It looks really nice but i doubt you will make it in time. you will need like 900+ votes to be in the top 50. since this is the last patch everybody is trying to boost himself in ;)
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Well I didn't mean to "earn on someone's glory", no, I just thought it would be fun, you know, "chemistry", "Breaking Bad"... I doubt that there are some copyrights or trademarks or that AMC will be interested in it, but I will probably change it because of stupid hate to me in the comments. I really didn't expect this hateful reaction.
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If you were making a full-on parody of the TV series, all would be good. But I'm fairly certain that this wouldn't qualify. So you'll almost certainly need to change the name and logo.
P.S. A few passing jokes would not be enough to qualify, it would need to be a true parody.
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Even then he would be asking for trouble. Parody is a defense, not a shield of protection. AMC could still file a dcma and then the dev would have a chance of defending himself under parody.
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I doubt that there are some copyrights or trademarks or that AMC will be interested in it
American law stipulates that you must vigorously defend your copyrghts/trademarks so you lose them. Doesn't matter how small you are, if AMC finds this, they will file a DCMA first and ask questions later. It's not worth the hassle.
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A very commonly perpetuated myth, but not actually correct.
Myth #11: If I don’t defend my copyright I may lose it
False. Copyright protection is effectively never lost, unless explicitly given away or the copyright has expired. However, if you do not actively defend your copyright, there may be broader unauthorized uses than you would like. It is a good idea to pursue enforcement actions as soon as you discover misuse of your copyright protected material.
Trademarks, too:
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Although icon has been changed, I have to mention (thanks to Ozpicious):
Unprotected Materials
Titles, names, short phrases, and slogans; familiar symbols or designs; mere variations of typographic ornamentation, lettering, or coloring; mere listings of ingredients or contents.
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Well, sadly is not up to him to decide that, its up to the court (and if you can't afford a lawyer you lose), luckily noone will sue him if he doesn't make enough dough.
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Doesn't matter if he has money or not. The law is all or nothing on these kind of things.
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he just started ban ppl :О
I just thought it would be fun, you know, "chemistry", "Breaking Bad"..
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I already explained my mistake and I unbanned them all, so calm down, please.
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Well apart the fun, I made it in honor of that show because it was really good and so people can remember that, maybe someone will go re-watch it again, some people probably could discover it for themselves. I personally know people who doesn't know that show. But some people just can't see good intentions. And although some people rated the fun part, others started to shout that I stole smth, like if I robbed exactly them. However, enjoy new icon now...
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Exactly! Name is just commong saying. Did I "steal" folk phrase and distorted it? LOL.
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Looks fine, just dont make a meme for its cover, its the first thing people notice and it just reduces expantancies to "oh, its just another one of THOSE games "
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You don't have much detail about the game provided, and it seems to only have a time attack mode, which limits the breadth of its appeal. You may want to consider adding more customization and gameplay modes [assuming they don't exist, given the lack of detail] and expand on detail in the description.
A good greenlight page is very similar to a good store page- treat it like you're aiming for customers, rather than putting up a half-hearted blurb, and it'll come across a lot less dubious and a lot more compelling.
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Well, more details to be added. I am bad at composition though. XD So I have to ask my friends to say something, maybe. Or not.
About "more content", some people said that "there are a lot of everything", so opinions are different. It is simple as for me, but I am the creator of it, so yes, it is simple for me of course. But it seems it is not that simple for some of people (according to recalls). I am not sure that adding even more stuff won't scare others.
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As it is my first game on Greenlight, I haven't worked with Steam API yet, but I really want to implement achievements as well as add cards and maybe something else. Thank you for support.
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Looked interesting, so I decided to gave it a vote. Hope it gets past Steam Greenlight!
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Gave you a vote. As someone said earlier, you should change the logo and choose a better name.
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I have changed icon 3 hours ago. Thank you for vote!
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I've just explained the gameplay. Check the main link!
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Do you mean call the bump itself somehow? Can you provide some example please so I get it right?
Thank you for support, I appreciate that! I tried to make simple but quality product and not a shovelware. I will do my best to add cards and achievements. We haven't decided about price yet. However, if it will be in the store, we will make a lot of different sales (it is right of devs and not of steam as far as I know). And as stated above, yes, I (or we) will make some giveaways here, but it is not bribe in any sense.
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No copyright problems with the name, is it just distorted/inverted common saying. Also:
Unprotected Materials
Titles, names, short phrases, and slogans; familiar symbols or designs; mere variations of typographic ornamentation, lettering, or coloring; mere listings of ingredients or contents.
However, there is possibility that we will change it...
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Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn OP name themed bump ! Voted, by the way, because every puzzle game deserves a chance :)
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Music has been added!
By the way, what is the culture of trains/chains? I saw some in other threads, still new to it.
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This has been brought up before, but I suggest you guys remove any references to Breaking Bad, especially if it's not related in any way.
I think it will really stain your game's name if you promote it by associating it with another form of media, pop culture, a brand etc. It looks bad and will put many people off, they will think it's just another meme filled joke-game, which are usually trash.
This game, on the other hand, is not like that. I like the idea, it's interesting and different from what you usually see, and it looks pretty polished, so the correlation between it and ...whatever else that's unrelated but exists already, will do it more harm than good. Even if the name sounds somewhat quirky. :)
Good luck on getting Greenlit!
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Thank you very much! We will discuss this in our team.
I wonder what this icon next to your nickname is. Is it your birthday today?
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You are very welcome, I really hope that you succeed and that my tip will prove useful.
That thing has been brought to my attention a few times recently. It's my so-called "cake-day", my Steamgifts anniversary. I joined SG exactly one year ago. ^^
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2,434 Comments - Last post 33 minutes ago by misterhaan
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We made casual/puzzle game called Breaking Good. It's kind of match-3 game about chemistry yet it's unique. There are 1 puzzle with 4 views and more than 900 chemical compounds to solve.
If this game will be on Steam, we will giveaway some copies on this site. ;) But of course we don't beg for votes or else.
Thank you for attention.
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