversely, users linking their erotic art in their giveaway descriptions is technically against site rules, but it's either overlooked or accepted so long as the site has an age-lock for the content (eg, as DeviantArt does) [that is to say, I'm not sure which the case is, as most of the links are from age-locked sites to begin with, and I'd never thought about enquiring into it until just now].
Well, there's at least one exception:
You can't encourage or incite violence through links, as with the other content types above, but you also can't do it on SG directly, either. So "I spent the entire lockdown loading up on porn from [url, suffix removed] and [url, suffix removed], and downloading happy magical unicorn porn off of PirateBay" is entirely fine, but leaving in suffixes or finishing that comment with "and that's why I decided to beat [minority members], and you should too" is not.
As a potential second exception, I do vaguely recall that mods are stricter towards users throwing out names for rom sites than they are for other content types, but as I can't recall or easily find specific examples, I may be mistaken on that one. It'd make some sense if they do, however, as there's a discernable difference between referencing a torrent site (which may have legitimate content) and referencing a non-legitimate* abandonware site (which is understood to violate copyrights as a rule).
Put another way, encouraging content infringement or directly assisting with such by providing links is an issue, while mentioning sites (without associated encouragement) that offer services of varying legality [as per PirateBay or G2A] is still under the realm of non-complicit informative discussion. Of course, the fact that rom sites are basically only ever mentioned within the context of encouragement could also be the actual reason I recall them being more heavily restricted.. so again, not sure about this one.
* [Archive.org is apparently an example of a legally legitimate option]
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It's a stupid move to punish the normal people of a country for the decissions of the (politic) leaders.
So i don't support such actions.
But as nice side effect it will hit a good bunch of the users that are on my blacklist. So at least something good in it.
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Especially when it won't change anything for the "cause" they want to help
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It's not Steam. The credit card and banking companies prevent it.
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It's about creating unrest on the people so that they stand against the government. Otherwise they'd just sit and watch. There's just so much local pressure a government can take before it falls.
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ye, nobody will riot cause he cant travel anywhere outside russia...they will stay home. End of story
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North Korea's been under totalitarian rule for more than a generation. Going to be a lot more unrest among people that are used to living relatively free and prosperous lives, only to have it all taken away because their leader decided to be an expansionist d-bag and start an unnecessary war. So hardly the same thing at all.
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That government didnt came from Mars to them. Most of them loved Putin imperialism in 2008 when Russia attacked Georgia. Also most of them loved Crimea annexation, they didnt have a problem with that strangely. And as i see you are German so i think you should remember thing or two about accountability.
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I'm not german, my friend. I live in a land called Germoney, that is all.
Also: People are deceived and mostly NOT responsible for their governments.
You can blame them to be easily deceived or their stupid believes, hedonistic, passive behaviour but that's it.
It's bad enough though. The godless, satanic governments and their puppets do what they want: in the US, UK, Germoney, Swissiland. Doesn't matter.
Can you see through the deception?
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That is one of the stupidest things i ever heard, government is a mirror of people, without people that collectively working for said government - government is literally nothing. Its not 10 people in Reichstag that killed tens of millions people at concentration camps and battlefield, its people that supported them and clapped to their speeches at rallys. Although i am glad you already outed yourself as Illuminati believer. Cheers!
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Unfortunately many Russians see that war criminal as their hero, it's time they open their eyes.
That beast is no hero, he is a dictator with imperialistic ambitions just like Hitler or Napoleon. A beast that threatens, kills, imprisons everyone who is willing to step up against him. I'm not against russians, they just need to get rid of that relic of the Soviet Union once and for all.
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thats how they will search for info 'why i dont have xxx'(xxx=anything from services to products) and maybe start a riot. They are so blindf but THEY WANT TO BE BLIND
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Nuked Japan by US also, was it for Peace? I wanna ask them about waging war for peace. Absolute Hypocrisy.
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Of course. Two atomic bomb was dropped and Japan surrendered. End of WW2.
