Is it over for humble bundle?
I saw the thread as well and immediately started going through my backlog to check and backup things.
I've been a Humble Bundle customer since 2014 so it's deeply worrying to see that ToCs can be changed so suddenly without any notice.. Is it even legal to have this happen retroactively to purchases made way before the new ToCs came into being?
i.e. for those who haven't seen the thread, here is the link:
I'm really worried given there's been so many keys out of stock lately and really soon as well, and I've been waiting on quite a few keys (for example, the Humble Heroines: Action, Adventure, & Intrigue +Encore bundle which has 6/7 out of stock since literally the same month that it went on sale).
Curious about others who have been impacted by this sudden change and how widespread the impact is. It really makes me weary about making future purchases at Humble. In the past Humble has been fairly consistent with restocking and replenishing keys, and generally always been my go-to for bundles, so seeing this had really saddened me as a long term loyal customer of Humble Bundle.
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Already found quite a few keys that can no longer be redeemed.. Will update as I go...
Humble Choice June 2021
Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI Platinum Edition
Milky Way Prince - The Vampire Star
DESOLATEHumble Choice February 2021
Lovecraft's Untold Stories
Boomerang FuHumble Choice November 2020
Darksiders III
Humble Choice September 2020
Strange Brigade
Humble Choice August 2020
Call of Cthulhu
The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters
"Oops! This game key is no longer available.
It has been over 3 years since purchase, exceeding our terms of service.
Need help? Contact our support team here."
Humble Jumbo Bundle 11
"This content has been removed. We apologize for any inconvenience."
--> I'm not sure if this is the same issue as the other expired keys, but this key is gone.
Seriously, this is very disappointing... there were never any notice about these games going to be made expired after 3 years at all, and it was certainly not in HB's terms of service to expire them when these purchases were made.
Update: I'm noticing that most of these expired keys belong to monthly Choice bundles, interesting...
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My heart sank when I saw this thread. I went in and checked Darksiders 3, thinking that I should be unaffected because the key was revealed, only to be met by a message same as yours.
The key literally disappeared in front of my eyes!!!
Luckily, I do backup all the keys, and that worked, I could activate the key just fine.
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I know, right? The whole situation is completely bonkers. Why obscure a previously revealed key - an assigned/reserved key. It makes no sense to do so.
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Yes! Scary stuff out there! I need to go through my 9 pages of unrevealed as well. Worst decision of theirs EVER!
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This makes me angry. That is a serious injustice to take away something you paid for.
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I'd already redeemed mine, but went to check the bundle to see if they show that message. Nope, they're still showing me the key at the link for the bundle and the one from my purchase history.
I don't think there's any way for them to tell if a key's been redeemed or not, so maybe they're starting to back down from the change? Otherwise, it sure looks fishy that they're hiding keys only if they haven't been redeemed.
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Thanks for the update! I've also redeemed all of mine 2 days ago. There was about 9 pages of keys and not one of them had been Oopsied, which makes me think you might be onto something there.
Nonetheless, we should not put our guard down.
P.S. Still kinda pissed that there are several keys where they basically said: "Welp, we might restock them, we might not. Here, we are keeping our hands clean by now telling you that it is up to the dev and not us." WHY do they even sell more than they have?
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Adding to your list:
Tabletop Playground
Werewolf: The Apocalypse Heart of the Forest - Exhausted, might come back
S.W.I.N.E. HD Remaster
Per Aspera
As a side note, I checked June 2021 and had no trouble getting a key for Civilization VI. That was roughly half an hour or so ago.
Edit: Actually, I just realised that's likely because I'm from Germany; Europe got a different version.
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Domina has been gone for years.
The reason why its gone is that the dev got banned on steam and got their game pretty much removed everywhere.
Edit: While I did redeem it, I also got
Flat Kingdom Paper's Cut Edition
This key is no longer available. We apologize for the inconvenience!
Not sure how long this has been the case tho. And it doesnt give the same error as thread OP did
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Domina seems to be a delisted game, so it makes sense they can't get any more keys for it.
