It would be very helpful if the bundle list was linked in the FAQ.
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No offense, but I think CG has more say over the matter than you :/
Note that in his message, he knew about the dev giveaway and still had Nuclear Dawn as an exception.
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We cleared this topic with cg. Nuclear Dawn will stay in the bundle list.
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Never realized Nuclear Dawn was in an indie royale bundle. Pissed I missed it...I've entered every ND giveaway I've been awake for since I joined SG.
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It does not affect me, but I am not so sure Postal 2 should be considered exploited, the dev giveaway was about 300 copies and people needed to earn them (not really possible to milk it for extras). I am sure most people, like myself, plan to activate or have activated their copy anyway.
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Postal 2 was in the BeMine3 bundle. Anyone who got a Desura key in that bundle also got a steam key (now)
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Ah that makes sense, thought it was the Greenlight promo.
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Thank you for the clarification! I do like Steamgifts a lot and I think everyone here does a great job.
One other suggestion...I noticed you posting in the thread I made, but didn't realize you were an "official" voice for the site, or a forum mod, or whatever. You should get yourself some flair (or at least a label) to identify yourself so idiot dense folks like myself will pay more attention. :) Also, a pokute is not a terribly authoritative avatar either. :)
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All of his actions are made under the supervision of the support staff, if I may add.
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IMO an expensive bundle like the Indie Royale shouldn't be on this list, it's not that different from buying a discount pack at Amazon. Same for games in some "over the average" bundles. So in the case of Nuclear Dawn I'd say that the bundle itself isn't the issue, but when it was given for free to those who already owned it that would be a good time to start considering it as "bundle".
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You don't get it, so let me give you a more detailed example. If you buy a bundle at Amazon.com for $7.50 and get, say five games with a total value of $100, then it's okay to get full value for them, but if you buy a bundle for $5 and get $60 worth of games it's not?
That makes no sense. I can see why free keys or $1 bundles will be treated in a special manner, but it makes no sense to treat expensive bundles as such when discounts of 90% or more are perfectly acceptable in all other cases.
(BTW, specifically about Indie Royale, it's against its rules to give away keys.)
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no i perfectly get it. You compare rare amazon/steam/gmg sales that have around 90% off with bundles that easily get you a 98% off. Or in your case it would have been rougly 70$ contributor for 1$. Ok,to be fair,the actual indieroyale is roughly 50$ for 4$. But then again 2 things: The bundles often give you not only the steam,but also the drm free,desure,whatever...basically multiple copys + the none steam games. You also have to count for the value,too. Doesnt matter if you dont use them,you buy them with the bundle. After all we dont know if you give away the steam copies and use the non steam copies for yourself. Try that on amazon. Also,as you already say,most bundle companies dont even allow giving the keys away.
TL;DR the bundle topic has been discussed a lot already,no need to do it again.
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"Ok,to be fair,the actual indieroyale is roughly 50$ for 4$."
So you admit that the discount is about the same. I don't find the frequency argument convincing. The one about giving away the Steam keys and keeping the others, well, I certainly don't like people doing it, but I also don't like rules which penalise the honest people on the assumption that people are dishonest.
"most bundle companies dont even allow giving the keys away."
We don't know that. Groopees and Indie Gala are okay with that. Indie Royale is specifically against it, and the Humble Indie Bundle normally doesn't give separate keys. It's hard to claim this for all the others.
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ok,if you dont wanna read my full text and only pick on some sentences I will rephrase it to "Ok,to be fair,the actual indieroayale is roughly 50$ on steamkeys + 100$ non-steam for 4$". Your arguments came up so often in EVERY SINGLE BUNDLE AND CONTRIBUTOR THREAD. Read through them to get a full overview why bundles games are on this list. I will add nothing further,good day.
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Ok, how about Amazon Square pack versus Indie Face Kick Wham Bam Bundle, fairly apples to apples I think as both were $10, yet one is a 'bundle game' but one is not. In fact Amazon was an even better deal in terms of contributor value it would be worth ($100 versus $70 by current steam prices).
Personally, I really don't care what is or isn't counted, I just wish that people would actually be consistent in their philosphy and application of rules
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yet you also didnt read my post. Dont count the steam value only if you count the value of a bundle. I miss the times were those bundle keys were forbidden...ever since the bundle rule every single thread about bundles turns out into a discussion with the same lame arguments that were discussed before the rule to allow bundle games existed.
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I did read your argument, but you obviously didn't check the facts of the bundle I mentioned. The steam keys were the only method the games could be gotten. The only other 'value' of that bundle was a single DRM free game, "Bridge It", which sells for $20 on the developer site, so even then still $90 versus $100 in total 'value'. The bundle had no desura or other drm free versions, hence my initial statement that it was a fairly apples to apples comparison.
Thus even by your calculation of a bundle's total value, this would be on par with the Amazon bundle's total value, as duplicate methods to get the games weren't included in this one.
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Well I don't get it what is the point then? I'm not trying to say the rule should go away, because this specific instance is wrong, but that this instance should be corrected to conform to the rules (assuming the basis of the rule is the price paid versus overall value of a bundle). E.g. I'd be perfectly OK with the decision that then the Amazon bundle gets added to the 'bundle list', or to be told the rule's basis is in some other aspect, such that these two examples are no longer materially the same.
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If you hate the lame arguments so much, please stop making them.