Also saves a lot of lives, too. Japanese are proud people. They'd fought for every inch of Japan which would cause more casualties on both sides.
It was a horrible way to end the war.
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Tokyo didn't give a hoot about the bombs & was still getting ready to fight for its islands.What it did care about was a certain Red Army slicing through a million of its troops in Manchuria & about to put its boots on Hokkaido within less than two weeks,showing just how much of an embarrassment the Empire of Japan's "defense" would be.
The bombs didn't "save" anyone.Washington dropped the city busters to scare a certain Union in the north.Moreover,it was supposed to be not only a demonstation but a prelude to a nice little thing called Operation "Unthinkable".
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They did arguably give the Japanese Imperial Government a way out though.
It's easier to say that they surrender because of the nukes than because of a conventional invasion force, especially when you've been preparing your populace to fight to the last man against the invaders.
Seriously, they were training school girls and old women to use machine guns. The Japanese were series.
But yeah, the Red Army was more of a concern than the nukes. They actually received news of the Red Army after the nukes fell and decided now would be a good time to negotiate, citing the bombs as an excuse.
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Right.Plus,nukes as an excuse was a better propaganda move than admitting that all the defensive preparations & all the sacrifices the population took for them (keep in mind that the quality of life went down the toilet over the course of the whole mess,with hunger preparing to show up around the corner) was for nothing.Like you said-the japs were whack.A bunch of people shoved sharp objects into their stomachs over the surrender as it was and if Tokyo had blundered there (if,for example,Hirohito lost his shit during his radio broadcast),we'd have seen whole towns finding cliffs to drop from all across the mainland.
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Well, it "saved" the lives of the Japanese civilians that didn't die in a conventional invasion. It "saved" the lives of the invading soldiers (be American or Soviet) who didn't die because the invasion was never happened.
I didn't say they want to save lives. It was a side effect.
Also, they could have multiple reasons to drop the nukes: test the weapon in the real world, send a mesage to the Soviet Union, send a message to the Japanese Empire.
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but they didnt invade to take they country, USA is still only on NA, they didnt expand
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oh they didn't invade to take another country, they just wreaked havoc in Africa+West Asia, created ISIS+Al Qaeda, bombed, stole and then walked away. The most important thing is that they didn't take any country.
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mutual desire to defend themselves and each other against foreign entities
"Defend themselves",even though turning faraway states to slag because the hegemon in North America says "Jump!" & "partners" ask "How high?" is anything but defense.Or is every single one of its invasions a "conspiracy" as well?
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The Russian people are just as responsible for their leaders as their leaders are for them.
Putin is a cunt, they want him as a leader, therefor they are cunts.
If they don't want him for a leader they should get rid of him.
If they are too scared to get rid of him they need some help...sanctions are the only valid option.
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how is this "helping" to block people who has nothing to do with this war, who can not change anything in this war.
like in germany stores putting all russian stuff out of them
all russian people (living their whole life in germany) now losing their jobs.
they have done nothing... this is the wrong way to handle this.
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Because the Russian political landscape isn't rife with corruption, totalitarianism, racism, fascism...
There is no opposition because they got murdered, poisoned, jailed, or just disappeared.
Or is Russia a perfect democracy in your version of reality?
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While you're stil dreaming... even the western countries are going through a post-democratic historical phase, what do you think are meaning political correctness, cancel culture, greenpass, social network censorship,...? Putin is an old zar with old methods.
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Old methods like bombing apartment buildings and blaming minority "terrorists" (Chechens in this case) to illegitimately seize power then rig everything in his favor to keep it...That "Actual" political order? GEt over it. The "globalists" and elites do not want unity...they want what you spread...and you fall for it. We the people at the bottom of every nation need to be the Global organizers and put a boot on the backs of every corporation, billionaire, and criminal organization till everyone is on the same page overall while leaving room for fine grain local administration (thinking of more breakaway territories getting some breathing room like Catalonia and Kurdistan)
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russians will boycott soon if they lost everything.