But for games that still exist and are being actively sold, just deciding after the fact that they're not going to honor their agreement is very shady.
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i just reveal darksiders 3 (november 2020) RL to and redeem it
maybe for some region only? or until the key is out of stocks?
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Very interesting, I tried to reveal Call of Cthulhu a few days ago and it gave me a Key temporarily exhausted message. It still shows that and there is a Reveal your Steam key button too.
I would think they actually fucked up with their way of handling keys. If your key was already revealed, when they run out of keys and it's been over 3 years, it shows that message and you can no longer see your key. In my case as I tried to reveal the game just now, I still get the old message instead.
Maybe they wanted that message to show to people who didn't reveal their key before, but instead they show it to those who did, while hiding it for them to no longer access it if they don't have a backup.
I'm in the EU if that matters.
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Rising Storm 2: Vietnam + 2 DLCs from August 2019 Humble Monthly have the same issue
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What the hell :o Didn't see that, all of my key on the site were purchased way more than 3 years ago, it's pretty horrifying to think they can just disappear like that. First the ban for using link too much no that, they really want to kill the trade system... which is a bit nonsensical ??? I don't get it really
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No idea but to add my point to this is it Legal for Humble to sell games they don't even have anymore stock for? I mean I was lucky to get the recent charity Fanatical bundle but at least they only sold what they had and not sell 100k bundles and have half the games missing
I mean Humble bundles have been been bad with bundles recently anyway - I mean mostly either nothing or re-bundles from old (which isn't always bad but doesn't fill us with hope on new deals with new partners or games) and look at how poor choices was for February
One thing I don't get is why these companies and maybe it is to do sometimes with law and other times the dev/publishers ask for region locks but choices for February is so ugly with them it would be hard to trade the games you don't want (which for me is all of them - so I don't even bother buying anymore)
What is weird is the games which have the time locks for when it must be used by? I mean one of them is My Little Universe (use by 3 March 2026) - I mean why it isn't like it was selling very well 5 times bundled already and has less than 1k official store reviews and been out over 1.5 years already - don't pretend anyone will buy it when the keys no longer work (chance are they'll just bundle it again anyway)
Oh wow seen a "Nested Lands Playtest" has been add that is totally value now Humble a playtest which you can just ask to be included anyway for the store page - and most likely will die because no one who buys bundles for $10 for about 8/9 games will send £££ on it after (which is their plan I bet)
I hope we see better from Humble soon but I don't think we will - bundle days will soon be in the past sadly
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From the TOS, last updated December 2024:
In some cases due to various reasons, a key may not be available to replenish and in such cases, Humble Bundle may offer the same game on a different platform (“Alternate Keys”) if this is a possibility. In cases where Alternate Keys are not available to replenish, Humble Bundle is not obligated to provide them. Keys, including Alternate Keys, for all games, whether bought in a Bundle, Humble Choice subscription, or individually, must be redeemed within 3 years from the purchase date. Humble Bundle shall not be obligated to provide any keys, including Alternate Keys, to games that are unredeemed within aforementioned timeframe and thus become expired.
Totally and completely against EU laws. If you sell something that is not available, and you don't restock within three years, you can not say "Whoopsie, too bad, thank you for your money, have a nice day".
They are setting themselves up for a lawsuit.
To clarify: If you let a key sit unredeemed for over three years, you take part of the blame. This situation is not clear cut.
But if you buy a bundle, can't redeem a key because they are already out of stock, Humble doesn't provide a new key within three years and then says, they won't, because the key is expired, then yes, this is fraud and they will be sued under EU law.
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Yeah, this feels so insanely anti-consumer. Especially since we already paid for these keys.
They should either give the keys or give a partial refund for keys that are unable to be delivered.
What's really worrying is that they are applying these ToCs to purchases retroactively, without any notice AND these new ToCs were NOT in place when we made these purchases AT THE TIME OF PURCHASE. It was not the condition at the time of purchase that keys will expire after 3 years. And often the keys that are unable to be redeemed earlier were because they were out of stock and people have been waiting for them to be delivered.