You're triple counting the value of an Indie Royale, right? Counting both Desura and free versions are extra value, when they aren't. They are only if you're doing something which is obviously wrong, treating each game as several copies. So stop bullshitting.
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No, but the total value of the bundle is around $50. That's for games on Steam and games not on Steam, as long as you don't count games more than once. Also few people get the bundle at $4. So your $50+$100 for $4 is a severe exaggeration. It's more like $50 for $5.
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"We don't know that."
Groupees : The Service is only for sales of products or product rights (collectively, "Products") to end user customers for their personal, non-commercial use.
Indie Royale : Sharing Steam keys because you already own a game in the bundle is not allowed.
Humble Bundle : The Service is only for sales of products or product rights (collectively, "Products") to end user customers for their personal, non-commercial use.
More specific humble bundle : Unfortunately, if you already have a game in the bundle you will not be able to gift the extra games to a friend. Please consider your bundle a "unit", and not to share copies of the games or Steam keys from it. If you'd like to give a copy of the games away, we have a system in place that allows you to buy a gift key from www.humblebundle.com so your friends can have access to direct downloads as well as any Steam or other keys we have included.
Indie Gala : The Service is only for sales of products or product rights (collectively, "Products") to end user customers for their personal, non-commercial use.
It's not hard to claim at all, just some of them are more lenient than others on enforcing that.
Also, according to this thread :
There's no longer a restriction on what games can be given away, assuming they're not guest passes or beta keys. Anything found in the drop down menu when creating a giveaway is allowed. If you're gifting a game from a bundle, please review that bundle's terms of service to ensure you have permission to do so.
The old system was there to follow the various bundles' rules. All giveaways suspected to be bundle games were getting removed and the creators banned (not temporarily suspended). The change came because tons of members were submitting the keys and they could not be monitored any more, not because it's "legal".
Don't want to argue about values or anything, just wanted to mention that DonVino is right in "most bundle companies dont even allow giving the keys away".
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Hmm is it the 'personal use' that you're interpreting against giving it away? My understanding was that clause was to prevent you from buying it for business use E.g. buying it then allowing people to play it in an internet cafe setting.
Things like physical DVDs are also sold with similar clauses. You can watch them, but your can't use it to run a movie theatre. But you still can give away the dvd when you're done. Of course digital goods are usually more restrictive that their physical counterparts because companies can get away with it.
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Caveat: I Am Not A Lawyer, but typically any software or media I've bought has had 'for personal use only' clauses on them. That means you can't use it to run a business for profit but can use it personally. A commercial use would be selling or renting for a profit, a personal use would be giving it away or letting a friend borrow it. The distinction between personal versus commercial isn't what you do with it per se, but whether you're making a profit from it.
I believe the wording where you can't give things away usually is when you're hit with language like "non-transferrable", like in the Steam Subscriber Agreement.
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"It's not hard to claim at all, just some of them are more lenient than others on enforcing that."
None of them are enforcing it. The rest is your interpretation. Indie Gala told me that I can give away separate keys, therefore I can tell with certainty that they allow it. Groupees, the first time I tried to gift and wasn't sure how, told me to buy the bundle and give away the keys.
So to answer your "correct me if I'm wrong" below, consider yourself corrected.
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As I also mentioned, "Indie Royale and Humble are quite specific on the issue. Can check with the other ones since I didn't see details on those".
I wasn't being offensive, just wanted to point out their ToS. I also found a post pointing out to Indie Gala being alright with sharing separate keys, still unsure about groupees but I'll take your word for it.
Thank you for informing me.
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Well, I think a reduction for contributors value for people who gifted something in the past is wrong. It just shows that this site dont stay to their own rules and screws the users. When you say Person A gets X points for a game, you cant change your opinion and remove the points some months later.
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Well I lost contrib for this and my copy was a tradeable one if sg wait this long to put as a bundle why keep it at bundle?
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Yes, because people get around it by submitting the key as individual games.
Check out the giveaways created for Amnesia around the time it was in the bundle.
If we put a time limit on bundles people will just save the keys for x months and then submit them. People will always try to abuse the system unfortunately.
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So if the game was gifted before it became a bundle game, would you get full contributor value for it? (Just wondering what my value would be if Nation Red went on a bundle in the future, but either way I'm not bothered... Obviously more value is better but it's not crucial.)
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Is there any way to see your total if bundle games were at 100% value? Thanks.
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So..if I bought copies of games like say Torchlight 1, and wanted to gift it, I would not get the full credit for it even though I did not acquire it from Indie Bundles?
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If you bought to give it away and get contribute, you should first go and try to create a giveaway and see if it has "*" near the name of the game.
Since it makes no differnce here if you giveaway giftable copy or key, you won't get the full contribute.
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I've recently added some missing/overlooked games to the Bundle Games list, so some of you may have seen your contributor drop and since I've seen a lot of threads/complaining regarding this I thought I'd try to clear it up a little.
One game in question has caused some controversy, Nuclear Dawn. This was originally marked as a bundle game but was removed by cg. I've readded it as it is a bundle game. Even if many of the copies given away on SG were not around the time of the bundle the copies that were given away were free copies from the developers. Also, many people who got the free copy got it because they had the bundle to begin with.
Another note, even though these games are called "bundle games" it does not mean that this list is restricted to bundles only. Large scale developer giveaways are also included like the Lucid/Faerie Solitaire Reddit giveaways or the Summer Seal giveaways.
Finally, another complaint I've heard often is people don't know what games are considered bundle games. There are two ways you can check this,
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