And if they dont boycot, it means they are okay with what putlers do
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It's only matter of time the russian elite going to conspire to pull Putin of the presidency. When their power begins to vanish they're do something. That's the right way to punish for this stupid invasion, letting average citizens alone and aiming to the aristocracy.
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Nah mate, unlike this or that side, I actually use my brain to observe and analyse what is happening around the world.
You must see through the propaganda to get the real picture.
I won't fight you; I'm tired of that.
Just use your brain, review multiple sources and you'll see.
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KEKW this new trend of stealing money from Russian users under the guise of humanitarianism related to the Ukraine issue is getting out of hand.
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It's a good idea. We all understand it will not stop the war and Putin doesn't give a F about Steam, games etc But you guys are missing something very important. All these minor sanctions are made to wake citizens of Russia. Because of their passivity and their silence, Ukraine is bombed by Putin's army. And people of Russia start to wake up, the go out to the streets protesting against the war. Part of these protesters are against war, cuz any adequate citizen is against war and aggression. But another part is against the war, because their businesses are ruined, their income is close to zero. So it's a good idea to block anything for Russia starting from games and phones and continuing to weapons and planes.
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So urge your nato buddies to stop interfering in Ukranian elections and politics. Russia was forced into these actions, quite literary, by the West. Nato will never have rockets in Ukraine pointed to Moscow, simple as that.
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Your oh so proud and strong bear riding president had so much fear over Ukraine wanting to become a NATO member (while the NATO denied to avoid issues with Russia) that he had to start a preemptive invasion? Someone should comfort that poor guy.
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You need some prescription asap. Thanks for the laughs, if nothing else I guess.
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No, I didn't imply that. It's common sense that Germany invading Poland was the beginning of the 2nd world war, while things like the Munich "agreement" belong to its prelude.
However, if you want to go back further (for some kind of agenda?), not only Britain was part of this agreement. Just because France didn't acknowledge it later anymore, they agreed at first as well. While you can blame them for the appeasement policy, it was also deescalation. And the original cause of the agreement was Germany. Again.
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Not really. I'm educated and have some life experience unlike some.
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How many Ukrainian refugees fled to Russia? How many fled to countries in the west?
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Also good luck with 200% price increase of gas. That should wake you up quite quickly.
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Good luck with 200% price increase of food, computers, phone, spare parts for cars, cars, furniture and everything. You are part of Putin's bots, who are supporting this new Hitler in the war he started with Ukraine.
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Again you don't know what you talk about, its comical. Hitler didn't start a ww2 but Britain. And Putin started invading Ukraine 10 years ago, kind sir. 10 years ago he wasn't a Hitler, now suddenly he is. You are deluded my friend. Go believe more photos that are 10 yrs old and that are presented in the press as they are from last week, sheep.
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How will I survive? But you meant so much to me. xd
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Its a joke. Chill. :)
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oh ok never heard of that show it's American i guess
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It starts with toilet paper, after that vegetables like potatoes, then meat is off the menu, then cars and computers break and there's no parts to fix them. Next thing you know gangs are looting, the old and the rich get robbed, some resist and get killed.
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You do realize that everything you mention your country imports from China, right? XD
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You just believe in the magic power of democracy. Probably because you yourself live in such a country. They obviously already know about this war without the sanctions of the gaming services. And they have already tried several times to stage a revolution over election fraud, assassination of the opposition, restrictions on freedom of speech, and other problems. If you think that all Russians are now applauding Putin and throwing up their hands in a Nazi salute, they are not. To do the kind of things Putin is doing, you have to have a huge army of cops, telephone justice, censorship, and other trappings of an authoritarian regime.
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No, I do not believe in the power of democracy at all. Especially in this case when crazy dictator starts war and whole democratic world reacts very slowly and tries to help Ukraine with laughable sanctions against Putin's billionaire friends.
But I do believe in the power of empty fridge. I will explain. Putin was investing billions from budget not in medicine, education, science, rockets or army, but in propaganda machine. A lot of russians like a guy above do believe in this propaganda. They do believe in Putin's lie about Ukraine nazis in government, about ukrainian soldiers killing children for fun.
