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im sorry im not buying the same game every god damn year and im not paying 13,99 euro's for recycled content once again.
besides there is to little innovation in my opinion.

1 decade ago

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And you bought ALL Counter-Strikes, lol. Same game with only new engine...

1 decade ago

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User score FTW! I don't trust those professional reviewers -_-'

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I've done 4 missions and it's safe to say that while I do like how much more open-ended it is, there's nothing exciting or new here

Hey it's the future

you wanna use cool sticky future gloves? It's a quicktime event.

You wanna do some cool wingsuit action? You can move left and right and press shift to auto adjust. Hooray.

You wanna use some future guns? There's a sticky grenade launcher of sorts and a scope that shoots a radar pulse that is practically useless

The 2nd mission gives you a stealth suit. Press 2 to go invisible. It's pretty fucking cool because your gun doesn't go invisible so it looks like a SPOOOOOOKY GHOST is reloading your gun. Is this used in any way? No. You activate the cloak and you're ready to be all stealthy, and BAM. GIANT EXPLOSION. NO CAMO. GET BACK ON YOUR ASS. TIME TO SHOOT THINGS.

I just finished a part where you can shoot a rocket launcher off of a sprinting horse with no consequence and that was pretty awesome, I'm not gonna lie. The horse doesn't give 2 fucks about it. He's the best horse ever.

1 decade ago

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Who gives a shit

1 decade ago

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I don't know who don't, but for sure you do, because you replied.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I got a Mass Effect 2 disk in my Black ops PC case. Seems legit.

1 decade ago

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At least you got something good.

1 decade ago

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I'm signing up to Metacritic just to write an honest review. Some seriously delusional people out there.

1 decade ago

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Fuck given - o

It's not shit, you know...

1 decade ago

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Until i win it.....

1 decade ago

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Dont look to "profesional" reviews, check the users opinion ...

1 decade ago

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Have to say that the MP is far better than MW3 (tried only the free weekend).

1 decade ago

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I bought all COD games (even the console one). Since I bought WaW I told myself each year I wouldn't buy another COD. MW3 was the worst game in the series, I played the mp for less than 10 hours. Yesterday I had the sudden urge to buy BO2. Mainly because the reviews were ok, and I had quite some fun with Black Ops 1 and because I'm getting bored playing BF3, CSGO and TF2.
I played mp for about 3 hours (which is a lot for me), completely lost track of time, and had a lot of fun with a friend of mine. The games runs very smooth, some of the maps are really cool (some aren't) and I really dig the new rewarding system (no more killstreaks hooray!).

1 decade ago

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Only review you should care about is one from your friend that has the same likes / dislikes you do. All the rest will just lead you to the wrong conclusion.

1 decade ago

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I believe the correct term is, trust yourself before you trust others.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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xbox... that says it all

1 decade ago

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it's actually not interesting AT ALL, it's a number without context

1 decade ago

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hmm. cod still sucks :P

1 decade ago

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What I hate is that a lot of people say "Oh this is CoD" then just mark it as a 1 without playing it.

1 decade ago

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I love that the majority of the people giving it 0's and 1's haven't even played the game.

1 decade ago

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Paid reviews.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Blordy.