Hey everyone, I was wondering if there is a list somewhere that has all the removed games, including if they're still available for sale somewhere. Thanks ahead.

8 years ago

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edit: Please note that the timekillerz scanner is tailored for this Steam group "Removed Games Collectors" needs mainly: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/RemGC/
and they have a bit strict rules about what they consider removed.

8 years ago*

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As much as I love the "removed games" scanner, it's missing quite a few entries.

8 years ago

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can you give an example of missing entry?

that listing at timekillerz.eu is one of the most accurate available that I know.
perhaps those missing entries are in the "Purchase Disabled Games" section?

8 years ago

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Nope, not purchase disabled. The first one to come to mind is the first removed game I ever found in my library: Afterfall Insanity Extended Edition - https://steamdb.info/app/224420/subs/

Aerena: https://steamdb.info/app/247830/
Dollar Dash: https://steamdb.info/app/214320/info/

These are just a few easily identifiable when scanning my library on Barter.vg. Need to go through all the $0 since that tag overrides the "removed" tag visually.

Will need to search my library again for a complete list. Been slacking on my categorizing :P

8 years ago*

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Afterfall Insanity Extended Edition is not considered fully removed because can still be purchased at Steam Store via open sub:
http://store.steampowered.com/sub/18432/ (except in countries listed with price N/A at https://steamdb.info/sub/18432/)

Aerena was a Free To Play game. You may still be able to add the game to your account steam://install/247830 but main reason is the free to play status, regardless if there has been paid sub available.

Dollar Dash can be bought via open sub: http://store.steampowered.com/sub/25761

Just that the Steam Store page is missing isn't enough the game considered to be fully removed according to that removed games group.

edit: here's a good maintained listing about open sub games etc:

8 years ago*

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I'll grant Afterfall - I didn't know that was possible - but Aerena was not always F2P. License attachment from gifts purchased during that period, before they restructured and went F2P, were never migrated to the F2P appid. Hell, you can still find some of these gifts floating around.

8 years ago

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That timekillerz scanner is tailored for this Steam group's needs mainly: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/RemGC/
and they have a bit strict rules about what they consider removed.

There they say this about Aerena: "Every game that has a Free on Demand license it technically owned by anyone who clicks play, and is equivalent to having a paid version from before it went F2P according to the api."

Please if you have new information communicate it at the Steam Group discussions http://steamcommunity.com/groups/RemGC/discussions/search/?gidforum=611696927926638786&include_deleted=1&q=aerena
There the admins of the group will see your messages. I'm just a regular member of the group.

8 years ago*

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That timekillerz scanner is tailored for this Steam group's needs mainly: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/RemGC/ and they have a > bit strict rules about what they consider removed.

Yeah, I've read some of the past threads and dredged up some past drama about that group and how the scanner is "tailored". I used to want to gain membership (and missed the cut once when they did a yearly requirement increase), but now I'm more inclined to forget this scanner exists and just manually find my removed games,

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Why appears Arma 2 in the list if it still in the Steam store?

8 years ago

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http://steamdb.info/app/33900 is North American release of Arma 2. It is no longer available.

it is not the same as currently sold version https://steamdb.info/app/33910/

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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If you're still interested, I was just introduced to this: https://steam-tracker.com/apps/delisted
Pretty sure it's exactly what you want.

8 years ago

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Wow this is amazing, thanks alot this is Ideal!

8 years ago

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