I'm sure all these guys will stop believe Putin's propaganda when they will lose their jobs, when they will not be able not purchase new iphones, cars, computers, when their fridge will became empty. And this what I call victory of fridge over TV. I'm sure it will happen pretty soon. thousands of workers already were sent to home, because factories were closed.
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Don't even bother with them, my friend. They are so far gone its sad.
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Frankly, all these measures make me feel like I'm being punished for having been born in the wrong country. As for the majority of our population, I don't believe that it's possible to wake them up. I wish it were, but they are too determined to go on living in their bubbles. I've already heard from several people that sanctions are awesome because from now on everybody will be poor and not only them. This nation is hopeless.
Disclaimer: I couldn't care less about Kinguin, I'm talking about the situation in general, of course.
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In truth, it seems that the older generations have nothing more to be proud of than winning WW2 (well, except for flying into space). Every year they hold huge parades with military equipment on May 9th, which spend a lot of money on. It would be better if they showed what they achieved (a brighter future, smiles of children, for example), and did not remind them how and what happened. Yes, it is necessary to remember, but not by such methods, IMHO.
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Oh.... How will they survive? This is devastating. XD
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I love how everyone supports bad practices for whatever reasons without think they can be the next for whatever reasons.
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did you boycott usa, uk, australia and poland over iraq? did you boycott israel over gaza strip and lebanon? should we stop here or should we go further? did you boycott germany over europe? did you boycott europe over germany? did you boycott japan over western countries? did you boycott north korea over south korea? wanna change your current whatever reason for another whatever reason to justify anything else? just pick one and I'll throw you back some of your high moral ground against yourself.
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This is the idea that now rising in my country, western media being silent about gaza strip, take example FIFA don't want any Palestine gesture because "We don't want to add politic into football". Now they all over Ukraine movement. I mean I personally don't really care about supporting Palestine or peace via football, but seeing the hypocrisy, it even make some people support Russia just to spit on media hypocrisy.
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He got real quiet for some reason, lol.
It's easy to latch on to the next popular thing to either hate or support depending on what's popular. That way you don't have to engage any brain power on your own, and can somewhat safely virtue signal without being confronted and forced to actually think things through for a moment.
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So we do nothing, again.
And then next year you will post a message complaining that nobody ever stands up for each other.
You should be asking for more actions like this, not less because we didn't do it before.
There is a poem (prose) that sounds a little bit like yours, but it tries to teach the opposite of your message, "First they came..."
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relax, your country be the next for whatever reason. it is all fun and games til you be the next victim for whatever reason. would you like to share your country to state here for me to say how many times you could be boycotted in the past? i bet i won't have to go that far... china? covid. brazil? amazonia. cuba? dictatorship. africa? corruption and poverty. middle east? machism and violent practices.
but things get way better if you continue... did you join the "right" side? who told you who is in the "right" side? do you really care about anyone or you just wanna be mean to someone and get away with it without consequences? i can keep going this all day.
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did you boycott usa, uk, australia and poland over iraq? did you boycott israel over gaza strip and lebanon?
No, and we probably should have. However, and not that it is enough but at least in these countries there is a political price to pay. George W in the US and Blair in the UK are both pretty much persona non grata and both in the US and UK the oppostion took power (Dems resp Tories). Since Putin has silenced pretty much all oppostion in Russia this is not an option.
should we stop here or should we go further?
Go on.
did you boycott germany over europe?
I hope I didn't miss anything and you're referring to WWII in which case I can assure you there was very little left to boycott in '45...
did you boycott europe over germany?
I don't even know what this means.
did you boycott japan over western countries?
Again, if this referring to WWII I strongly recommend you google Hiroshima and Nagasaki and why the Tenno is no longer "godlike".
did you boycott north korea over south korea?
"We" very much do. Quite harshly I might add.
wanna change your current whatever reason for another whatever reason to justify anything else? just pick one and I'll throw you back some of your high moral ground against yourself.