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Under EU law, since 2019, a gift card should have no expiry date, or be valid for at least 5 years. Shouldn't the same apply to Steam keys? They are pretty much a redeemable voucher for a game.
It's different if you received it for free. But when you paid money for it, they shouldn't be able to just remove them without notice.
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Yeah I'm 150% sure this "new" policy applied without any announcement retrospectively is illegal under consumer laws in Europe.
If they had announced that this was a policy from now on, that would be one thing but on keys you already own and were not told in advance you had to redeem under a certain time frame?
They don't want to give us the keys? No problem. Give us our money back then.
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This is the situation I have with Tabletop Playground from December 2020 Choice. I've never had a restock email, and the last time I manually checked was 2024-09-26. That's more than the above quoted 3 years, yet it just says keys are temporarily exhausted. Trying again today I get the same "temporarily exhausted" message. And this is for a game they still sell.
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So sad that companies are allowed to sell these items fraudulently. Well knowing that they do not have items they promise. They should be prosecuted for this.
I understand problems if publishers invalidate keys, and then it should be up to them to sue them in court get money back and return it to customers...
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Its been some time since I see actions around Humble really shady. Selling bundles while games aren't available and they don't even care to refresh them, now even revoking them after time?
Some time ago I asked Humble about region restriction for a giveaway of Hogwarts legacy. It was bought in store near release, basicaly just with sale from using choice. Rude support worker started threat me with ban if I pay like 50€ for new release section of store to giveaway it...
It feels to me like that site is kinda scamming customers in name of charity.
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That is why I no longer use them or give them money
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Yeah, it's crazy. In contrast, Fanatical don't give a toss if you give away keys that you purchased from them. They pretty much encourage it.
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What the hell are they thinking???
I reckon there will be so many lawsuits and complaints left and right that they will quickly backpedal. If not, we need to organize something and fight against this blatant disrespect and, essentially, fraud.
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Yes. I experienced "ran out of keys" as well as the "exceed service time" when I went to activate my keys. The ones lying there are the games genres I don't play so would normally gift to someone else. Still, it is annoying to say the least. I am really considering just cancelling my Humble Choice which has been running from 2018. Bundles nowadays are total rubbish in my opinion with very little that piques my interest.
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I have keys from way way way back, but basically none new. Mine are unrevealed, because that was how I tracked what I had used. So far, none of these (like the Turkiye-Syria earthquake bundle or older, Indie 19, etc) have been disappeared.
I'm copying them now though, to sprinkle giveaways in various places, just to not worry about it though. Definitely sours my thoughts of buying future bundles from them. Luckily the prices have been high for my interest in what the bundles contain. I had been tempted by a monthly choice here or there though, and the keys always running out without notice (like the way Fanatical notifies) definitely reduces my impulse buy desires.
I wonder if these newer keys were under a Terms of Service where it stated something like "we can change our TOS or ha ha no keys for you, if we want".
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My black book key from choice that I revealed in September was also a dupe. I contacted humble support and they gave me $8 wallet credit for it today because they said they cannot replace it.
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My Black Book key from revealed earlier today from the IGN Fan Fest '24 bundle turned out to be a duplicate a few minutes later....
I'm not going to contact Support about it because don't really want to draw their attention to the fact that my linked account already has the game.
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I created a support ticket and received $8 wallet credit. I also had Black Book at linked Steam account, but I don't do anything against the terms of service, I think. They have giftlink functionality for keys, and I don't think it's against ToS to occasionally gift keys.
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The point is, humble have been warning customers for years.
Or, at least, customers on steamgifts have been warning people for years.
If people continue to ignore this then shame on them.
I’m not justifying their practices, just presenting the facts people should already be aware of.
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This is also my perspective.
Everybody should already have been planning for keys having a shelf life.
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Who/how have they been warning people?
Aware of what?
