As title says. Here is your train. Just some leftovers from the last bundle I bought. Nothing special.

Edit: Thanks for the well wishes!

8 years ago*

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Have you ever broken a bone?

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I once broke a potato
Not that kind of bone


8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Sure, i've broken some bones.......................................................................... but mainly, just a lotta hearts and promises ;DD

8 years ago

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Get well soon-bump!

Only thing I've ever broken was my tailbone. Let me assure you, that's a bad bone to break - sitting, standing and laying on the back are literally a pain in the ass...

8 years ago

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How are you supposed to play games with a broken finger? D: A few months ago I cut my finger (aka my mouse clicker finger) really badly and tried playing League right after bc I'm dumb and it was nearly impossible w/out a lot of pain. ;_; Hope your finger heals soon!

8 years ago

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I currently have a broken arm.

8 years ago

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Get well soon! Im happy that i never broke any bone

8 years ago

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Try bumping your finger next time. It hurts less.

8 years ago

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sticks and stones can break your bones but...

8 years ago

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Get well bump

8 years ago

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I broke my right thumb when I tried to play baseball for the first time on a youth exposition for the Germans outthere: "You - die Jugendmesse" The ball raced out of the machine directly on my thumb. Behind it was the racket Do you call it racket in baseball?, the wood didn't want to break, the ball didn't want to fly by, so my thumb took the lead and broke ;\
I was there with my best friend and her older sister and I was scared as hell to have such pain and my Mom nowhere near ;/
Got me an cast on my whole forearm, which I found quite wired, because only my thumb was broken. And it was summer... this thing itched so badly, I really wanted to tear my skin off, if I only could have reached it...
The only good thing was, because I'm right-handed, I couldn't write anything in elementary school for weeks ;D

So hopefully it isn't too warm where you are possibly not, your avatar considered ;) and you get well soon! : ) Oh, and of course, thank you for the train : )

8 years ago

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We call it a bat. :)

It's cold at the moment, but it should be warming up the next couple days! Can't wait. I'm tired of the cold.

8 years ago

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Theres not a single bone i did not break yet.
Nose(multiple times), Arm (twice), Collarbone, Shinbone, my big Toe on the right, but at least the hardest one, broken 4 Rips at once. (still dealing with the pain after 10 years) and a lot more broken bones i do not remember or i wont remember ^^

Anyway, hope you get well soon, always remember, What does not destroy you, makes you stronger. ;)

8 years ago

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Hope it heals quickly! Is it your dominant hand?

I have never broken a bone in my life. I drank a lot of milk as a kid. :P

8 years ago

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No, luckily it is my left hand. Which kinda does its own thing anyway. Never could use it to begin with. I'm not coordinated with it.

8 years ago

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Yeah, I am the same way. Completely uncoordinated and generally useless with my left hand. It's basically just there to help lift boxes and as a counterweight to keep me from tipping over to my right. :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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I've never broken a bone, thank God, but I did almost break my hip. It was about as painful as the time I dropped the refrigerator on my big toe. (They had to rip the toenail out, after.)

8 years ago

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Ah! I couldn't deal with that. Everyone at work was saying my nail would pop off. I think I'd rather die. I can't even cut my nails with clippers. It freaks me out.

8 years ago

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You'd be surprised what people can deal with when they have no choice. P

8 years ago

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I haven't broken a bone ever and I'm 42... :)

8 years ago

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You seem to know what to do, and what not to do.
Keep it up.

8 years ago

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Thanks a lot !

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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No I haven't although I was hesitant to write this answer in fear of jinxing it!
Thank you for the train !!!

8 years ago

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Yay bump!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I've only broken one bone, and that's my left index finger. I was in a car accident when I was four, and when I put my hands up out of fear, the airbag broke it. I got it in a cast and everything, but the bone never set right, so it's permanently crooked. (I mean, unless I go and get it.. broken back into place? Makes me shudder at the thought.)
Broken bones aren't ever fun, really hope it's better soon. I'd assume you have a cast or something of the sort on it. How long until it's off? o:

8 years ago

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ewww breaking it back into place does not sound fun at all.

No cast. They can't set it, because it is the last bone in the finger. It is split and the part nearer to the middle of my finger is pointing out. So I got referred to an orthopedist or whatever they are. Doc said 6-8 weeks to heal, but might require ortho to do surgery to fix where it is disjointed.

8 years ago

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Oh man, that sounds rough.. Hope things turn out well!

8 years ago

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I've never broken anything. At least that I know of.

8 years ago

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awesome!!! bump!!!

8 years ago

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I busted my head on a bank vault door when I's four or five ('cause my mind on da money).
Broke my ankle when I's pushed off a balance beam in second grade.
Broke my knuckle from punching a wall in junior high.
I'm lame.
please to be havink a speedy recoverink. and thanks for the train!

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Kairuku.