Whataboutism is nonsense. None of what other countries have done in the past absolves Putin of his responsibilty for what is going on in the Ukraine right now as I type this.
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whataboutism makes perfectly sense when you use the whataboutism as a criteria to guide your actions. you can cherry pick any reason to boycott anything. i throwed some examples and you just did the whataboutism on them. since you allowed me to go on, let's escalate boycott to whatever reasons. what about boycott germany because they didn't support ukraine when they had the chance? what about we go back a little bit and talk about germany contribution to the current shit? should we boycott germany already? we can go even further. what about the boycott extends to climate failures? multiculturalism? pandemic policy? asylum seekers denials? payment gap? you can pretty much pick anything for whatever reason to justify any action as much as you gonna try to justify the opposite.
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Not sure I understand your train of thought but I'll do my best.
whataboutism makes perfectly sense when you use the whataboutism as a criteria to guide your actions. you can cherry pick any reason to boycott anything.
Russia invaded Ukraine. There ar 1mio+ people fleeing to Poland, Hungary and other EU-States (ominously they're not fleeing to Russia btw; I wonder why...). Mariupol is getting shelled as we speak. So is Kyif. Europes largest nuclear powerplant was on fire last night ffs. This is hardly "cherry picking any reason".
i throwed some examples and you just did the whataboutism on them.
I didn't. You listed some examples and I pointed out what happened in said examples. Actually it's quite the opposite of whataboutism.
since you allowed me to go on, let's escalate boycott to whatever reasons. what about boycott germany because they didn't support ukraine when they had the chance? what about we go back a little bit and talk about germany contribution to the current shit? should we boycott germany already?
We can have a long conversation about germany and it's disastrous foreign/energy policy over the last two decades. And yes, germany is absolutely partially to blame if for nothing else for contributing to Putins war chest. Luckily, the pressure from the german public and germanys allies seem to bare at least some fruits ie stopping North Stream 2 and working to reach energy independence from russia.
Also, germany is now providing weapons to Ukraine. How useful those are is another debate but it shows that political pressure works outside of autocratic regimes.
we can go even further. what about the boycott extends to climate failures? multiculturalism? pandemic policy? asylum seekers denials? payment gap? you can pretty much pick anything for whatever reason to justify any action as much as you gonna try to justify the opposite.
Ok, this is where I get a bit confused. Sanctions over pollution are already a thing and I think rightfully so. "pandemic policy", "Asylum seekers denials" or the "payment gap" seem like domestic problems to me. And sure if you wanna boycott companies it's you're prerogative. Or put pressure on the elected officials to change it. Again, not really an option in russia.
As for multiculturalism; I have honestly no idea what you're getting at.
Lastly and to summarize; we're witnessing the largest exodus of a country since World War II. We're seeing a sovereign, european, democratic country being overrun by a hostile force laying cities to ruins. We're seeing a regime openly pondering about nuclear options and threatening other neighboring countries specifically and the west as a whole. The reaction to it is not some virtue signaling bs but absolutely necessary.
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you didn't answer the main question: should we boycott germany already?
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Depends on what you're trying to achieve. What would you like germany to do it isn't?
edit: damn, now I've fallen for your whataboutism. My bad.
To answer; yes, germany should be boycotted the moment it invades another country. And I am german.
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there's no alternative when things escalate to dictators wishes. the world repeatedly failed to understand dictatorship of any level or political side when they "allowed" (even shaked hands with some dictators) them to "prosperate". once you miss the oportunity to intervene, all you'll have next is consequences. you just have to accept the consequences of your choices (inertia is also a choice). this war is not a cause. this war is a consequence... and you can't just stop the consequences because you don't want to. also, this won't be the last one. sooner or later this will happen again with the next dictator because the world repeatedly failed to understand dictatorship.
i also think the economic sanctions are very useful to cause poverty and resentment. if russians don't want putin, they are in the cross fire. economic sanctions will effectively show them they are alone and no one care about them.