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They literally make posts and put it on the sales pages that keys can/will expire or that keys can become exhausted. Why should we have to go back to point you to something you should have read in the first place? Slow down and read instead of hitting the buy button.
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Keys expiring is different to this new rule they've imposed and you know it.
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I can take two things from this.
1)Stop stockpiling keys
2)Stop buying keys for games you don't intend to play or whatever in the near future
I guess they really fall under the same umbrella and seeing as I actually do practice what I preach I'm thoroughly unaffected. I rarely buy anything and when I do I use it within 24 hours. I've started doing the same around here, I only enter for things I know I will play. I sit at 400 or more points 99% of the time.
As for keys being exhausted quickly, that's frustrating to be sure but you are literally paying pennies on the dollar for these games AND a lot of that goes to charity. I think most people seem to forget it's actually about the charities not the games. The games were just added to entice people who would otherwise not donate because they don't get anything from it. So at the end of the day if you see a bundle you like then jump on it and use the keys immediately for the best results. And if you are more worried about the games than the charities then I suggest using various key sites instead. You will likely spend less money as people are, more than likely, buying thousands of bundles at the absolute minimum and reselling the keys to make a few cents. Seems silly but people do dumber stuff to make a buck, people still walk down the road with plastic bags collecting soda cans. Also you will get only the games you want. I've bought over a thousand keys and every single one worked. So pick your poison.
Donate to charity because you have extra cash and it's the moral thing to do. Don't donate to charity for personal gain, that's what politicians and other wealthy people do.
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Humble's thing is not "donate to charity and get games", for that you can look at something like Yogscast Jingle Jam. Humble's pitch is "Buy games from us, and a portion of the purchase goes to charity". The important part is buying games, not the charity, charity is just an extra incentive and good PR/advertisement for Humble.
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You didn't invalidate anything I said. Just because you flipped the wording around changes nothing. If you don't want to support charity and all you are worried about is keys for games you aren't going to play anyway there are plenty of other and cheaper avenues. If you want to support charity and get some extra keys then Humble is a good, always there unlike Jingle Jam, option. You seem to be operating under the opinion that Humble is somehow making out like a bandit off Joe Bob's minimum purchases, a portion of which goes to charity. Maybe you are forgetting that a portion also goes back to the developers? I mean it is a business and it does have operating costs. Why so many people want to demonize Humble is beyond me. Just don't shop there and move on.
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I didn't mention anything about developers?? I was making the distinction of how people buying Humble isn't because of charity, charity is just a plus. Humble and the developers profit from our purchase, as they should for their work. But if you want to talk about charity then something like Yogscast Jingle Jam is more fitting since 100% of the money goes to charity. I don't really understand why you have to bring charity into this whole thing when this whole topic is about Humble screwing over their customer by saying "No we won't warn you beforehand when taking away what you already bought".
As for cheaper avenues, if you are talking about grey market sites and you actually think that's a legit avenue then idk what to tell you, maybe you can look up how those sites rob developers of their money?
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humble stopped being about charity once they got bought out by a multi million dollar media conglomerate known as IGN. that was back in 2017 and i'm still hearing these "humble is for charity" publicity mottos. your argument falls through entirely when it's publicly known that they made sure to impose limits on the percentage you can give to charity when it was possible to give 100% before.
as for the "Stop buying keys for games you don't intend to play or whatever in the near future" argument, have you ever encountered the issue of buying a bundle with the intention of donating the money to charity (which isn't possible any more) and getting steam keys for games you already own? a steamgifts user would scoff at it and say "well, duh, you give them away on steamgifts!" okay, what about the users who don't know about steamgifts in the first place?, a.k.a. i'd wager, a large amount of humble customers?
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With Humble Bundle always reveal and activate or store ALL keys you buy, or risk losing them forever! A big part of their business model is to only purchase as many keys from developers/publishers as they think will be revealed, NOT how many will be bought! For restocks they allow a certain margin of error (users who tried to reveal but which there weren't enough keys for) before even considering buying more.
