Go to the trade section and search for TRUSTWORTHY traders that are selling the humble key for this game. I'm sure it'll be cheap if you search enough. ;)
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Hehe, it would be great. xD But I guess that he understands that I'm talking about traders with a lot of +rep. :P Also, even trustworthy traders may fall victims of scams, by buying keys from untrustworthy traders and reselling them to you, but they eventually get revoked.
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I'm not sure what you mean exactly, but traders are usually really cheaper than the store (not all of them obviously). I always buy my games from traders, because my store is too expensive.
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Well, if you expected traders to give their games without getting any profit, you're seriously mistaken. :P I know a lot of traders. Others may work for a profit of 2 keys, others for a profit of 1 key, and others for a profit of a few cents. :P It depends actually. I wanted to buy the South Park: The Fractured But Whole game from a british trader, so I asked some of them. One guy told me 26 keys and I was like "WTF is he talking about?". The other trader told me 23 keys, so I accepted it. You see, I agree, but it depends on the trader, but it also depends on the game.
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I know this is one in a million, but I went for a trade and for a bundled game for old PD2 DLC, I got 7 dlcs because of the trader's kindness. Later on turned out that he was an admin for PD2 forums and he wanted to reward my generosity, since I offered an extra game, because I got a higher value game.
Also, a trader gave me MGS: Ground Zeroes for a bundled game since we had constantly traded and he wanted to make someone happy.
That's why I'd say that SG traders are nice, but I would agree with the other traders on other sites. I tried fighting those vultures, but you'll just get nowhere.
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Or he can buy it from traders, because trading is cheaper than the steam store most of the time. :P
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It would be frustrating if he would even pay more than a tf2/cs:go key for it since it's in a bundle now. :/
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lol i get what you're saying. just look at the people below me asking for 1 tf2/cs:go key, which is exactly what i'm trying to avoid
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I'm pretty sure you can find it for a cheaper price than a key if you know where you're looking for.
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2 dollars for something that had almost the double as all-time minimum and was in a bundle that you could only get blind is more than fair. What did you expect, 5 trading cards? :) Grim Dawn went/goes around USD 6-8 despite being in a 12-dollar pack. Humble Monthly exclusive games will never have your standard bundle prices.
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Just curious... How much do you think would be fair for one of the more sought after games from a 12$ bundle with 7 games ?
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talagby probably has way more experience valuing stuff for trades but 1 key sounds fair to me.
Apparently Grim Dawn is the most wanted game in this Bundle (although I have no idea why) while THOTH seems much less desirable than the other games. Which would put each game at roughly 2$.
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lol, how is 1 key too much? sounds like a good price to me.
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I definitely agree with this. The OP isn't in the best financial situation so I'd just wait, especially if the OP has other games they are currently playing and enjoying. The game has been on sale for pretty cheap and with it being bundled now there's a good chance come Halloween time that you could see a sale on steam.
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I'd trade my copy for a CS:GO key, which is like ~$3.. only cause I'm not really looking for games.
Might just end up in a GA here though >smirks<
But if you go directly on the game forums, you can offer whatever games you have to traders there.:)
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I have it, you can have it for free if you haven't traded for it already.
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Is that offer still open for someone like me? :)
EDIT: As a reply to MessageMan since the thread is closed and I can't reply properly.
I only asked because Monkey offered the key off, and OP hadn't responded at the time so I assumed it was available and unwanted. The whole site is about giving games for free, and I have taken keys from people who have offered them, as well as given keys to people for free, so I saw nothing wrong with what I did.
They offered, so I asked, but I suppose I can see why it could be considered as "soft begging" and maybe I shouldn't have done it anyway.
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i can't take it for free, i have to at least give you something for it, else i won't sleep well at night.
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I was not subscribed to get it, so no way I'll get it now. Naturally, I'd trade for my game key since I can't afford spending 14,99 $ in my current financial situation, but I don't know what would be the average price it would go for right now on the website. Any opinions?
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