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well said. If anything, sanctions will only make countries more self dependent. Just look at Iran. Syria also managed despite all the sanctions and media campaigns.
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i dont know but will this not give Putin more followers: "look the west is against all us russians...Putin was right"
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Yep, they're giving the Kremlin the perfect means to create a Victimhood Complex.
You'd think people would learn from the Treaty of Versailles, but I guess not.
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What are you on about, literally no one was talking about surrendering.
They're talking about Putin getting more followers and becoming a greater threat. Did you forget he has nukes?
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He is little slow. I ask for forgiveness in his name.
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I think so as well. People who are from Russia, like gamers, youtubers, programmers, or anyone making money online, who have nothing to do with all this racism or nationalism crap, are forced to pick sides. Since it seems no one can tolerate Russians anymore, under such extreme isolation from the rest of the world, they are forced to identify themselves as Russians living in Russia before everything else.
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I understand what leads to these kind of actions, but, if things were that easily solved, then we wouldn't have those problems for long in the first place. Take Venezuela for example, you can input all the sanctions and restrictions you want, but, unless you take the flow of money or the military might, no matter what you do to the population, they won't be able to do anything against their regimes.
You can't expect Russians to simply go out and protest, if they risk being killed by their own government, that's exactly the reason Venezuela is still the same even after all the sanctions on it. People did protest, then they were killed, then, they left, because there was nothing else they could realistically do.
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All the presidents here have been US puppets, we're literally US dogs, is why despite having such a naturally rich country, as well as some smart people on it, we still don't have drinkable water or electricity for most of the population, they all behave that way, because they all retire and go live on US after their mandates are over.
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29,160 Comments - Last post 18 minutes ago by VWR
120 Comments - Last post 18 minutes ago by Furty
3,599 Comments - Last post 19 minutes ago by Chris76de
19 Comments - Last post 25 minutes ago by Gamy7
30 Comments - Last post 37 minutes ago by Noxco
"Dear Merchant,
The invasion of Ukraine by Russian and Belarusian forces is an unprovoked act of war on innocent people. Kinguin strongly opposes Russia’s actions and stands in solidarity with and supports its Ukrainian colleagues, friends, and the nation's citizens.
In response to the aggression, Kinguin has decided to:
Disable Russian and Belarusian merchants from selling through Kinguin, until further notice.
Block all the current active offers and disable the creation of new ones by the Russian and Belarusian merchants.
Disable all payouts to Russian and Belarusian bank accounts and payment intermediaries.
We understand that our merchants and customers based in Russia and Belarus are not directly responsible for the war in Ukraine. However, we are confident that our actions are necessary and we believe that to show our solidarity with the nation of Ukraine we need to apply these restrictions to all Russian and Belarusian companies, banks, and merchants.
Those updates will be effective from 4 March 2022. Already accumulated funds will be available for withdrawal, however, some of the payout methods will not be available, as stated above. Access to the account will also be available, unless some unwanted actions will be taken, which may result in suspending the account.
We are dedicated to servicing a passionate community of video games fans around the world and, just like them, we believe video games have the power to unite people everywhere.
Our thoughts are with everyone affected by this crisis.
Kinguin Team"
"Dear Customers and Partners,
The invasion of Ukraine by Russian and Belarusian forces is an unprovoked act of war on innocent people. Kinguin strongly opposes Russia’s actions and stands in solidarity with and supports its Ukrainian colleagues, friends, and the nation's citizens.
In response to the aggression, Kinguin has decided to:
Suspend business relations with Russian and Belarusian companies, banks, and sellers.
Disable Russian and Belarusian sellers from selling through Kinguin.
Block all the current offers and disable the creation of new ones by Russian and Belarusian sellers.
Disable all payouts to Russian and Belarusian bank accounts and payment intermediaries.
Those updates will be effective from 4 March 2022.
We are dedicated to servicing a passionate community of video games fans around the world and, just like them, we believe video games have the power to unite people everywhere.
Our thoughts are with everyone affected by this crisis.
Kinguin Team"
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