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I'm waiting for literal years for Humble to replenish keys for Robo Quest from November 2022 and Fogive me Father. Always getting message like that:
"Keys are temporarily exhausted for this product
As soon as we receive more keys, we will add them to this page and send you an email.".
I guess after seeing this thread i know they change their tune to "Whoopsie. There's no key for ya ever" soon. Meh. How it's legal to sell stuff ya dont have. It's kinda beyond me. Yes.
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Hey, I was able to receive my key for RoboQuest last February when I sent a ticket. Others on Steam and Reddit mentioned that they were sending keys only when people asked for them, so I gave a try and it worked for me. Did you contact support? I think I can find the message somewhere, but I remember it was important to mention in it that other users received help directly from Humble Support.
I didn't even know about Forgive Me Father though. Support hasn't been able to help me with Black Book for at least 6 months, so who knows.... I hope you can get it all worked out! This whole thing with keys exhausting is... exhausting!
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RoboQuest keys were being provided to people who reached out to HB Support, but for some reason they did not add them to the bundle automatically like they should. I was able to get my key in this way. Yes.
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I just noticed an email from them 2 days ago and it was that they have keys for Forgive me Father (claimed it today just fine).
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Finally time to store my keys in a text file. I like having unrevealed keys so I can be sure I am not gifting or trading used keys. Dealing with the occasional (though increasingly more common) "Keys are temporarily exhausted for this product" message was annoying, but having keys taken away like this is unacceptable.
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I like having unrevealed keys so I can be sure I am not gifting or trading used keys.
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I'm sad to say I missed the warning signs, though I was able to redeem quite a few keys in September last year. I don't recall banners or anything telling me to back things up.
I still had some unrevealed and unredeemed keys. Very unfortunate, but tbh the quality of games I didn't redeem was not the best either.
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My gotham knights and my loddenauts key are out of stock. This borders scam... And i remind people saying is just charity and all that theyre still a bussiness profitting from this and getting a % of the money (moreso since the change of owners).
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So. I am just thinking. How can we be sure humble won't put in bundles games which they actually never plan restock keys for?
Lets say humble release a bundle for 30€ with Wukong, Cyberpunk 2077, Hogwarts or idk what are some top wanted games now along with common bundle filler. First 5 customers get a new game, rest "sorry, we will restock game later" error. Then just they will ignore it for three years.
Reminder now they have a set min and you can't lower humble share profit to 0.
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Exactly. Fanatical has bundles that have keys limits and they say it as they sell the bundle.
They remove the games from the bundles as they sell out. They don't pretend it's fine and then announce ninja-add it to their TOS that it's your bad.
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They are purposely overbooking or at least underbuying keys. They have calculated that a certain amount of people buy bundles and never request the key. So if 20% of people never request a key for bundles, they are gambling they can underbuy the keys by 20% and save money.
Or if they are key limited by the publisher, they will overbook the bundles with the same assumption that a certain percent of people will never request the key.
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I'd guess that this isn't exactly it. I think it's more like the agreement with a publisher is for the publisher to provide something like 80 keys for every 100 bundles they get paid for.
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I will not be surprised if the next stage is: Oops, you redeemed this game way to late, now you can't have it. Game revoked.
Not having keys to supply anymore is one thing, but after having it revealed to be removed from your not-so-Humble account is next level douchebaggery (most likely illegal at least in Europe? ). They have the "3 year clause" for "Choice" but nowhere does it say that even if you redeemed it it will be removed from your account, after 3 years.
I am wondering whether games that have been activated after this "It has been over 3 years since purchase" mesage (had you saved it somewere), are in danger of being revoked at a later date.
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Yep, I was thinking ahead that maybe they would flag keys or bundles and send them/notify/alert the publisher to revoke them, or something along those lines.
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And your point is? Surely you realize that for all of these actions on revoking keys and removing keys the publishers are involved in the decision.
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I just saw reddit topic "Humble expiring keys instead of replenishing?" and I was very worried as I think I have some keys left there. Anyone here observed an incident yet?
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