here is DayZ creator Dean “Rocket” Halls quote:
“Once we’ve finished our server/client architecture, because we’re moving to a MMO model, we’re reviewing the situation of that in June, and then we do an alpha, just like Minecraft. People pay X amount of dollars and they get early, cheap access to it, and then once it’s beta, price goes up, maybe, say, $10, and once it goes retail, the price goes up $10.”
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Tbh, I think it will follow the same system as arma 3 and go up a bit
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I'd honestly wait if I were you. It's only 15% off, it's not going to be finished for a good year or two, and you've got a lot of other games you can play right now. Rust is pretty close to it, and $25 will buy you a lot of good stuff during the summer sale that's coming pretty soon.
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If the people who bought Rust got burned already, I don't understand why they would want to buy another unfinished game so soon after.
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What do you mean? Of course the people in the DayZ chat think the game's good, they're hanging out in the DayZ chat room. Do you expect people who don't like DayZ to be in the DayZ chat room?
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what makes you think it won't get cheaper in future sales?
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I would recommend getting Arma II Combined Ops on sale right now 80% off for 4.99 and the dayz mod (free) and play the heck out of that and if you like it - then go ahead and get the SA before it leaves alpha and the price increases over 30. I did it the opposite way around, bought the SA - played it - liked it - then got arma 2 and mod (which is a much more complete/mature game right now) and am loving it. If you do get the SA right now just be warned that it is still fairly early alpha and is not yet the game that it will be. Add me on steam if you want someone to play with - either way you decide.
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Does that not indicate its going to be in one of the daily bundles again? I think it might be.
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I like the game right now but it still needs some changes, i would buy it and so i did c:
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Top half answers your questions
SOE is making an unfinished zombie survival game, which will go into early access as well. Your "connection" is the genre alone. So, in that case, why not include SOE? There is only speculation that it will get finished. If anything f2p with a cash shop can incentivize them in leaving it unfinished, or taking just as long as Bohemia is with DayZ. I'm not saying that will be the case, but it's still on the table. The concept that H1Z1 is going to be better than DayZ is negated by the fact that no one, as of yet, outside of the developers circle, has played the game. There's no proof Bohemia will ever finish DayZ either, though. And the fact they've made enough money off of it to probably retire the entire team, could possibly be an incentive to not complete it. But again, I'm not saying this will be the case.
WarZ/Infestation was made by a virtually unknown/new developer who decided to take the DayZ model and blatantly lie to potential/eventual customers while advertizing it to be like DayZ, just to make money off the hype. They probably could have had a great game on their hands.
Bohemia is a known developer who created the Arma series, and, to my knowledge, have not tried to rip off their customers.
So far, the only reasons that I've seen people argue H1Z1 is better than DayZ is; It will have vehicles from the start, it will be F2P and it is being developed by SOE. That's not much of an argument if you ask me. Just because 1 company is bigger than the other doesn't make it better, or worse. Quite frankly, you have no guarantee of anything from either company. Unless, you know, they give their entire company to you until it's finished. Lol.
Although it may seem like it, I'm not at all insinuating, H1Z1 is worse than DayZ, because I have not played it and therefore have no real opinion on the game. In all honesty, H1Z1 looks to take aspects from both Rust and DayZ and put them into the PS2 engine, which would definitely bring a better shooting experience to it than what DayZ has. While it's possible that either game can turn out great, it's also possible that either could turn out bad. We won't fully know until both games are finished to a respectable degree and launch. A real launch.
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I say yea whenever it gets its animal update. I got my moneys worth in the first couple days of playing it. Of course it is somewhat boring when you play alone, unless you run into someone who actually doesn't shoot-on-sight. But, it is still alpha so it'll probably come down to your stance on paying for a game in alpha.
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At first i was hyped but now i see that the game sucks and will never be fixed. Dayz is in alpha and will stay that way for eternity, creator has abandoned the project and took all the money, lazy developers do nothing for the game. Better wait for H1Z1, it's already looks better than dayz and it's only in alpha.
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Well.. Neither Yay or Ney.. I would say Meh.
Its not bad... but without the chance to ride ANYTING you need hours to get somewhere (exaggerated, of course) but it feels like hours.. and yeah if you don't know where to look in DayZ it is hard to survive. And the Zombies.. OMG.. some weeks ago there was a BIG Update! And I hoped that they have fixed the Zombies.. no.. they didn't.. thats so bad.. They just walk throu all the Walls like they where ghosts.. and the come up from the floor.. man thats so annoying.
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Yeah his music is really good, certainly one of the best rappers out there... OH DayZ yeah no not really worth
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