Would it be a good idea to punish people who enter giveaways that was leaked to them?
Most people here already risk suspensions and don't give a fuck. I don't think they even know you can get suspended here.
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It's just one of those things where it is impossible to really prove that they have guilt of anything more than following someone's link. (unless there is proof that they posted a link, or gave out a link to someone)
Best method I've seen (think is was BluewolfCA who I first saw make a template and yes it was more geared for sgtools) is to tell the entrant in the header that they are entering a sgtool GA and if they got there any other way they should refrain from entering.
As for hidden GA or puzzle ones, can only think of ITH entrant list comparisons....and that would be a whole world of headaches.
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Yeah it happened to me and their "permanent suspension" for dodging Sgtools check by removing a multiwin to be a valid entry didn't even last 24 hours.
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Yes, but it's normally witnessed directly by us, while here all we have is information from a third party tool, so we'll have to wait for cg to decide if that's enough or not (or to see if he can get evidence from the website data).
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I post an indirect link on the forum, so it's not that I'm concerned who enters - everybody is welcome, as long as they play by the rules.
I don't want to make a group, I like the idea of random people having a chance. And I don't understand what it has to do with cv...
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Not sure what you mean.
You can utilize a filter from the start, and it can include a max entries limit if you wish.
In any case, if you do use a SGTools filter, staff honors its records and rerolls anyone not listed as a valid entrant on the filter [for leaked giveaway].
Of course, the OP doesn't seem to be concerned with the ability to reroll, but the fact that rerolling is all that happens, rather than any sort of punishment.
As far as your new player concern, all SG staff needs to do is send a warning to the user on their first [few] rerolls for the matter. After a certain point, staff can consider the leak-entry-habit intentional, by the quantity of rerolls for it and short delay between them.
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People will follow GA links on their steam feed so you should include a note about sgtools in the description. (Not all will read it though.)
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I mean, it's an issue but as far as we know for as much as it happens maliciously there's also a good chance it's incidental. Unfortunately, that's an exacerbating factor, and while I'm not happy about people who enter leaked giveaways I don't know the proper course of action. For example, I see links pop up in group chat. Most of those are okay, but a select few are leaked. Now, I read the descriptions and as far as I know they're all okay, but I would not necessarily know if it was behind an SGtools filter or not. Hopefully, my group members are being responsible, but I don't know that for sure.
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It's worth noting that if you report them to Kynys, they DO get added to a SGTools leecher-list [though I can't tell you what the exact function of it is]. so that's one way to poke at the matter.
On the surface, I'd say that's an overly strict approach, but in my experiences with the site, managing to access a leaked giveaway on accident is practically impossible- if you've got a friend giving you access, they're either an ass, or they'll tell you the conditions involved so you can properly enter [or make a judgement if you should risk entering through the leaked link].
Otherwise, you're getting it from a site or group that's dealing in such leaks, or you're a multi-account user.
So I don't see any inherent reason stricter considerations [ie, an internal counter of how many times a user has entered leaked giveaways, and a suspension at 5 reports, for example] shouldn't be considered.
Though I don't ever have any expectations of things on the site really being updated in any way. :P
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As I understand if you report them to Knsys they will not invalidly enter SGT protected giveaways again.
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If they get the link from "somewhere else" it's a leaked link.They can read GA Descriptions (if they really want),correct ?
If they ignore your request,blacklist them !
a) because they don't read/ignore your request
b) because they ignore/bypass the sgtool check
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...the info in the ga description is the last chance for these users to choose the good/bad path :P
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My answer referred only to giveaways created with Sg tools. Sg tools ban+new food for your BL should work :)
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Yes, I think people should get punished if they enter through a leaked link. First time offenders should get a 1 day suspension, just to show that it's not okay, and that they should consider the source of any giveaway link they get in the future. And then add 1 day for each time they enter something through a leaked link, up to say 10 times, after which they get banned.
edit In addition, if the GA creator has written in the GA description where they should have got the link from, it can no longer be considered a honest mistake if they enter from the wrong source, and they should get a longer suspension.
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I have a couple of invalid entries in my current puzzle, I am not using a template saying its sgtools protected in each GA. I tried to contact all of them using old giveaways of theirs. A couple (with -surprise- otherwise good profiles) responded within a day, apologized and left the GA (or joined via the valid link). They got the links from friends, who based on entry date and Steam friendlist are BL now. A couple ignored me and stayed in the GAs. One claimed not to understand the problem, based on insufficient english skills.
I don't think there has to be an additional warning inside the giveaways. If you get a link to a private giveaway by anyone other than the GA creator, you should be suspicious events here in the forum aside. If you join such a GA without asking the GA creator if the link was meant to be shared, I am all for a suspension.
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People who leak private giveaways are idiots. I believe most will agree with this...
But I'm also gonna say that a lot of the people who enter leaked giveaways are idiots. Yes, sometimes they're innocent and don't know they're not supposed to enter, but sometimes it really isn't that hard to tell.
So I would like to see them punished. As it is now, it's safe to enter. If you're caught you just say "oh, I didn't know...", and nothing happens. Maybe a reroll, but nothing to lose - so why not enter? If entrants risked suspension, I think most of them would think twice about entering leaked giveaways.
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