Good deal?
It will be a part of uPlay+ so I will try it for free in September.
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I own nearly majority of their games so Uplay+ is not worth it to me, but I was missing Far Cry Primal Apex, so this is a good deal for me. I will just wait to see what they give away with Humble Bundle and Games with Gold monthlies before making the purchase.
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I'm serious hesitating on this one, it seems to be a very repetitive game. I'm not into grind, does the game have qualities i've missed?
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FC2 is more survival. you need anti malaria shots, weapons can got jammed mid a gunfight. It is way better and way harder than FC3. And there are many small details in game that I can't even beleave the game is that old
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To me, Far Cry 2 pivoted way too far though. So you have immersive sim elements, but the game not only disrespects your time, but it genuinely wants to waste it. The respawning enemies (no grace period for respawning), the constant driving across the map and so on.
There are a lot of elements I love from it, but there are also elements that just punish you for playing the game. Not to mention elements that exist just for the sake of it. Bus travelling is a great idea, but the game doesn't base anything around it, so it feels like a pointless thing to begin with.
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Apart from the respawning enemies, which don't keep respawning in front of you or anything, I felt FC2 respected my playing time just fine. Also, going in knowing about them, they don't feel as bad as the first time I tried to play the game when they kinda took everyone by surprise. Sometimes you can just drive right past them. You can always find a way to go around them (but that might take an equivalent time as it would have to fight them).
Also on my second years-later playthrough, I seriously wonder if a patch toned down the enemy vehicle chasing. I remembered them being ridiculously relentless, but didn't experience that at all on that full playthrough.
The bus stops were super helpful for an occasional fast travel option. It doesn't take you all the way, but you get a stop at each corner of the map, and the center.
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Absolutely agree. FC2 got boring and annoying real fast. I wanted to like it, but it just wouldn't let me. FC3 knew what it was and did that really well. The better game in my opinion. By far.
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Okay, so I actually have played through the entire thing and I even did it on the "Survivor mode".
With the Survivor mode, you'll have a decent amount of challenge to the game. You won't be a superhero and you won't be overpowered.
The main issue is that you won't know what to even grind. So, I actually killed all of the antagonists like 30% into the game. No joke. I literally just murdered the main villain almost the first chance I got. It was tough as nails, but I did it. But after that, the game didn't end. So I did side missions. But after doing all of them, that wasn't enough. Turns out I had to also get a load of materials to upgrade your village, which isn't rewarding at all and the resources are total bullshit. For example, some resources are rare, so you have to gather, say sticks, to get some rarer stick with it. Also, items have specialized areas. So you'll have clay, but there's "South clay" and "North clay", which is total bullshit. So finicky resource management, unrewarding village upgrading (literally no village management either) and unclear objectives for beating the game.
Far Cry Primal's really great if you're the type to just play a game until you get bored. But if you're interested in actually finishing it, it'll be a rough one.
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Side question, i never used BLAEO but untreated adhd me is intrigued about it, does it help you in any way to manage your games? If yes, how? I currently use trello for my "to play, playing, played" list and Joplin for in game notes.
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It's mostly good for getting an overview of what you have. BLAEO shows you which games you have playtime in, and how many achievements you have for each game. You can also create custom lists, to help organize things. I just create a new one every month, and add the game I beat that month to it, but I've seen people create lists where they put games they expect to be longer, or organize games by genre, that sort of stuff. And then you also have the handy information box in your profile, which shows you how many games you have, how many of those you've played, beaten, completed and marked as "won't play". BLAEO requires a bit of manual setting up, but I think it has at the very least helped me get a better overview of what I have. And I also leave mini-reviews there, which I can then easily find if someone asks me about a game.
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For one thing the setting is unique. I haven't played a AAA game based in the Stone Age before. That piques my curiosity.
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In reference to the comments above ,there's these cool mods:
Far Cry 2: Redux
Far Cry 3: Redux
2 versions of the mod available ,as steam version or pirate
Dev quote:
"If you're playing FC3 for the first time, and would like to use Redux, I recommend watching the intro "
Far Cry 4: Redux is in the works too.
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Sorry dont need another Farcry 3 copy pasta game from upaysoft there is more work in an indie game and more to play than in these copy pasta games! its a shame i really liked Farcry 2 and 3 and even the Assassins creeds but it became too much of an assassins greed!
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I spent 2 days playing this, it's definitely not a copy pasta..I have a sabertooth pet, a tribe and a huge map to explore for 4.40... 25,% completion atm and still feel like playing.
Not saying farcry 3 wasn't good, this is a completely different feel.
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I bought Apex Edition, but they appear to have only given me the base game in my client.
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Hello. I also bought the Apex Edition and got the same image as you got. Why doesn't the DLC list the Wenja Pack which should be part of the Apex Edition?
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On Epic store it's $3.84. it will link with your uplay account.
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Does that mean it will still show up in Uplay and that I will be able to play it there?
Update: I just checked EGS. The base game is $4.99 same as UPlay.
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Yes your will be able to play from uplay.
In EGS, It shows me $3.49 for standard and $3.84 for Apex edition.
And in Uplay it shows euro 5 for standard and 5.5 for apex.
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It must be regional pricing since it is $4.99 for the base game in the US at the EGS store for me. I will just buy it at Uplay which has the same price, since they developed the games themselves and deserve the bigger cut.
I will get the game as soon as I found out what comes free with Games with Gold next month which should be announced soon.
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Does anybody know how long this deal is going to last? I prefer waiting on what is going to be given away with Xbox Games with Gold in a day or so, as well as the Humble monthly deals?
Update: I think it is part of the Gamescon sale so it should be good until Sep 2 acc. to the Ubisoft website so I still have time.
2nd Update. I bought the Apex edition on UPlay for $5.50 plus 20% discount with Uplay credit promo.
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$5 for Standard or $5.50 for Apex edition for US.
You can get an extra $1 savings using your 100 Ubisoft Club units on a 20% off coupon as well, making it $4 or $4.50! Thanks to Aethyna for this heads up!
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